Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Business and Management Mangaluru in association with SELCO foundation have conducted a National Conference on ‘Social entrepreneurship – a gateway of societal transformation’ on February 11, 2020 at 9:30am in the conference hall , our final year students: Ms. Pavithra and Ms. Shruthi varier had got an opportunity to participate in this workshop.
The inaugural session and session 1 was started at 9:30am. The inaugurator of the conference was Mr. Ashwath Hegde, the founder and Managing Director of EnviGreen Biotech India Pvt. Ltd. Bengaluru. He shared his life experience and how he became a successful social entrepreneur. He also enlightened us with the three T’s (Trouble, Technology and Tackling) and two D’s (Dedication and Desire) which are key points to be successful as an entrepreneur. The Guest of Honor was Mr. Rakesh, the Deputy Manager, Department of Relationships and Communication KMC Hospital, Mangaluru. He, taking the example of Aravind Eye Hospital explained us what is social entrepreneurship. He said the social entrepreneurship is addressing one of the social problems and empowering people and idea of business should be a sustainable one. Mrs. Aruna P Kamat, the Principal of SDM College, Mangaluru also gave a good speech on social entrepreneurship. And the inaugural session was ended with a vote of thanks which was given by Ms Maya, student of the College. Later the Keynote Speaker Mr.Sudipta, who is an AGM at SELCO Solar Pvt Ltd Bengaluru, took over the session. He talked about ‘Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development’. He took banana seller example, how a banana seller without an MBA Degree does Business Management and never gets out of the same business. He also said social entrepreneur means ‘Commonsense of what is good and what is bad and converting it into a business idea’.
The second session was commenced at 11:20am which was handled by the Resource person, Mr. Arun Kaulige, founder and Managing Director Kaulige Foods, Millets Bengaluru. He talked on opportunities and challenges in social entrepreneurship and also gave us a glimpse on his organization.
Then the conference was temporarily ceased for a lunch break and started the third session which was handled by Mr. Parthasarathy, the Senior Manager, Projects and Mission Department SELCO Solar Light (P) Ltd, Bengaluru. He talked about ‘Employment generation in social entrepreneurship’ and also talked about how his organization, one of the social enterprises provides employment to the society. He also pointed that English is not a major factor to be a good employee while knowledge in that particular field is a major factor.
After 2:15pm the conference hall was left for the presenters to present their papers. The chairperson was Dr. Harshitha K, who is an Assistant Professor, MBA department, SDM College of Business Management Mangaluru. And the conference was ended up by 4:30pm.