A Library Orientation Programme for the First year M.Sc students was held on 04 January 2021.
Every year freshers who take admission for PG or Degree Courses are given orientation about the College Library in different groups in order to acquaint them with library organization and services and also to bring closer relation between students and library staff so as to ensure better and proper use of the library resources and services.
M.Sc Students:
A Library Orientation Programme for the First year M.Com students was held on 15th January 2021.
A Library Orientation Programme for the First year BCA students was held on 25th January 2021.
A Library Orientation Programme for the First year BBA students was held on 27th January 2021.
A Library Orientation Programme for the First year B.Sc students was held on 30th January 2021.
A Library Orientation Programme for the First year BCom students was held on 2nd Feb 2021.
A Library Orientation Programme for the First year B.A students was held on 3rd February 2021.