Ms. Archana
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Contact: Archanagdc.edu.in
: 4years*Archana has left GDC after 3 years service.
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- Bachelor of science-PMC
- Master of science- Physics
Other Activities
:- Organised an” Basic Science Out reach programme” along with B.Sc Students at govt high school ,Chitrapura on 15th September 2019.
- Attended one day work shop on”Astronomy and Eclipses” for teachers of Dakshina kannada,udupi,kundapur at Poorna prajna college Udupi, on 24th September 2019 .
- Attended ” Degree College Teachers Training Program in Physics” approved by MHRD, Govt.of India , at IISc Challekere Campus , Kudapura from 22nd November 2019 to 12th December 2019.
- Attended one day National Conference “A Nationalistic Teachers’ Movement” by Karnataka Rajya Mahavidyalaya Shikshak Sangha and NAAC Bengaluru, at SDM College Manglore on 11th January 2020.
- Attended Certificate Course on “Central Air conditioning of a House using Revit” from 27/10/20 to 31/10/20 organized by ICT Academy.
- Participated in State level webinar on COMET NEOWISE organized by dept. Of Physics and IQAC,SDM college University on 27-07-2020.
- Participated in two day National level online workshop on Astronomy and cosmology organized by dept.of Physics Poorna Prajna College Udupi on 18th and 19th June 2020.