Dr. Ganesha Acharya B
: 25years*Qualifications
- Master of Commerce
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Philosophy
- Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations
- Ph.D. awarded by the Mangalore University in April, 2022 – Thesis titled “Skill Gap Analysis in Service Sector – A Study with Reference to Hospitality Industry in the Coastal Districts of Karnataka”, under the guidance of Dr. Abbokar Siddiq, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, University College, Mangaluru.
Research & Publications
:Research particulars:
- Minor Research Project entitled “A Study of Outdoor Catering Services -Vegetarian in Mangalore &Udupi Districts”, completed in the year 2011-12.
- D. research work entitled “Skill Gap Analysis In Service Sector – A Study With Reference To Hospitality Industry In the Coastal Districts Of Karnataka”, enrolled in the year 2016-17.
Details on Publications
- Paper on “Vegetarian Outdoor Catering as a service- A study in Udupi District”, in the National Level Seminar on “Global Contemporary Issues, Innovations and Future Challenges in Business and Management” on 6th April, 2016 at Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala.
- Paper on “Challenges And Opportunities in Indian Hospitality Industry”, presented in the National Level Seminar on “Diverse Challenges for Business Organisation”, Mangalore Academy Of Professional Studies (Maps College) Mangalore on 07th October 2016.
- Paper on “A Study On Contribution And Challenges Of Tourism And Hospitality Industry In The Economic Development Of India”, presented in the International Conference on “Inclusive Economic Growth and Sustainable Development” Organised by ShriDharmasthalaManjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development, Mysore on 18th& 19th 2016 (ISBN: 978-93-83302-18-5).
- Paper on “Employee Retention Through Employee Engagement In Service Industry With Special Reference To D. K. District”, presented in the National Conference on “CONGRUENCE – 2016 on Management Myopia in the 21st Century” Organised by Agnes Centre for Post Graduate Studies And Research, Mangalore on 2nd&3rdDecember 2016 (ISBN: 978-93-84734-40-4).
- Paper on “Green Banking Initiatives in Hospitality Industry in D.K. District of Karnataka – An Exploratory Study”, presented in the International Conference on “Green Banking: Perceptions & Challenges” Organised by University College, Hampankatta, Mangalore on 1st to 3rd 2017 (ISBN: 978-93-86256-39-3).
- Paper on “Tax Literacy among Salaried Individuals – An Empirical Study in Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka”, will be presented in the National Conference on “Emerging Tax and its Implications”, at Mangalore University Evening College, Mangalore on 11th March 2017(ISBN: 978-81-930542-4-6).
- Paper on “A Study on Employee Turnover in Hospitality Industry in D. K. District, Karnataka”, will be presented in the National Conference on “Democratisation and Globalisation of International Business- Issues and Challenges”, at Mangalore University, Dept. of Studies in Commerce, Mangalagangothri, on 30th& 31st March, 2017.
- Paper on “Women Empowerment in Managerial Decisions and Hospitality Industry: An Exploratory Study in D. K. District of Karnataka”, in the 15thInternational Conference on “Business Management and Social Science” on 14 & 15th April 2017, at R. S. More College, Govindpur, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India, Published in OnkarBharti for Bharti Publication, (ISBN: 978–93–85000–83-6).
- Paper on “A study on Quality of Work Life in the Hospitality Industry Employees with special reference to D K District of Karnataka” in the 8th International Conference on Recent Development in Engineering Science, Humanities and Management (ESHM-17), at The Institutions of Engineers, Delhi State Centre (India), on 1st October, 2017 and published in AGU International Journal of Management Studies & Research (e-ISSN: 2455- 1562; p-ISSN: 2455-6092).
- Paper on “An Analysis of Hospitality Employees‟ Quality of Work Life with Special Reference to D K District of Karnataka”, in the 6th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Technology, Science and Management (ICETETSM-17), in the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, Ganganagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, on 07th October 2017, and published in International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering(ISSN[O]: 2319-8354, ISSN [P]: 2319-8346).
- Paper on “Hospitality Skill Survey – an Empirical study of Star Hotel Employees skill Requirements in D K District of Karnataka”, in the 3rdInternational Conference on “Economic Growth and Sustainable Development” Organised by ShriDharmasthalaManjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development, Mysore during 10th & 11th November, 2017 (ISBN: 978-93-83302-26-0).
- Paper on “A study of Customer Satisfaction in Hospitality Industry – With special reference to Hotels in D K District of Karnataka”, 16th International Conference onBusiness Management and Behavioural Sciences (ICBMBS-17) Haridwar, Uttrakhund (India), on 30 & 31st December 2017, and published in OnkarBharti for Bharti Publication, (ISBN: 978–93–86608–27-7).
- Paper on “Quality Education and influencing factors – A study with special reference to Select Colleges of Mangalore University, Karnataka”, in Volume 14 (February 2018) AIRO International Multi-disciplinary Indexed Research Journal (ISSN: 2320-3714).
- Paper on “A study on job satisfaction of Budget Hotel employees with special reference to D K District, Karnataka”, in the 7th International Conference Asian International conference on Advances: Strategic Innovations and Emerging Prospective for Global business in Engineering and Social Science, Organised by Sri Ganesh School of Business Management, Salem, Tamil Nadu, on 09th February 2018, and published in Indo Global Journal of Commerce and Economics, Quarterly International Journal, Volume 5, Issue 1, March 2018 (ISSN: 2393-9796).
- Participated in the ‘ICSSR’ Sponsored Ten-day Research Methodology Course for M.Phil/ Ph.D/ PDF Scholars in Social Science from 8th to 17 April 2019, organised by the Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Commerce, Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri, Konaje.
- Participated in the Capacity Building Workshop on “The Future of Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges” at Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri, Konaje on 18th May, 2019.
- Paper on “A Study of Employee retention and job performance – with reference to hospitality industry in D K District of Karnataka”, published in the 5th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends” Organised by Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development, Mysore on 15th& 16th November, 2019 (ISBN: 978-93-83302-40-6).
- Paper on “A Study of Employee Empowerment in the Hospitality Industry – with special reference to D K District of Karnataka”, published in the International Conference on Emerging Issues & Trends in Intellectual Capital and Innovative Management Practices in the Global Economy, Organised by Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal on January 13 & 14, 2020 (ISBN: 978-96-5396-158-9).
- Paper on “Occupational Stress among Hospitality Employees: A Study with reference to D K District, Karnataka”, published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Research – A Peer Reviewed International Journal, Volume 1, Special Issue XII, January 2020, PP 24 – 29 (ISSN-2320-5504).
- Paper on “Hospitality Employees Occupational Stress: A Study with reference to D K District, Karnataka”, published in the “ANVESHANA….Search for knowledge A Multi-Disciplinary Peer Reviewed Research Journal, Volume 9, Number 2, July – December 2019, ISSN 2249-1449, PP 41 – 53.
- Paper on “An analysis of employees’ perception and level of satisfaction on training and development programmes – A study with reference to hospitality industries in D K District, Karnataka”, published in the “Innovation & Digitalization Strategies for Global Collaboration”- B – Digest Publication, with ISBN 978-93-84734-83-1, PP 61 – 75.
- Paper on “A study on the Factors That Influence Employee Turnover in the Hospitality Industry with special reference to D K District of Karnataka”, published in the “Business Trends”- Issues and Implications, Excel India Publication, with ISBN 978-93-89947-06-9, PP 189 – 194.
- Paper on “An Analysis of Employees’ Efficiency In Hospitality Industry With Special Reference To D K District Of Karnataka”, published in the “Studies in Indian Place Names” with ISSN no. 2394-3114”, Volume 40, Issues 40, March 2020, The journal is indexed, peer reviewed and listed in UGC Care, PP 1176 – 1188.
- Paper on “Employee Empowerment and job satisfaction” in the hospitality industry” – A Study with special reference to D K District of Karnataka”, published in the “Our Heritage”UGC Care Approved International Indexed & Referred Journal with ISSN no. 0474-9030”, Volume 68, Issues 01, January 2020, PP 11307 – 11321.
Other Activities
:Details on Paper Presentations
- Presented a paper on “Vegetarian Outdoor Catering as a service- A study in Udupi District”, in the National Level Seminar on “Global Contemporary Issues, Innovations and Future Challenges in Business and Management” held at Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala on 06th April, 2016.
- Presented a paper on “Perception of students towards “Earning and Learning” – A study with reference to Surathkal area”, in the National Conferenceon “Business Education and Employability: Challenges and New Directions” held at Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research In Commerce, Mangalagangotri on 29th& 30th April 2016.
- Presented a paper on “A Study on Contribution and Challenges of Tourism and Hospitality Industry in the Economic Development of India”, in the International Conference held at ShriDharmasthalaManjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development, Mysore on 18th& 19thNovember 2016.
- Presented a paper on “Employee Retention through Employee Engagement in Service Industry with Special Reference to D. K. District”, in the National Conference held at Agnes Centre for Post Graduate Studies and Research, Mangalore on 02nd& 03rd December 2016.
- Presented a paper on “Green Banking Initiatives in Hospitality Industry in D.K. District of Karnataka – An Exploratory Study”, in the International Conference held at University College Hampankatta, Mangalore on 01st to 03rd February 2017.
- Presented a paper on “Women’s Empowerment in Hospitality Industry: A Study With Reference to D.K. District of Karnataka”, in the International Conference held at Sri Ganesh School of Business Management, Salem, Tamil Nadu on 10th Feb
- Presented a paper on “Tax Literacy among Salaried Individuals – An Empirical Study in Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka”, in the National Conference held at Mangalore University Evening College, Mangalore on 11th March 2017.
- Presented a paper on “A Study on Employee Turnover in Hospitality Industry in D. K. District, Karnataka”, in the National Conference held at Mangalore University, Dept. of Studies in Commerce, Mangalagangothri on 30th& 31st March, 2017.
- Presented a paper on “Women Empowerment in Managerial Decisions and Hospitality Industry: An Exploratory Study in D. K. District of Karnataka”, in the 15thInternational Conferenceheld at R. S. More College, Govindpur, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, Indiaon14 & 15th April 2017.
- Presented a paper on “A study on Quality of Work Life in the Hospitality Industry Employees with special reference to D K District of Karnataka”, in the International Conference held at The Institutions of Engineers, Delhi State Centre (India), India on 1st October, 2017.
- Presented a paper on “An Analysis of Hospitality Employees‟ Quality of Work Life with Special Reference to D K District of Karnataka”, in the 6thInternational Conference held at Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, Ganganagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India on 07th October 2017.
- Presented a paper on “Hospitality Skill Survey – an Empirical study of Star Hotel Employees skill Requirements in D K District of Karnataka”, in the International Conference held at ShriDharmasthalaManjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development, Mysore on 10th & 11th November, 2017.
- Presented a paper on “A study of Customer Satisfaction in Hospitality Industry – With special reference to Hotels in D K District of Karnataka”, in the 16thInternational Conference held at The Institute of Business Management and Behavioural Sciences Haridwar, Uttrakhund (India) on 30 & 31st December 2017.
- Presented a paper on “Quality Education and influencing factors – A study with special reference to Select Colleges of Mangalore University, Karnataka”, in the National Workshop held at GovindaDasa College, Surathkal on February, 14 & 15, 2018.
- Presented a paper on “A study on job satisfaction of Budget Hotel employees with special reference to D K District, Karnataka”, in the 7th International Conference held at Sri Ganesh School of Business Management, Salem, Tamil Nadu on09th February 2018.
- Presented a paper on “Employee job satisfaction a part of entrepreneurial success – A study with special reference to Hospitality Industry in India”, in the International Conference held at Kingdom University at Art Rotana Hotel Amwaj onMarch, 18 & 19, 2018.
- Presented a paper on “A Study on Human Resource Recruitment and Selection in Service Industries of D.K. District of Karnataka”, in the International Conference held at School of Management, Gautam Buddha University, U.P. onJune, 01 & 02, 2018.
- Presented a paper on “An analysis of Employees’ efficiency in hospitality industry with special reference to D K District of Karnataka”, in the Two-Day National Level Conference on “Role of Institutional Financing in the Development of Agriculture” and “Business Dynamics” held at Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Commerce, Mangalagangotri on 25th and 26th October, 2019.
- Presented a paper on “A Study of Employee retention and job performance – with reference to hospitality industry in D K District of Karnataka”, in the 5th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends” Organised by Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development, Mysore on 15th& 16th November, 2019.Presented a Paper on “A Study of Employee Empowerment in the Hospitality Industry – with special reference to D K District of Karnataka”, in the International Conference on Emerging Issues & Trends in Intellectual Capital and Innovative Management Practices in the Global Economy, Organised by Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal on 13th & 14th January, 2020.
- Presented a Paper on “An analysis of employees’ perception and level of satisfaction on training and development programmes – A study with reference to hospitality industries in D K District, Karnataka”, in the III International Conference on “Innovation and Digitalization – Strategies for Global Collaboration” held on 20 January 2020 organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru.
- Presented a Paper on “Occupational Stress among Hospitality Employees: A Study with reference to D K District, Karnataka”, in the National Conference on “Contemporary Issues in Commerce and Management” held on 31st January, 2020, organized by the Dr. G Shankar Government Women’s First Grade College & Post Graduate Study Centre, Ajjarkadu, Udupi.
- Presented a paper on “Employee Turnover – A study in the Hospitality Industry with reference to D K District of Karnataka”, in the Two-Day National Level Conference on “Emerging Business Trends (EBT) – 2020” held at Department of Post Graduate Studies in Commerce, Mangalagangotri, Mangalore University on 04th & 05th March, 2020.
- Presented a poster on “A study on the GDP Growth of India with the Agriculture and Service Industry”, in the National Conference on Frontier of Chemical & Agricultural Sciences Development: Challenges and Opportunities (FCASDCO – 2020)” held on 03rd March, 2020 in the Department of Chemistry, Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal.
- Presented a paper titled “A Comparative Analysis on Employee Job Satisfaction – A study on Food Industry and Accommodation Industry in D K district, Karnataka”, in International Conference on “Sustainability Agriculture and Rural Development”, organised by Science and Management welfare Association, Youth Economics Association and Radiant Group of Institution, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India on 09.05.2021.
- Presented a paper titled “An Analysis of employees’ Efficiency in Hospitality Industry with Special reference to D K district of Karnataka”, at the virtual International Conference on “Artificial Intelligence & its Impact on Transforming Business Processes”, organised by Department of Management, Rathinam College of Arts and Science, Malaysia University, from 21 to 22.05.2021.
Details on participation in seminars (As delegate)
- Participated in the Workshop on “B.Com New Curriculum” on 15th July 2006, Organised by Mangalore University Commerce Teachers’ Association MUCTA.
- Participated in the State Level Seminar on “VAT IN INDIA” on 30th September 2006, Organised by ShriDharmasthalaManjunatheshwara College of Business Management, Mangalore.
- Participated in the Two Day Staff Development Programme on “Modern Approaches to Academic Research & Publication” on 21-22rd January 2011, Organised by A. J. Institute of Management, KottaraChowki, Mangalore.
- Participated in the Regional Seminar on “Workshop on Mentoring” on 22rd July 2011, Organised by CLHRD, Mangalore.
- Participated in the Two Day National Conference on “Indian Retail Industry – Challenges, Opportunities & Strategies”on 15-16th September 2011, Organised by Nehru Memorial College, Sullia in association with Mangalore University Commerce Teachers’ Association MUCTA.
- Participated in the Three Day State Level Conference on “Relevance of Information and Communication Technology in Financial Accounts” on 12 to 14th January 2012, Organised by GovindaDasa College, Surathkal.
- Participated in the One Day Workshop on “the Revised Syllabus of BBM First Semester” of Mangalore Universityon 14th July, 2012, Organised by ShriDharmasthalaManjunatheshwara College of Business Management, Mangalore.
- Participated in the One Day Workshop on “the Revised Syllabus of BBM Third Semester” of Mangalore University on 29th June 2013, Organised by GovindaDasa College, Surathkal.
- Participated in the One Day Workshop on “the Revised Syllabus of BBM Forth Semester” of Mangalore University on 14th December 2013, Organised by PoornaPrajna College, Udupi.
- Participated in the One Day Workshop on “the Revised Syllabus of BBM Fifth Semester” of Mangalore University on 28th June 2013, Organised by Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala.
- Participated in the National Level Seminar on “Emerging Issues in Global Economy, Commerce and Management: Challenges and Strategies for International Competitiveness” on 26th July 2014, Organised by Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala.
- Participated in the Two Day National Level Seminar on “Contemporary Issues in Financial Services”on 19 & 20th September 2014, Organised by Government First Grade College, Bettampady, Puttur.
- Participated in the Workshop on “Social Responsibility and Sustainability – Strategic Dimensions” on 17th November 2016, Organised by ShriDharmasthalaManjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development, Mysore.
- Participated in One Day State Level Seminar on “GST – A Paradigm Shift In The Taxation Laws”on 03rd January 2017, Organised by PoornaPrajna College, Udupi.
- Participated in the Pre-conference Workshop in the 3rdInternational Conference on “Economic Growth and Sustainable Development”on 9th November, 2017, Organised by ShriDharmasthalaManjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development, Mysore.
- Participated in the Revised Syllabus Workshop on VI Semester BBM Taxation- II (Incorporation of GST) on 21st December, 2017, Organised by GovindaDasa College, Surathkal in association of FOBMAT.
- Presented a paper on “An analysis of Employees’ efficiency in hospitality industry with special reference toD K District of Karnataka”, in the Two-Day National Level Conference on “Role of Institutional Financing in the Development of Agriculture” and “Business Dynamics” held at Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Commerce, Mangalagangotri on 25th and 26th October, 2019.
- Presented a paper on “A Study of Employee retention and job performance – with reference to hospitality industry in D K District of Karnataka”, in the 5th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends” Organised by Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development, Mysore on 15th& 16th November, 2019.
- Presenteda Paper on “A Study of Employee Empowerment in the Hospitality Industry – with special reference to D K District of Karnataka”, in the International Conference on Emerging Issues & Trends in Intellectual Capital and Innovative Management Practices in the Global Economy, Organised by Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal on January 13 & 14, 2020.
- Presenteda Paper on “An analysis of employees’ perception and level of satisfaction on training and development programmes – A study with reference to hospitality industries in D K District, Karnataka”, in the III International Conference on “Innovation and Digitalization – Strategies for Global Collaboration”held on 20 January 2020 organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru (ISBN 978-93-84734-83-1).
- Presenteda Paper on “Occupational Stress among Hospitality Employees: A Study with reference to D K District, Karnataka”, in the National Conference on “Contemporary Issues in Commerce and Management”held on 31stJanuary 2020 organized by the Dr. G Shankar Government Women’s First Grade College &Post Graduate Study Centre, Ajjarkadu, Udupi.
- Presenteda paper on “Employee Turnover – A study in the Hospitality Industry with reference to D K District of Karnataka”, in the Two-Day National Level Conference on “Emerging Business Trends (EBT) – 2020” held at Department of Post Graduate Studies in Commerce, Mangalagangotri, Mangalore University on 04th&05thMarch, 2020.
- Presenteda posteron “A study on the GDP Growth of India with the Agriculture and Service Industry”, in the National Conference on Frontier of Chemical & Agricultural Sciences Development: Challenges and Opportunities (FCASDCO – 2020)” held on03rd March, 2020 in the Department of Chemistry, Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal.
- Participated in the one week online Certificate Course on “Digital Teaching Techniques”, Organised by by ICT Academy from 29.06.2020 to 04.07.2020.
- Successfully Completed the Certificate in Information Technology Computer Examination (09604720) with Distinction, Sharing Rural People’s Skill Development Programme with Government of India Short Term Training Programme on, in Rural Computer Training Academy under VIRAT Trust, Surathkal, in the month September 2020.
- Participated in National Virtual Symposium on “Society, Economy and Development during the Covid-19 pandemic: Lesson for Emerging Economics”, organized by Department of Social Work, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore on 10.10.2020.
- Participated in the International Virtual Symposium on “Digital Scholarship”, organized by the Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Library, Chennai from 14.10.2020 and 15.10.2020.
- Participated in International E-Conference on “Al Robotics and Automation”, Organised by by ICT Academy from 14.10.2020 to 18.10.2020.
- Participated in National Level Panel Discussion titled “Leading Young Work Force in a Changing Work Environment”, organised by Faculty Research Cell – Samshodhana, School of Commerce, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), Bengaluru on 19.10.2020.
- Participated in International E-Conference on “Covid 19 – Environmental Prospective”, organised by Saurathtra Education Trust, Science College, Junagadh, India, on 10.11.2020.
- Participated in the Panel Discussion on “Atmanirbhar Bharat – Vocal for Local, Make in India for the world”, jointly organized by the Department of Computer Science & Office of International Relations, Dr. M. G. R. Educational and Research Institute, Chennai-600095, Tamil Nadu, India on 12.11.2020.
- Participated in Triennial International Virtual Conference “Education Theme”, organised by LET US DREAM 2020, from 20.11.2020 to 22.11.2020.
- Participated in the National Level Seven Day Online Symposium on “NAAC Accreditation Process” organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, B.M.S College for Women, Bengaluru-04, under the aegis of UGC Scheme – PARAMARSH from 23.11.2020 to 30.11.2020.
- Participated in International E-Conference on “Expo and gem Awards 2020”, Organised by Assocham Gem Green Building Council, from 27.11.2020 to 03.12.2020.
- Participated in the Three day International E-Conference on “Innovation Practices & Strategies in Global Business and Enterprises”, organised by Kongunadu Arts and Science College (Autonomous), Coimbatore – 641029, Tamil Nadu, India, held from 04.12.2020 to 06.12.2020.
- Participated in International Education Summit 2020 on “Empowering Academicians for Nation Building in 21st Century”, organised by D C D M Trust and Rameshwarnath Social & Welfare Foundation, Prayagraj, U P, India, on 10.12.2020.
- Participated in the exclusive Virtual Power Seminar “Employability Skills for Future”, Organised by Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal, Department of Commerce and Business Administration and ICT Academy Sky Campus on 30.12.2020.
- Participated in One Day National Level Online Symposium on “Mahatma Phule & Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Contribution for Women Empowerment”, organized by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Studies Centre (UGC Sponsored), Kakatiya University, Warangal on 03.01.2021.
- Participated in Online International Symposium on “Impact of Covid-19 on Higher Education in South Asia”, organized by Bombay University and College Teachers Union, Bombay on 03.01.2021.
- Participated in E – Symposium on “Post Covid-19 Situation – Economics, Education, Management and Security”, organized by Dayananda Sagar College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Department of BBA & B.Com and Management, Bangalore on 16.01.2021.
- Participated in “Beyond 2020 Canclave on Happening Careers in Accounting and Finance”, Organised by ICT Academy on 20.01.2021.
- Participated in Online National conference on “The International Education & Skill Summit – TIESS Virtual 2021”, organized by India Didactics Association, from 27.01.2021 to 30.01.2021.
- Participated in the One Day National Online Conference on ‘Empowerment of Gender Education’ organized by Dr S S M Pratishthan’s College of Education, Ahmedpur on 20.02.2021.
- Participated in International E-Conference on “Emerging Trends in Life Sciences”, Organised by Department of Botany, Baburaoji Adaskar Mahavidyalaya Kaij, Beeds and Microbiologist Society, India, on 27.02.2021.
- Participated in Online National conference on “Research, Innovation, Collaboration and Contribution”, organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell and Academic Schools of Garden City University, on 26.03.2021.
- Participated in Five-Day Online Faculty Development Program on “Smart materials and Sensors: Current Updates and Future Perspectives”, organised by Stella Mery’s College of Engineering, Chennai, from 10.07.2020 to 14.07.2020.
- Participated in two days online faculty Development workshop on “Writing and Publishing Quality Research Papers in Scholarly Top Tier Journals”, organized by First Year Engineering department of R M D Sinhgad School of Engineering, Warje, Pune, from 19.07.2020 & 20.07.2020.
- Participated in One Day national level Faculty Development Programme on “Information Security and Data Privacy awareness”, organised by St. Anne’s Degree College, Virajpet, on 27.07.2020.
- Participated in Three day online Faculty Development Programme on “Conducting and Publishing Quality Research”, organised by G L Bajaj Institute of Management & Research, Greater Noida, from 27.07.2020 to 29.07.2020.
- Participated in Two Day International Faculty Development Program on “Sustaining Academics: The Role of Teacher’s in Tackling Post Covid-19”, Organized by Mother Theressa College, Karim Nagar, Thelangana, from 04.08.2020 to 05.08.2020.
- Participated in Faculty Development Program on “Research During Pandemic Covid-19”, Organized by Seshadripuram First Grade College, University of Bangalore, on 08.08.2020.
- Participated in the Faculty Empowerment Programme on “Ultimate Lecture Recording”, organized by Tech Guru Education Services Group, from 12.08.2020 to 13.08.2020.
- Participated in Two Day National Level Online Faculty Development Program on “Online Teaching Tools and Development of E-Content”, organized by Department of Management Studies, Sri Sivani College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, from 13.08.2020 to 14.08.2020.
- Participated in One Week Online National Faculty Development Program on “E-Contents and ICT Tools for Innovative and Effective Teaching & Learning Process”, Organized by Roorkee College of Management & Computer Applications, Roorkee, from 08.08.2020 to 14.08.2020.
- Participated in Three day E-Faculty Development Programme on “Skill Development in Academic and Research”, organised by Telangana Social Welfare Residential Degree College for Women, Warangal West and Department of Commerce, on 14.08.2020, 17.08.2020 and 18.08.2020.
- Participated in Five-Day Online Faculty Development Program on “Professional Enrichment: Role of Soft Skills”, organised by K U College of Engineering & Technology, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana, from 24.08.2020 to 28.08.2020.
- Participated in Three Day International Faculty Development Program on “Engaging Minds and Empowering Success in Modern Research Era”, Organized by Govinda Dasa College, Department of Commerce and P G (M.Com), from 26.08.2020 to 28.08.2020.
- Participated in One Day Online Faculty Development Programme on “Dynamics of E-Learning and Strategies: Skill Orientated Tools in 21st Century”, Organized by B V C Engineering College and Department of Basic Science, Odalarevu, Andhra Pradesh, on 31.08.2020.
- Participated in One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Data Analytics with R Programming”, Organized by Teachers Mitraa Trust, Karnataka, from 03.09.2020 to 08.09.2020.
- Participated in One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Digital Tools for Sustaining Academic Research During Pandemic Covid-19”, Organized by Hamidia Girls’ Degree College, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, U P, from 07.09.2020 to 13.09.2020.
- Participated in Three Day Faculty Development Program on “Industry Academia Interactions: Bridging the Gap”, Organized by Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry, from 10.09.2020 to 12.09.2020.
- Participated in the online Faculty Development Program on “E-Content Development”, Organized by Library, Einstein College of Arts and Science, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India, on 11.09.2020.
- Participated in the International Faculty Development Program on “Strategies to Write Good Research article – Part II”, Organized by Department of Commerce, Manipal University, MAHE, Manipal, on 13.09.2020.
- Participation in World’s Largest one Week hands-on Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence using Python”, organised by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sai Spurthi Institute of Technology, Sathupally, Telangana, from 14.09.2020 to 19.09.2020.
- Participated in the five days Faculty Development Programme on “Statistical Analysis of Data & Publication Ethics”, organized by Bishop Caldwell College, Maravanmadam, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, from 16.09.2020 to 20.09.2020.
- Participated in the International Faculty Development Program on “Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability”, Organized by Department of Commerce, Manipal University, MAHE, Manipal, on 20.09.2020.
- Participated in the 5 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Teachers Training on Disaster Management”, organised by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India and Pondicherry University, from 21.09.2020 to 25.09.2020.
- Participated in the Eight Day National Level Faculty Development Program on “Contemporary Approaches in Media”, organised by School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Media Study, Reva University, Bangalore, from 27.09.2020 to 04.10.2020.
- Participated in the E-Entrepreneurship Development Program on “Entrepreneurship in tourism: Dealing with the Challenges”, organised by School of Business, Assam Kaziranga University, Assam, from 29.09.2020 to 02.10.2020.
- Participated in One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Scientific Writing Using Latex”, organised by Department of Computer Sciences, Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri, Jjammu & Kashmir, from 05.10.2020 to 09.10.2020.
- Participated in the Online National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Innovation in Teaching and Learning – Role of Teacher in Modern Perspective”, organised by Department of Geography, Bharathi Women’s College, Chennai, from 19.10.2020 to 23.10.2020.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Next Generation Techniques in Wireless Communication”, organised by Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India, from 02.11.2020 to 06.11.2020.
- Participated in One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Data Science and Artificial Intelligence”, organized by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sinhgad Academy of Engineering, Pune, from 07.11.2020 to 11.11.2020.
- Participated in 12-day AICTE sponsored Faculty Development Programme in “Outcome Based Education in Management Education – Objectives, Best Practices and Measurement of Outcomes”, organised by Saintgits Institute of Management, Kottayam, Kerala, from 16.11.2020 to 28.11.2020.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Programme on “E-Filing of Income Tax Returns”, Organized by P G and Research Department of Commerce, Nirmala Muvattupuzha, Ernakulam, Kerala, on 17.11.2020.
- Participated in the Seven Days Faculty Development Program On “Adaptive Success Strategies For NAAC”, organised by Shri Nehru Maha Vidyalaya College of Arts & Science, Institute of Management, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, from 24.11.2020 to 01.12.2020.
- Participated in One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Institutional Enrichment vis-à-vis Skill Development”, organised by Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, Rajkiya Engineering College, Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh, from 24.11.2020 to 28.11.2020.
- Participated in a Five Day Online Faculty Development Program on “Intellectual Property Rights and Contributions of Academia towards Innovation”, organised by Maharaj Institute of Technology, Mysore from 10.12.2020 to 19.12.2020.
- Participated in Seven Days National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Application of Tools & Techniques in Research Methodology & Accelerate to Publish Article in Scopus and Web of Science”, Organized by Hindusthan College of Arts & Science College, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, from 17.12.2020 to 24.12.2020.
- Participated in the Online Faculty Development Program on “Fundamentals of Quality Management: Session 4”, Organized by Department of Commerce, Manipal University, MAHE, Manipal, on 03.01.2021.
- Participated in One day Virtual Faculty Development Programme on “The New Teaching Paradigm”, organized by P G & Research Department of English, Marudhar Kesari Jain College for Women, Vaniyambadi, Tamil Nadu, on 04.01.2021.
- Participated in National level online Faculty Development Programme on “Advanced Technologies in Automotive system – Atas’21”, organised by Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering & Technology, Madhuranthagam, Tamil Nadu, India, from 04.01.2021 to 09.01.2021.
- Participated in Six Days FDP on “Research at A Glance: Current Protocols“, organised by Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala, Dist. Pune, Mumbai, from 18.01.2021 to 23.01.2021.
- Participated in Seven days National Level Virtual Faculty Development Program on “A Systematic Approach to Taxation”, organised by Department of Commerce, St. Claret College, Bangalore, from 27.01.2021 to 03.02.2021.
- Participated in One Week International Faculty Development Program on “Emerging Aspects of Research Methodology”, Organized by IQAC of S S Jain Subodh P G College, Jaipur, Rajashan, from 01.02.2021 to 07.02.2021.
- Participated in the Four Days Faculty Development Programme on “Pedagogical Innovations and Experimentation in Enhancing Learning Effectiveness for GEN Alpha“, organised by Department of BBA (CA) & BBA Logistics, Hindusthan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, from 04.02.2021 to 07.02.2021.
- Participated in the Online Faculty Development Program on “Fundamentals of Quality Management: Session 5”, Organized by Department of Commerce, Manipal University, MAHE, Manipal, on 06.02.2021.
- Participated in Five Day FDP Program on “Possibilities of Research, Research Methodology & Research Paper Writing”, organized by IQAC and Department of Arts, Nachiketa College of Computer Science, Commerce & Advanced Technology, Vijay Nagar, Jabalpur, (M.P.) from 02.03.2021 to 06.03.2021.
- Participated in 10 Hours of Faculty Development Program on “Setting Goals and Managing Time”, organised by ICT Academy, from 09.03.2021 to 13.03. 2021.
- Participated in Six Days Online Training Programme on “MATLAB”, organised by Digital Career and Entrepreneurship Hub Project of MHRD BU RUSA Phase II BEICH, Department of Computer Application, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, from 10.03.2021 to 17.03.2021.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Programme on “Writing a Winning Proposal for Research Funding”, organized by Guru Nanak Centre for Research in association with Department of Information System Management, Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, on 24.03.2021 & 25.03.2021.
- Participated in a Virtual Management Development programme on “The Next phase of Business & Environmental Sustainability”, organised by Centre for Management Studies, JAIN University, on 26.03.2021.
- Participated in Two Days National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on “Research Ethics”, organised by the Central Library, Vivekananda College, Tiruvedakam West, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, on 29.03.2021 & 30.03.2021.
- Participated in One Day National Level Faculty Development Programme on ”Strategy of Managing Personal Finances”, organised by Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner in association with Mutual Funds in India, on 31.03.2021.
- Participated in Five Day Online International Workshop on “Intricacies of NAAC Assessment for Better Scoring”, organised by St. Francies De Sales, Nagpur, Maharashtra, from 27.07.2020 to 31.07.2020.
- Participated in “A Two-Day E-Workshop on, “Data Analysis using SPSS & R for novice scholars”, organised by Vaniniketan Institute of Management Studies, Karimnagar, Telangana, on 29.07.2020 & 30.07.2020.
- Participated in International E-Workshop on “Developing E-Content using Open Source Software”, organised by the Patrician Knowledge Resource Centre, Patrician College of Arts and Science, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, from 31.08.2020 to 06.09.2020.
- Three Day Online International Workshop on “Capacity Building and Redesigning the Learning & Research Aptitudes”, organised by Maryam Ajmal Women’s College of Science & Technology and Ajmal Law College, Borpukhuri, Assam, from 05.09.2020 to 07.09.2020.
- Participated in the One Week National E-Workshop, on “Research Methodology”, organised by Department of Zoology, Department of Commerce, Government Lahiri P G College, Chirimiri, Koriya, Chhattisgarh, from 08.09.2020 to 14.09.2020.
- Participated in One Day Workshop on “Tally ERP9 with GST”, organised by Swagat Skill Development Education, on 13.09.2020.
- Participated in the International Workshop on “How to use AI powered tool RAx for Research”, organised by Dayanand Brijendra Swaroop Post-Graduate College Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, on 20.09.2020.
- Participated in Two Day National Level Online Workshop on “Insightful Rudiments of Originating Google Forms & Generating Certificates – A Horde of Approaches Adaptable for Online Academic Motives”, organised by Department of Humanities & Sciences, Balaji Institute of Technology & Science, Telangana, India, on 25.09.2020 & 26.09.2020.
- Participated in International Virtual Seminar on “Pragmatic Approaches to Create Sustainable Lifestyle Management”, organised by Government First Grade College, Kanakapura, Ramanagara District, Karnataka, India, on 05.10.2020 & 06.10.2020.
- Participated in the International Online Workshop on “Research Methodologies for Social Sciences & Humanities”, organised by Center for Capacity Building Programmes for School Teachers, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai and Govt. J. Yoganandam Chhattisgarh College, Raipur Chhattisgarh, from 08.10.2020 to 14.10.2020.
- Participated in the Three Day Workshop on “Entrepreneurship: Today’s Innovative Possibilities”, organised by the Department of Commerce, St. Mary’s College, Thrissur, Kerala, from 13.10.2020 to 15.10.2020.
- Participated in One Day National Level Online Workshop on “Creation of Educational Videos with Video Editor”, organised by Tumkur University Teachers Educators Association, Tumkur, Karnataka, on 18.10.2020.
- Participated in Two Day E‐Workshop on “Research Methodology and Publication Ethics”, organised by Dr B R Ambedkar Central Library, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, from 22.10.2020 to 23.10.2020.
- Participated in International Virtual Seminar on “Reconceptualising Holistic Health and Fitness in the context of covid-19”, organised by Government First Grade College, Ramanagara, Karnataka, India, on 22.10.2020 to 23.10.2020.
- Participated in 4 Day Workshop on “Effective Teaching Learning Practices”, organised by Prizdale Learning, Prayagodya and Ourja Associates, from 27.10.2020 to 30.10.2020.
- Participated in Online Workshop on “How to Publish in Scopus Indexed Journal”, organised by Research and Publication Division of Gujarat National University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India, on 31.10.2020.
- Participated in One Day Online E-Workshop on “Entrepreneurship Awareness”, organised by Mechanical Engineering Department of S O E T at G H Raisoni University, M P, on 07.11.2020.
- Participated in National level Technical Meet on “Micro and Nano Fabrication and Characterization Techniques”, organised by Department of Physics, Kamaraj College Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, on 09.11.2020.
- Participated in the National Seminar (web) on “Ancient Indian Education System”, organised by National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research, Kolkata, on 11.11.2020 & 12.11.2020.
- Participated in 6-Day Virtual Industrial Internship Program on “IOT”, organised by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science AND Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, from 16.11.2020 to 21.11.2020.
- Participated in the online seminar on “Research & Innovation Driven, IPR & Patent Filing” organised by Dr. T. Thimmaiah Research & Innovation Council, DR. T. Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka, on 18.11.2020.
- Participated in the Online Workshop on “Primer – The Statistical Software that Empowers Researchers”, organised by the Guru Nanak Centre for Research (GNCR), in association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Guru Nanak College (Autonomous), Guru Nanak Salai, Velachery, Chennai, on 19.11.2020.
- Participated in one day Online Workshop on “Data Analysis Using Excel”, organised by Inspira Research Association and Indian Accounting Association, Jaipur Branch, on 06.12.2020.
- Participated in Two Day Online Workshop on “NAAC – Way forward”, organised by SDM College of Business Management Post Graduate Centre for Management Studies & Research, Mangaluru, on 15.12.2020 & 16.12.2020.
- Participated in the National E-Seminar held on “Ecological Crises and Climate Change in the Himalayan Region”, organised by Department of Sociology, University of Lucknow, on 16.12.2020 & 17.12.2020.
- Participated in One Day National Online Workshop on “BBA & MBA Rural Management Curriculum Design”, organised by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, on 16.12.2020.
- Participated in One Day National Online Workshop on “BBA & MBA Rural Management Curriculum Design”, organised by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India, Department of Management Studies, Pondicherry University, on 21.12.2020.
- Participated in E-Workshop on “The Future of Leadership and Management in the 21st Century Organisations: A Paradigm shift”, organised by Department of Studies in Business Administration, Smt. Allum Sumangalamma Memorial College for Women, Ballari, Karnataka, 26.12.2020.
- Participated in Three Day Workshop on “Research and Development Activities”, organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai from 28.12.2020 to 30.12.2020.
- Participated in One Day International Level E-Seminar on “English Language for Non-Native Speakers”, organised by Department of English, Government Ram Bhajan Rai N E S P G College Jashpurnagar, Chhattisgarh, India, on 28.12.2020.
- Participated in Workshop on “Making Classes and Lessons Interactive”, organised by Managerial Society, Department of Humanities and Management, Dr B R Ambedkar, National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, on 31.12.2020.
- Participated in One Day National E-Seminar on “Rethinking Business Practices in Post Covid-19 Scenario”, organised by Department of Commerce, Sir Sayyed College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Maharastra, on 04.01.2021.
- Participated in the National Research Workshop on “Research Methodology”, organised by Jawaharlal Nehru Government Degree College, Barwaha, District Khargone, Madhya Pradesh, on 07.01.2021 & 08.01.2021.
- Participated in One day International Workshop on “E-Waste: Awareness and its Management”, organized by Nanded Education Society’s, Science College, Nanded, Maharashtra, on 09.01.2021.Participated in Three Day National Level Hands-on Online Workshop on “Preparing and Writing Quality Research Papers”, organised by PES Institute of Advanced Management Studies, Shivamogga, Karnataka, from 02.07.2020 to 04.07.2020.
- Participated in the National Seminar (Virtual) on “Impact of ICT on Teaching and Learning”, organised by the Department of Physics, Swami Vivekanand Govt. College Berasia Dist. Bhopal, M P, on 11.01.2021.
- Participated in One day workshop on “Corporate Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurship”, organised by the Department of Commerce, Vidyanagar College, West Bengal, on 17.01.2021.
- Participated in National Seminar (Online) on “Execution of Artistic Procedure for Preparation of SSR as per New Dimensions of NAAC”, organised by H K E Society’s A V Patil Arts, Science & Commerce College, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, India, on 19.01.2021.
- Participated in Online National Level Seminar on “Vocational Education and Experiential Learning: A way of life”, organized by M D S D Girls College, Ambala City, on 19.01.2021.
- Participated in One Day Online National seminar on ‘Role of Earth Sciences in Nature & Human Interaction”, organised by Shankarrao Chavan Mahavidyalaya, Ardhapur dist. Nanded, Maharashtra, on 23.01.2021.
- Participated in Online National Level Faculty Study Circle on “Revolution of Artificial Intelligence in E-Commerce”, organised by Department of Commerce, Sivananda Sarma Memorial RV College, Bangalore, on 27.01.2021.
- Participated in One Day Multi-Disciplinary National Virtual Seminar on “Environmental Justice – Issues & Challenges”, organised by Government First Grade College, Bangarpet, Karnataka, on 10.02.2021.
- Participated in One Day National Seminar on, “Water Resource Management using Geospatial Technology”, organised by Department of Geography, Rajarshi Mahavidyalaya, Latur, Maharashtra, on 18.02.2021.
- Participated in the International E-Workshop on “Computational Approaches in Drug Design & Therapeutics”, organised by Drug Discovery & Development Cluster Jointly with Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Chhattisgarh, on 20.02.2021.
- Participated in One Day Online E-Workshop on “Mission Green Challenges and Opportunities in Odisha”, organised by Curtain – Raiser of ASSOCHAM GEM, Odisha State Chapter, on 09.03.2021.
- Participated in One Day International Workshop on “Research Methodology in Commerce and Management Science”, organised by Department of Commerce and IQAC, Shri Muktanand College, Gangapur, Dist., Maharashtra, India, on 12.03.2021.
- Participated in Business Process Excellence – 2021, on “Business Process Transformation with Digitalization” organised by Audyogik Tantra Shikshan Sanstha’s Institute of Industrial and Computer Management and Research (IICMR), Pune University, Maharashtra, on 19.03.2021 & 20.03.2021.
- Participated in the Five Day Workshop on “Quantitative Social Science Research Methods”, organised by the Department of Economics, School of Economics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, from 22.03.2021 to 26.03.2021.
- Participated in the Online Workshop on “E-Filing of Income Tax Returns (ITR) and E-Filing of GST Returns (GSTR)”, organised by Satish Pradhan Dnyanasadhana College, Thane (Arts, Science and Commerce), Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Mumbai, on 24.03.2021.
- Participated in Short Term Training Programme on, “Data Analytics with ‘R’ Programming”, organised by Research Culture Society, from 29.08.2020 to 31.08.2020.
- Participated in Six Days Virtual Short Term Training Programme on, “Finite Element Method for Engineering Applications”, organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai from 07.09.2020 to 12.09.2020.
- Participated in Online Training Programme on “Disaster Management at Gram Panchayat Level”, organised by Karnataka State Rural Development and Panchayat Raj University, Gadag, and Disaster Management Administrative Training Institute, Mysuru, from 28.09.2020 to 30.09.2020.
- Participated in the Online Skill Development Programme on “Social Media Marketing – Phase 3”, organised by Department of Higher Education, School of Commerce, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, from 06.10.2020 to 16.10.2020.
- Participated in Online Short Term Training Programme on “Mixed Methods in Social Science Research: A Statistical Package Approach”, organised by S C M S Cochin School of Business, Kerala, from 12.10.2020 to 17.10.2020.
- Participated in the Three Days Entrepreneurship Training Programme on “Event Management, Poultry Farming and Sana Appalams”, organised by RUSA 2.0, Entrepreneurship & Career Hub, University of Madras, Chennai, from 19.10.2020 to 21.10.2020.
- Participated in the Online Skill Development Programme on “Social Media Marketing – Phase 4”, organised by Department of Higher Education, School of Commerce, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, from 19.10.2020 to 30.10.2020.
- Participated in 10 Days Online Skill Training Programme on “Web Design Course for Entrepreneurship – Phase 1”, organised by Department of Computer Applications, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, from 19.10.2020 to 31.10.2020.
- Participated in One Week AICTE sponsored online Short Term Training Programme on “Harmony in the Workplace: Effective Interpersonal & Communication Skills – Phase I”, organised by Department of Science & Humanities, Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, from 26.10.2020 to 31.10.2020.
- Participated in the Three Days Online Training Program for Young Entrepreneurs, organised by RUSA 2.0: Entrepreneurship and Career Hub, University of Madras, Chennai, from 27.10.2020 to 29.10.2020.
- Participated in the Six Days Online Short term Training program on “Electric Vehicle: Technologies, Challenges and Opportunities for Integration of Renewable Resources in India”, organised by the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, R M K Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, from 02.11.2020 to 07.11.2020.
- Participated in 10 Days Online Skill Training Programme on “Web Design Course for Entrepreneurship – Phase 2”, organised by Department of Computer Applications, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, from 06.11.2020 to 19.11.2020.
- Participated in AICTE sponsored Virtual Short Term Training Programme on “Awareness of Intellectual Property Rights for Engineers and Industrialists (Phase- 1)”, organised by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, S S Education Trust’s S G Balekundri Institute of Technology, Belagavi, Karnataka, from 17.11.2020 To 22.11.2020
- Participated in One Week AICTE sponsored online Short Term Training Programme on “Harmony in the Workplace: Effective Interpersonal & Communication Skills – Phase II”, organised by Department of Science & Humanities, Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, from 23.11.2020 to 21.12.2020.
- Participated in the Online Skill Development Programme on “Social Media Marketing – Phase 5”, organised by Department of Higher Education, School of Commerce, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, from 27.11.2020 to 08.12.2020.
- Participated in 10 Days Online Skill Training Programme on “Web Design Course for Entrepreneurship – Phase 3”, organised by Department of Computer Applications, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, from 01.12.2020 to 11.12.2020.
- Participated in One Week Online Short Term Training Programme on “Empowering the Moral Values, Ethics and Behavioral Attitude in Teaching Skills among Teachers”, organised by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr N G P Institute of technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, from 01.12.2020 to 07.12.2020.
- Participated in the Online Skill Development Programme on “Social Media Marketing – Phase 6”, organised by Department of Higher Education, School of Commerce, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, from 16.12.2020 to 28.12.2020.
- Participated in One Week AICTE sponsored online Short Term Training Programme on “Harmony in the Workplace: Effective Interpersonal & Communication Skills – Phase III”, organised by Department of Science & Humanities, Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, from 21.12.2020 to 26.12.2020.
- Presented a paper titled “A Comparative Analysis on Employee Job Satisfaction – A study on Food Industry and Accommodation Industry in D K district, Karnataka”, in International Conference on “Sustainability Agriculture and Rural Development”, organised by Science and Management welfare Association, Youth Economics Association and Radiant Group of Institution, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India on 09.05.2021.
- Participated in the Business Process Excellence – 2021, on “Business Process Transformation with Digitalization”, organized by Audyogik Tantra Shikshan Sanstha’s Institute of Industrial and Computer Management and Research, on 19th & 20th March, 2021.
- Participated in Online National conference on “Research, Innovation, Collaboration and Contribution”, organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell and Academic Schools of Garden City University, on 26th March, 2021.
- Participated in the International Conference on “Career Avenues in Bioscience Research, Exploring Global Prospects and Opportunities”, organized by Agarwal P G College, Jaipur, on 26th April, 2021.
- Participated in National Virtual Conference on “Women Entrepreneurship”, organised by Department of Management, Pondicherry University, School of Management, on 28th April, 2021.
- Participated in two days Educational Summit on “Outcome-Based Education and national Assessment and Accreditation Council”, organised by MasterSoft ERP Solution, Nagpur India in association with IQAC of G S Mandal’s Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad, on 14th and 15th May, 2021.
- Participated in the One Day National Level Multidisciplinary E-Conference on “Digital: Space, Innovation & Transformation- The Futuristic Approach Leading the world”, organised by Shree Rahul Education Society’s Shree L.R.Tiwari Degree College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Thane, Maharashtra in collaboration with University of Mumbai & Indian Accounting Association (TB), on 15th May, 2021.
- Participated in the Two Days National Symposium on “CyberSpace 2021 (NSCS2021)”, organized by Department of Information Technology, University of Mumbai in Association with Vivek College of Commerce, Goregaon (West), on 27th & 28th May, 2021.
- Participated in International Virtual Conference on “The Role of Banks and Other Financial Institutions in Funding Support for the Sustainability of Start-ups”, organised by Department of Business Administration, Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management, Mangalore, on 28th May, 2021.
- Participated in National Conference on “Youth India, Development & Challenges”, organized by Youth Economics Association, Social Science & Management Welfare Association & Radiant Group of Institution, Jabalpur (M.P.) India, on 29th & 30th May, 2021.
- Participated in the Online Orientation Program on “Data Analysis using SPSS”, organised by the P. G. Department of Commerce, Rama Devi Women’s University, Vidya Vihar, Bhubaneswar on 01st to 03rd June, 2021.
- Participated in the International Conference on “Economic Development and Environment”, organised by Social Science & Management Welfare Association, Youth Economics Association, & Radiant Group of Institution, Jabalpur (M.P.), India, on 06th June, 2021.
- Participated in 4 Days International Conference on Examination IDEA 2021, organised by Council of Examiners – India and Skillslate Foundation, Pune, from 08th to 11th June, 2021.
- Participated in the International Conference on “Emerging Technologies and Education”, organized by Social Science & Management Welfare Association & Vidyasagar College of Education Phansidewa, Darjeeling (W.B.) India, on 20th June, 2021.
- Participated in a Two Day online Global Summit on “Enhancing Women Empowerment through Entrepreneurship”, organised by EDP Cell, Department of Management Studies of International School of Technology and Science for Women, Rajanagaram, on 21st and 22nd June, 2021.
- Participated in the Conference on “Contemporary Issues in Commerce and Management”, organised by Besant Women’s College, Mangalore, from 23rd to 25th June, 2021.
- Participated in the National Level Conference on “Strategies by the Corporate for Business Sustenance and Emergence out of the COVID Era” organised by Department of Business Administration, Marudhar Kesari Jain College for Women,Vaniyambadi, on 25th June, 2021.
- Participated in the International Conference on “Global Impact of Covid (Health, Industry, Education, Employment, Agriculture & Other Sector), organized by Social Science & Management Welfare Association, Youth Economics Association, & Radiant Group of Institution, Jabalpur (M.P.), India, on 27th June, 2021.
- Participated in One Day National E-Conference on “Soft Skills”, organised by Department of English and Zoology, Azad Mahavidyalaya, Ausa, on 27th June, 2021.
- Participated in the “Five Day HR Conclave”, organised by the School of Management and Social Science of Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, from 19th to 24th July, 2021.
- Participated in the International E-Conference on “Revamp Educom 2021- Mutation Challenges in Commerce and Management Education”, organised by Mangalore University Evening College, Mangalore, on 23rd and 24th July, 2021.
- Participated in the International Conference on “Impact of Tourism for Socio-Economic Development of Nepal”, organized by Social Science & Management Welfare Association Nepal, Youth Economics Association Nepal, on 24th July, 2021.
- Participated in the “Five Day Business Connect Series”, organized by School of Management and Social Science, Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, from 26th to 30th July, 2021.
- Participated in the two days International Conference on “VARTANA on 2021 – on Innovation, – An Engine for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development”, organised by Department of Commerce, St. Claret College in association with Department of Studies and Research in Commerce, Tumkur University, on 28th & 29th July, 2021.
- Participated in the Two Days E-Conference on “Environment and Climate Change”, organized by Hariharpur Friends of Environment of India, and Termite Society, Bangladesh, on 31st July, 2021 and 01st August, 2021.
- Participated in the Keynote Session by Dr. Rogers M Smith (“American Political Scientist”, Christopher H. Browne Distinguished, Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania, USA) in the International Research Summit AVLOKAN 2021 titled “Redefining Social Responsibility and Ethical Leadership”, organised by Faculty Research Cell – Gyanidhi & SRDC- Vidhyanidhi, CMS, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), on 02nd August, 2021.
- Participated in the International Research Summit AVLOKAN 2021 titled “Redefining Social Responsibility and Ethical Leadership”, organised by Faculty Research Cell – Gyanidhi & SRDC – Vidhyanidhi, CMS, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), from 02nd to 10th August, 2021.
- Participated in the Keynote Session by Prof. Muhammad Yunus (“Nobel Peace Prize Laureate”, Social Entrepreneur, Founder: Grameen Bank) in the International Research Summit AVLOKAN 2021 titled “Redefining Social Responsibility and Ethical Leadership”, organised by Faculty Research Cell – Gyanidhi & SRDC- Vidhyanidhi, CMS, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), on 04th August, 2021.
- Participated in the International Management Conclave”, organised by University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur, Rajasthan, on 05th and 06th August, 2021.
- Participated in National Conference on “Tribal Development”, organized by Social Science & Management Welfare Association, Youth Economics Association, & Radiant Group of Institution, Jabalpur (M.P.), India, on 09th August, 2021.
- Participated in Keynote Session by Dr. Philip Kotler (“Father of Modern Marketing”, S. C. Johnson Distinguished Professor of International Marketing, J. L. Kellogg School of Management, USA) in the International Research Summit AVLOKAN 2021 titled “Redefining Social Responsibility and Ethical Leadership”, organised by Faculty Research Cell – Gyanidhi & SRDC- Vidhyanidhi, CMS, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), on 10th August, 2021.
- Participated in two days International E-Conference on “Echoes of Covid- 2019 – on Human Health: Present and Future Therapeutic landscape”, organised by IQAC of S S Jain Subodh P G College, Jaipur, on 11th and 12th August, 2021.
- Participated in Two Days National Level Virtual Yen- Symposium “Understanding the Rise of the New Normal Era In Education (COVID-19)”, organised by The Yenepoya Institute of Arts, Science, Commerce & Management (A constituent unit of Yenepoya Deemed to be University), on 17th & 18th August, 2021.
- Participated in the International Conclave on “Tools and Strategies for Emerging Business”, organised by School of Commerce, KPR College of Arts, Sceience and Research, Coimbatore, on 18th August, 2021.
- Participated in the One Day National Conference on “Business Trends in New Normal: Challenges and Opportunities”, organised by Government First Grade College of Professional and Business Management, Karkala, on 19th August, 2021.
- Participated in the International Conference on “The Inevitability Of Global Citizenship Education in Present Scenario”, organised by the IQAC of Maharaja Agrasen International College, Raipur (C.G) and Chhattisgarh Educational, Social & Cultural Organization, on 20th and 21st August, 2021.
- Participated in the International e-Conference on “The Digital Transformation in Business Re-Engineering: Post Pandemic Era of Industry 5.0”, organized by Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s Institute of Business Management and Rural Development, Ahmednagar, on 26th & 27th August, 2021.
- Participated in the National Level Virtual Conference on “Emerging Trends and Challenges in Commerce”, organized by Department of Commerce, Angappa College of Arts and ScienceSeerapalayam, Coimbatore, on 27th & 28th August, 2021.
- Participated in National Conference on “Indian Startups and Our Economic Development”, organized by Social Science & Management Welfare Association & Department of Management Study, AKS University, Satna (M.P.), India, on 29th August, 2021.
- Participated in the National Level Finance Conclave on “Foreign Exchange Market Investment Opportunities and Risk Management”, Five Day Business Connect Series”, organised by CMS, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Bangalore, on 30th August, 2021.
- Participated in Virtual National Symposium on “Securing Citizenry and their Spaces: Contemporary Issues and Challenges”, organised by Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, in association with Indian Institute of Security Management & Indian Society of Criminology, Chennai, on 28th September, 2021.
- Participated in the two days International E- Conference on “Covid-19 Pandemic – A Game Changer for Industry & Academia”, organised by SDM College of Business Management Post Graduate Centre for Management Studies & Research, Mangaluru, on 8th & 9th October, 2021.
- Participated in two day National E-Conference on “Upcoming Trends in Intellectual Property Rights: Challenges and Perspectives”, organised by IQAC of S S Jain Subodh P G College, Jaipur, on 08th and 09th October, 2021.
- Participated in Two Days Virtual International Conference on “Pandemic and Business Sustainability”, organized by Faculty of Commerce at Dr.N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, on 21st & 22nd October, 2021.
- Participated in the Three days International Conference on “Ecosystem Restoration and Environmental Sustainability: Concerns and Alternatives”, organised by Indira Gandhi Centre for Human Ecology, Environmental and Population Studies, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India in association with International Academy of Physical Sciences, Prayagraj, India, from 26th to 28th October, 2021.
- Participated in the International Multidisciplinary Conference on “Post Covid Breakthrough in Variours Sectors of the Economy and Technology”, organized by Nerul College of Arts, Science and Commerce, on 26th & 27th November, 2021.
- Participated in the Interdisciplinary National E-Conference on “Impacts of Online Education”, organized by Department of Commerce, Arts Commerce College, Yeoda Dist. Amravati and Sant Gadge Maharaj Arts, Commerce & Science College, Walgaon Dist. Amravati, on 30th November, 2021.
- Participated in the conference on “Food Security and Nutrition in Climate Fragilities and Disasters”, organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with WFP, from 30th November to 02nd December. 2021.
- Participated in the Educational Summit on “New South Wales Going Global”, organised by NSW Government in association with EduGrouth, on 14th December, 2021.
- Participated in the International Conference on “Multidisciplinary aspects of Environment and Sustainable Development”, organized by Department of Zoology at Raj Rishi Govt. College, from 15th to 18th December, 2021.
- Participated in International Virtual Conference on “Inclusive Education: Need & Challenges”, organized by Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, on 17th and 18th December, 2021.
- Participated in the International Conference on “Discoursing Education for Mental Health”, organised by Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University Centre, Malappuram, in collaboration with Department of Education, University of Kkerala, on 05th and 6th January, 2022.
- Participated in the International Entrepreneurship Summit ‘AVLOKAN 2.0’ 2022 titled “Beyond Sustainability – Trends in Regenerative, Socially Responsible, Community Ventures”, organised by Faculty Research Cell – Gyanidhi & SRDC- Vidhyanidhi, CMS, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), from 10th to 12th & 17th to 22nd January, 2022.
- Participated in the keynote session by Gary Stewart (Founder and CEO: Founder Tribes, Inaugural Lecturer of Entrepreneurship of the Tsai Leadership Program at Yale Law School, Yale University, UK) in the International Entrepreneurship Summit ‘AVLOKAN 2.0’ 2022 titled “Beyond Sustainability – Trends in Regenerative, Socially Responsible, Community Ventures”, organised by Faculty Research Cell – Gyanidhi & SRDC- Vidhyanidhi, CMS, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), on 17th January, 2022.
- Participated in the keynote session by Dr. Robert D. Hisrich (Bridgestone Chair of International Marketing, Kent State University, USA) in the International Entrepreneurship Summit ‘AVLOKAN 2.0’ 2022 titled “Beyond Sustainability – Trends in Regenerative, Socially Responsible, Community Ventures”, organised by Faculty Research Cell – Gyanidhi & SRDC- Vidhyanidhi, CMS, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), on 18th January, 2022.
- Participated in the keynote session by Dr. Jay Rao (Professor of Strategy & Innovation: Babson College, USA, Founder: InnoQuotient, Barcelona) & Dr. Allan R Cohen (Alumnus: Harvard Business School Professor (Emeritus): Babson College, USA) in the International Entrepreneurship Summit ‘AVLOKAN 2.0’ 2022 titled “Beyond Sustainability – Trends in Regenerative, Socially Responsible, Community Ventures”, organised by Faculty Research Cell – Gyanidhi & SRDC- Vidhyanidhi, CMS, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), on 19th January, 2022.
- Participated in the keynote session by Dr. Bruce Kingma (Professor Entrepreneurship: Syracuse University & Martin J. Whitman School of Management, USA) in the International Entrepreneurship Summit ‘AVLOKAN 2.0’ 2022 titled “Beyond Sustainability – Trends in Regenerative, Socially Responsible, Community Ventures”, organised by Faculty Research Cell – Gyanidhi & SRDC- Vidhyanidhi, CMS, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), on 20th January, 2022.
- Participated in the keynote session by Juan Manuel Gonzalez (Alumnus: Stanford University, CEO: Teach for Mexico, Mexico) in the International Entrepreneurship Summit ‘AVLOKAN 2.0’ 2022 titled “Beyond Sustainability – Trends in Regenerative, Socially Responsible, Community Ventures”, organised by Faculty Research Cell – Gyanidhi & SRDC- Vidhyanidhi, CMS, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), on 21st January, 2022.
- Participated in the keynote session by Dr. David Aaker (Father of Modern Branding, Alumnus: MIT Sloan School of Management & Stanford University, Creator of the Aaker Model, Professor (Emeritus): University of California, Haas School of Business, Berkeley, Vice Chairman: Prophet, USA), in the International Entrepreneurship Summit ‘AVLOKAN 2.0’ 2022 titled “Beyond Sustainability – Trends in Regenerative, Socially Responsible, Community Ventures”, organised by Faculty Research Cell – Gyanidhi & SRDC- Vidhyanidhi, CMS, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), on 22nd January, 2022.
- Participated in the International Panel Discussion in the International Entrepreneurship Summit ‘AVLOKAN 2.0’ 2022 titled “Beyond Sustainability – Trends in Regenerative, Socially Responsible, Community Ventures”, organised by Faculty Research Cell – Gyanidhi & SRDC- Vidhyanidhi, CMS, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), on 22nd January, 2022.
- Participated in One Day Interdisciplinary National E-Conference on ‘The Impact of Coronavirus Omicron variant on society third wave in India”, organised by Department of Sociology, Mahila Kala Mahavidyalaya, Umred, Dist-Nagpur, IQAC, in collaboration with H B T Arts & Commerce College, Nagpur, Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College, Girad, Wardha, Mahatma Gandhi Arts and Commerce Mahavidyalaya, Parsioni, Dist- Nagpur, on 03 February, 2022.
- Participated in the One Day National Level Multidisciplinary E-Conference on “Industrial Revolution 4.0: A Synergistic Approach Through Resilience, Reinvention and Sustainable Development”, organised by Shree Rahul Education Society’s, Shree L R Tiwari Degree College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Maharashtra, India in collaboration with University of Mumbai on 05th February, 2022.
- Presented a paper titled “An Analysis of employees’ Efficiency in Hospitality Industry with Special reference to D K district of Karnataka”, at the virtual International Conference on “Artificial Intelligence & its Impact on Transforming Business Processes”, organised by Department of Management, Rathinam College of Arts and Science, Malaysia University, from 21 to 22.05.2021.
- Participated in Five Day FDP Program on “Possibilities of Research, Research Methodology & Research Paper Writing”, organized by IQAC and Department of Arts, Nachiketa College of Computer Science, Commerce & Advanced Technology, Vijay Nagar, Jabalpur, (M.P.) from 02.03.2021 to 06.03.2021.
- Participated in Two Days National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on “Research Ethics”, organised by the Central Library, Vivekananda College, Tiruvedakam West, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, on 29th & 30th March, 2021.
- Participated in One Day National Level Faculty Development Programme on ”Strategy of Managing Personal Finances”, organised by Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner in association with Mutual Funds in India, on 31st March, 2021.
- Participated in One-Week AICTE – ISTE Sponsored, Induction/ Refresher/ Faculty Development Programme Phase – II on “CSI (Cognative Strategy Instruction) as Teaching Tool for 21st Century – Phase II”, organised by the Faculty of Management Studies, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, from 06th to 12th April, 2021.
- Participated in National Online Faculty Development Programme on “Importance of Literature Review in Quality Research’’, organised by P.G. Department of Economics & FDP Cell, Arya P.G. College, Panipat (Haryana), on 17.04.2021.
- Participated in Online National Level Seven Days Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Post – COVID and Higher Education”, organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Nutan Vidya Mandir Education Society’s, Late Sow. Kamaltai Jamkar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Parbhani, from 19 to 26.04.2021.
- Participated in the One Week National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Research Methodology”, organised by Amar Seva Mandal’s, Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, from 26th April to 01st May, 2021.
- Participated in Online Faculty Development Programme on “National Education Policy and Its Impact on Pharmacy Education System”, organised by IIMT College of Pharmacy, on 01.05.2021.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Investing During these Challenging Times”, organised by Chandrabhan Sharma College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Powai, Mumbai, on 11th & 12th May, 2021.
- Participated in the Four Days National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on “Revised NAAC Accreditation Framework Perceptions”, organised by G T N Arts College, Madurai Kamaraja University, Tamil Nadu, from 12th to 15th May, 2021.
- Participated in Five Days Faculty Development Programme on “Impact of Covid on Higher Education and Research Initiatives”, organised by Srivenkateswaraa College of Engineering and Technology in association with Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi from 24th to 28th May, 2021.
- Participated in the Virtual Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching Pedagogies for Virtual Classrooms”, organised by PG and Research Department of Commerce, Vivekananda College of Arts and Science for Women, Tamil Nadu, from 25th to 31st May, 2021.
- Participated in the National Level Faculty Development Program on “Innovative Teaching Strategies for Digital Natives”, organised by Sivananda Sarma Memorial R V College, Bangalore, on 26th & 27th May, 202l.
- Participated in the Three Days National Level Faculty Development Programme on “E – Content Development”, organised by Angels College of Education, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai, from 31st May to 02nd July, 2021.
- Participated in One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Innovation, Incubation, Startups and Research challenges in India”, organised by Sri Sai College of Engineering & Technology, Badhani Pathankot, from 01 to 05.06.2021.
- Participated in Two Weeks online Faculty Development Programme on “Advances in Composite Materials, Manufacturing Processes and Optimisation Techniques”, organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Academy of Maritime Education and Training (AMET), Deemed University, Chennai from 01 to 14.06.2021.
- Participated in a National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Filing of Income Tax Returns and Applicable Income Tax Forms”, organised by Seshadripuram Educational Trust, Seshadripuram Academy of Business Studies, Bangalore, on 03.06.2021.
- Participated in the One Week International Online Faculty Development Programme on “Virtual Practices and Security”, organised by Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai and Faculty of Education, Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, from 07 to 13.06.2021.
- Participated in the International FDP Hands-on “MOODLE”, organised by Alumni Association – Anubandha, SJR College for Women, from 07 to 09.06.2021.
- Participated in the Five Days National FDP on “Innovative Teaching And Research in Science: Exploring The New Horizons”, organised by Science Forum in Association with IQAC, Government First Grade College, Vijayanagar, Karnataka, from 10 to 15.06.2021.
- Participated in the 5-Days National Level Online Faculty Development Program on “Multidimensional Skillset of Current Generation of Teaching Professionals”, organised by Department of Information Technology, Prathyusha Engineering College, Thiruvallur, Tamilnadu, India, from 14 to 18.06.2021.
- Participated in a Virtual FDP on “Research, Innovation & Techno-Entrepreneurship (RITE-2021)”, organised by the Research & Development Cell and Students Innovation Club, Vemu Institute of Technology, P.Kothakota, Chittoor, from 14th to 18th June, 2021.
- Participated in Eight Days Online National Level Faculty Development Programme on “How to make Teaching Learning Process Effective & Outcomes based”, organised by Department of Commerce, Christian Eminent College, Indore, in association with Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Indore, from 14th to 21st June, 2021.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Programme on “Academic Integrity for Academia”, organised by Department of Commerce with Information Technology and University of Technology and Applied Sciences and Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science, on 15th June, 2021.
- Participated in the One Day National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Dynamics of Imparting Employability Skills and Industry Readiness in the Classroom”, organised by the Department of Science and Humanities, Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, on 21st June, 2021.
- Participated in the Eight Day Faculty Development Program on “Pedagogy and Research Skills Development”, organised by the Amity School of Languages, Amity University Maharashtra, from 21st to 29th June, 2021.
- Participated in the two-day online Faculty Development Program on “Capital Markets”, organised by NSE Academy Ltd and Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India School of Commerce, from 22nd to 23rd June, 2021.
- Participated in 5 Days Online Faculty Development Program on “Research Integrity & Ethics”, organised by Sri Sai College of Engineering & Technology, Badhani Pathankot, from 22nd to 26th June, 2021.
- Participated in the 9-Day National Level Online Faculty Development Program on “Foregrounding the Spectrum of Character Building in Modern Human Life”, organised by Department of Humanities & Sciences, Balaji Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal Rural, Telangana, from 25th June to 03rd July, 202l.
- Participated in the Six Days National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on “Intellectual Property Rights & Plagiarism”, organised by P G Department of Commerce, B V V Sangha’s Shri S R Kanthi Arts, Commerce and Science College, Mudhol, from 29th June to 04th July, 2021.
- Participated in One Week Virtual Faculty Development Programme on “Tools Used in Digital Training and Learning”, organised by Shri R S Kanthi Arts, Commerce and Science College, Mudhol, Belagavi, from 05th to 10th July, 2021.
- Participated in One week National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Transformation in Indian Education through New Education Policy – Challenges and Opportunities”, organised by Government First Grade College for Women, Balmatta, Mangaluru in association with St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangaluru, from 05th to 11th July, 2021.
- Participated in the 10 days National level FDP on “Pedagogy of Teaching and Tools on E – Content Development for Effective Teaching”, organized by IQAC, Christopher Arts and Science College (Women), from 5th to 14th July, 2021.
- Participated in Two Week International Faculty Development Programme on “The Era of Change – Recent Advancements of Machine Learning in terms of AI & IOT”, organised by Department of Computer Science and Applications, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai from 12th to 25th July, 2021.
- Participated in the Three Days National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Concepts and Development of Research Methodology”, organised by the Department of Commerce and IQAC, Nehru Memorial College Kurunjibag, Sullia, from 15th to 17th July, 2021.
- Participated in the five-day online faculty development program on “Emerging Technologies in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Cyber Security”, organised by Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur, from 17th to 21st July, 2021.
- Participated in the 5 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Tax Computation, Planning and Filing of ITR”, organised by SGT University, Gurugram, Dehli, from 19th to 23rd July, 2021.
- Participated in the online 5 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Investing in Capital Market”, organised by SGT University, Gurugram, Dehli, from 26th to 30th July, 2021.
- Participated in the Online Faculty Development Programme on “Outcome Based Education”, organized by Department of Management, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore, from 26th July to 01st August, 2021.
- Participated in the National Level Faculty Development Program on “NAAC New Guidelines and Importance of IQAC in Post Covid Time for Affiliated Colleges”, Organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, K.M.G. College of Arts & Science, Gudiyattam, Vellore, from 29th to 31st July, 2021.
- Participated in the National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in Education, Technology & Management”, organised by Milagres College, Kallianpur & GFGC Kavoor, Mangalore, from 30th July to 08th August, 2021.
- Participated in the One Week International Faculty Development Programme on “Curriculum Development, Research and Publication Ethics, for Faculty and Researchers”, organized by the Department of English and Other Foreign Languages, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai, from 2nd to 9th August, 2021.
- Participated in the 7 days Faculty Development Programme on “Hybrid Research – Uncovering Greater Insight with Combined Approaches”, organized by Faculty of Education, Teerthanker Mahaveer Universiy, Moradabad, from 2nd to 9th August, 2021.
- Participated in the 3 – Days online International FDP on “Innovations in Techno – Management and Strategic Case Based Teaching Learning”, organized by Sinhgad Technical Education Society’s Sinhgad Institute of Management and Computer Application, (SIMCA), Pune, Maharashtra, from 06th to 08th August, 2021.
- Participated in the Three Day National Faculty Development Program on “Investment Awareness – “An Educated Investor is a Protected Investor”, organised by the P G & Research Department of Commerce of Guru Nanak College (Autonomous) in association with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) from 07th to 09th August, 2021.
- Participated in the Two Day National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Research Writing and Publications”, Organised by St. Joseph’s College of Commerce, Bengaluru, on 10th & 11th August, 2021.
- Participated in the State level Two Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Information and Communication Technology Usage in Teaching”, organised by Government of Karnataka, Department of Collegiate Education, Government First Grade College, Siddakatte, from 11th to 22nd August, 2021.
- Participated in five-day Virtual FDP on “Changing Dimensions of IPR in India – An Intellectual Deliberation”, organised by IQAC of Jain College, Bengaluru in collaboration with KSCST from 12th to 17th August, 2021.
- Participated in the National Level Faculty Development Programme on, “Learning Outcomes-Based Curriculum Framework (LOCF)”, organised by Muthurangam Govt. Arts College (AUT), Vellore, on 14th August, 2021.
- Participated in one Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Emerging Paradigms in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science”, organized by Department of Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, from 16th to 20th August, 2021.
- Participated in One Week Online International Faculty Development Programme on, “Advanced Methodologies for Contemporary Research – A Pragmatic Approach”, organised by Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government Ramnarayan Chellaram College of Commerce and Management, Racecourse road, Bengaluru, from 16th to 23rd August 2021.
- Participated in the Five Days National Level FDP on “Modern methods for Effective Teaching and Learning”, organised by Rathinam College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, from 17th to 21st August, 2021.
- Participated in the National Level Faculty Development Programme on “From Research to Publication”, organised by Guru Shree Shantivijai Jain College for Women, Vepery, Chennai, from 18th to 25th August, 2021.
- Participated the 6 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Digital Teaching Methods in Higher Education”, organized by Hindusthan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, from 23rd to 28th August, 2021.
- Participated in One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Advanced Research Methodology and Writing of High Quality Research Paper”, organised by Dept. of Management Studies and Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Jaipur, from 24th to 28th August, 2021.
- Participated in the Seven Days National Level Virtual Faculty Development Programme on “ICT Tools – Emerging Trends of Teaching”, organised by Besant Women’s College, Mangalore, from 24th to 30th August, 2021.
- Participated in 3 Days National Level FDP on “Perceptions of Research, Paper Publication and Overview of Patent Filing”, organised by Department of Computer Science and Applications, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai, from 25th to 27th August, 2021.
- Participated in International 5 Day Virtual Faculty Development Program on “Innovative Research Techniques” organised by Research Committee and IQAC, Loyola Academy, from 26th to 30th August, 2021.
- Participated in the International Faculty Development Program on “NEP A Roadway for Critical Thinking & Innovative Research” organised by Kuvempu University, Sahyadri Commerce & Management College, Shimoga, from 26th to 31st August, 2021.
- Participated in the 3 days Faculty Development Programme on “Research Trend in Socially Relevant Technical Education – Challenges and Impacts”, organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with Vedavyasa Institute of Technology from 2nd to 4th September, 2021.
- Participated in the Five Day National Level Faculty Development Program on “Nuance of Research techniques”, organized by Department of Commerce (B.Com, B.Com BPS & M.Com), from 6th to 10th September, 2021.
- Participated in 4 Days FDP on “Recent Trends in Commerce” Organised by Department of Commerce, University of Madras and Corporate Secretaryship, from 13th to 16th September, 2021.
- Participated in the Seven-Day National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Academic Empowerment and Research Culture”, organized by the IQAC and Sri Venkataramana Swamy College, Bantwal, under PARAMARSH scheme of UGC from 13th to 20th September, 2021.
- Participated in the 5 Day Online Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching Learning and Research Pedagogy for Excellence in Education”, organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell of St. Joseph’s College (Arts & Science), Kavor, Chennai, from 20th to 24th September, 2021.
- Participated in the 5 Day National Faculty Development Programme on “Emphasizing the Centrality Marketing to Business”, organised by CMS Jain (Deemed University), from 20th to 24th September, 2021.
- Participated in the One Week National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Intellectual Property Rights for Academia”, organised by Chandra Kamal Bezbaruah Commerce College, Jorhat, Assam, from 20th to 25th September, 2021.
- Participated in 7 Days National Faculty Development Program on “Research Methodology in Social Science”, organised by Dr G Shankar Govt. Women’s First Grade College and P G Study Centre, Ajjarkadu, Udupi, Sri Sai College of Engineering & Technology, Badhani Pathankot, from 22nd to 28th September, 2021.
- Participated in 3 days Faculty Development Program on “Learning Basic Statistics and Data Interpretation using SPSS (Series 1)”, organized by Department of Management Studies, Saveetha Engineering College, from 23rd to 25th September, 2021.
- Participated the Three Day Faculty Development Programme on “Inculcating the Significance of Employability Skills in the Minds of the Teachers”, organized by Career and Counselling Cell in association with the IQAC of Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, from 23rd to 25th September, 2021.
- Participated in the One Week International Online Faculty Development Programme on “Research Tools and Methodologies”, organised by Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vizianagaram, from 27th September to 01st October, 2021.
- Participated in 5 Day National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Education and Career Prospects in BPO”, organised by School of Management Studies, PG and Research Department of Commerce, Holy Cross College, Tamil Nadu, from 04th to 08th October, 2021.
- Participated in 7 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Empowering Commerce Teachers for NEP 2020”, organised by Mangalore University and Govt. F G College, Kavoor, from 04th to 10th October, 2021.
- Participated in the Seven Days Online International Faculty Development Programme on “E-Governance in the New Normal Education”, organised by Hindusthan College of Arts and Science, PG & Research Department of Mathematics, Tamil Nadu, from 28th September to 06st October, 2021.
- Participated in the One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Learning Through Virtual Labs for Technical Institutions’’, organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Vizianagaram, in association with NITK Surathkal, from 18th to 22nd October, 2021.
- Participated in Two Days Virtual International Conference on “Pandemic and Business Sustainability”, organized by Faculty of Commerce at Dr N G P Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, on 21st & 22nd October, 2021.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Future Wireless Technologies”, organised by Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India, from 15th to 20th November, 2021.
- Participated in the 8-Days Faculty Development Program on “Adoptive Approaches for Modern Teaching and Research”, organized by the Centre for Research and Development & Institution’s Innovation Council, from 15th to 23rd November, 2021.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Software Tools for Academicians”, organised by FMU – Human Resource Development Centre, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Odisha, from 13th to 18th December, 2021.
- Participated in the 6 Day Virtual Faculty Development Programme in IFRS, organised by Bengaluru Branch of SIRC of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, in association with Government Ramnarayan Chellaram College of Commerce and Management, Bangaluru, from 17th to 23rd December, 2021.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Outcome Based Education”, organised by IQAC Rajeev Gandhi College of Management Studies, Maharashtra, from 13th to 19th January, 2022.
- Participated in a Two Day online FDP on “Radiation Effect on Polymers and Advances in Organic Optoelectronic Devises”, Viswambhara Educational Society, Vaagdevi College of Engineering, on 02nd and 3rd February, 2022.
- Participated in One Week International Faculty Development Programme on “Big Data Analysis’’, organised by Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai in Association with Thomas J Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science, Binghamton University, State University of New York, from 07th to 15th February, 2022.
- Participated in the Two Days Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in Research”, Organised by Department of Computer Science and Application, College of Science & Humanities, SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Vadapalani, Chennai, on 09th & 10th February, 2022.
- Participated in one day Faculty Development Program on ‘Innovative Teaching Methods’, organised by Academic Planning & Review Committee, RGCMS Ghansoli, Navi Mumbai, on 12th February, 2022.
- Participated in One Day National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Systematic Review of Literature”, organised by GOMSGURU Academy, Bangalore, on 08th May, 2022.
- Participating in Workshop on “Art of Writing Research paper in Scopus Journal”, organised by Kaamadenu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, on 10th April, 2021.
- Participating in the National Research Online Workshop on “Research Methodology”, organized by Department of Sociology and Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Government College, Tamia, District Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh, on 17th April, 2021.
- Participated in the Two Day Online National Seminar on, “Awareness and Utilisation E-Resources through Open Access System”, organized by Department of Library and Information System, English, organised by Sivananda Sarma Memorial R V College, Bangalore, on 19th & 20th April, 202l.
- Participating in the Six Days National Workshop on “Research Methodology (QNVWRM – 2021)”, organized by Queens College of Arts and Science for Women, Punalkulam, from 19th to 24th April, 2021.
- Participated in Three Day International E-Workshop on “Pendemic and Emotional Configuratio: Literary Responses Across Time and Space”, organised by Swami Swatantranand Memorial College, Amritsar, from 23rd to 25th April, 2021.
- Participated in the National Workshop on “Recent Trends in Intellectual Property Laws”, organised by Alliance University, New Delhi, on 26th April, 2021.
- Participated in Virtual Workshop on “Happiness at Workplace”, organised by Centre for Happiness, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, on 03rd May, 2021.
- Participated in the Five Day Workshop on “Hands-on Sessions in Drafting and Filing Procedure of Intellectual property Rights”, organized by Arya College of Engineering and Information Technology, Jaipur, from 03rd to 07th May, 2021.
- Participating in the National Research Online Workshop on “How to Write and Publish” organised by Department of Commerce and Management, Trubha Group of Institutes, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, on 06th & 07th May, 2021.
- Participating in the Two Day National Level Online Workshop on “Reference Management and Research Visibility”, organised by Department of Commerce, Sivananda Sarma Memorial R V College, Bangalore, on 06th & 07th May, 202l.
- Participating in National Workshop on “Basics of Research”, organized by The Global Association of Social Sciences, The International Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities and Indore School of Social Work, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, on 13th May, 2021.
- Participating in National Level Workshop on “Building an Innovation / Products Fit for the Market”, organized by EDP Cell of N C U The Northcap University, Gurugram, Delhi, on 14th May, 2021.
- Participated in the National Level Virtual Seminar on, “Entrepreneurial Skill – A Vital Play of the Technology & Innovations”, organized by Kaamadenu Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu, on 20th May, 2021.
- Participated in one-day E-Workshop on “Plagiarism and Citation Techniques: Some Useful Tips for Researchers”, organised by S.P.D.M. Arts, S.B.B. & S.H.D. Commerce & S.M.A. Science College, Shirpur Dist. Dhule, on 25th May, 2021.
- Participating in the online workshop on “Managing Your Reference Through Mendeley”, organised by Sushanth University, Gurugram, Delhi, on 22nd may, 2021.
- Participated in the Five Day Interdisciplinary Online Workshop on “Advance Teaching, Learning, Research Methodology and Innovations”, organized by Saint Francis De Sales College, Nagpur, from 1st to 5th June, 2021.
- Participating Four Day National Career Orientation E-Workshop on “Stock Market, Journalism, Photography and IT Sector, organized by IQAC, Post Graduate Department of Economics and Swami Vivekanand Career Guidance Cell of Govt. Girls’ P.G. Ujjain, from 15th to 18th June 2021.
- Participating in the Workshop on “Fundamentals of Publishing in Top Journals”, organized by Maharaja Agrasen Institute of management Studies, Delhi, on 16th June, 2021.
- Participated in One Day State Level Workshop on “Data Analyses using MS-Excel”, organized by the Department of Statistics & Economics, Anjuman Arts, Science, Commerce College & PG Studies in English, Vijayapur, on 17th June, 2021.
- Participated in the Two Day Virtual Workshop on “Industrial Relations Practices in Indian Scenario”, organized by Department of Social Works, Bharathidasan University on 25th & 26th June, 2021.
- Participating in the One Day Virtual Workshop on “CBCS of IV Semester BBA Syllabus of Mangalore University”, organised by Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal, in association with FOBMAT, on 26th June, 2021.
- Participated in Online Workshop on “Creation of Research ID’s”, organised by P G and Research Department of Commerce (Shift-I) in Association with Patrician Research Committee on 03rd July, 2021.
- Participating in the Five – Day National Online Workshop on “Data Analytics Using R” organised by G.T.N. Arts College, Dindigul, Tamilnadu, in association with Arul Anandar College, Karumathur, Tamil Nadu, from 05th to 09th July, 2021.
- Participated in the National Level Online seminar on “Cyber Security & Social Media Security”, organised by Siddharth College, Boradpada, Badlapur, in association with Krutadnyata Foundation, Mumbai on 08th July, 2021.
- Participated in National Level Seminar on “On Overview of Property Rights of Hindu Women in India” organised by Saraswathi Law College, Chitradurga, on 13th July, 2021.
- Participated in the Seminar on, “School 360* Protection-Short Term COVID Awareness Training”, organized by Faculty of Education (B.Ed.), on 17th June, 2021.
- Participating in the One Day workshop on “Professional Skill Development”, organised by P G Studies and Research in Commerce, Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal, on 22nd July, 2022.
- Participated in the Virtual Workshop on “Research Methodology and Hands on Learning”, organized by the School of Tribal Resource Management, KISS Deemed to be University, from 02nd to 06th August, 2021.
- Participated in the Online Two Days Workshop on “Business Case Writing”, organized by Faculty of Commerce and Management, SGT University, Gurugram, Delhi, on 05th and 06th, August, 2021.
- Participating in Online Workshop on “Business Model Canvas”, organized by Puducherry Technological University, Pillaichavady, Puducherry, on 11th August, 2021.
- Participated in International Seminar on, “Conservation and Management of Natural Resources”, organized by Arts and Commerce College, Phondaghat, Mumbai, on 17th August, 2021.
- Participated in the Virtual National Seminar on, “Acedamic and Administrative Audit – A Beanchmark for Quality Enhancement in Higher Education”, organized by Shasun Jain College for Women, Chennai, on 20th August, 2021.
- Participating in the Online Workshop on “How to plan for Startup: Legal & Ethical Steps”, organized by Puducherry Technological University, Puducherry, on 20th August, 2021.
- Participating in the Two Days Workshop on “Research Paper Writing and Journal Selection”, organised by SGT University, Gurugram, Delhi, on 27th & 28th August, 2021.
- Participating in the Workshop on “Mindselo’s Imagination – The Mind Workshop”, organized by Mindselo, on 29th August, 2021.
- Participating in the National Workshop on “Patent Filing and prosecution Procedure in India”, organized by Kristu Jyothi College of Management and Technology, Chethipuzha, Changanacherry, on 30th August, 2021.
- Participated in the One Day National Level Virtual Seminar on “Corporate Debt Restructuring”, organized by Tolani Institute of Commerce, Adipur, Kachchh, on 6th September, 2021.
- Participating in 5 Day Workshop on “Application of Research Techniques in SPSS A Hand on Approach”, organized by K L E Society’s, S Nijalingappa College, Bengalure, from 13th to 17th September, 2021.
- Participating in the Two Day national Workshop on “Digital Disruption in Learning”, organized by The Associates of Chamber of Commerce and Industry in India, Tamil Nadu, on 17th & 18th September, 2021.
- Participating in the workshop on “Rise by Lifting Others”, organised by the Department of Management Studies and the Rural Entrepreneurship Development Cell Christ Nagar College, Maranalloor, Trivandrum in association with MGNCRE, on 20th September, 2021.
- Participated in the Two Day National Level Seminar on, “Contemporary Issues in IRP in India”, organized by Kuvempu University, Sahyadri Commerce & Management College, Shimoga, on 20th & 21st September, 2021.
- Participated in the Seminar on, “Enhancing Innovation and Excellence in Educational Institutes through Quality Management System”, organized by Allana Institute of Management Science, Pune, Maharashtra, on 24th September, 2021.
- Participated in the One Day International Seminar on, “Robotics and machine learning”, organized by Department of Computer Application, Aiman College of Arts and Science for Women, Trichy, on 24th September, 2021.
- Participated in One Day International Workshop on “Conceptualization of Business Analytics”, organized by Department of Commerce, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, on 24th September, 2021.
- Participated in the National Level Seminar on, “Application of Budget 2021 and Impact of GST on Indian Economy”, organized by Department of Commerce and Department of Computer Application, Shasun Jain College for Women, Chennai, on 30th September, 2021.
- Participated in National Workshop on “Research Methodologies in Geography”, organized by Mata Gujri College Fatehgarh Sahib, Panjab, from 04th October, 2021 to 11th October, 2021.
- Participated in Two Day International Seminar on “Good Governance and Sustainable Financial Market”, organized by KLE Society’s S Nijalingappa College, Bengaluru, on 08th & 09th October, 2021.
- Participated in the Seven Day National Level Workshop on “Research Methodology and Data Analysis”, organized by Department of Commerce (B.Com, B.Com BPS & M.Com), Shri Krishna Adithya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, from 25th October to 01st November, 2021.
- Participated in the online seminar on “Development of Indian Society: 75 Years of Independence” organized by Shri Sant Savta Mali Gramin Mahavidyalaya, Phulambri, from 26th to 28th October, 2021
- Participating in the Workshop on “Emotional Well-Being and Mental health Care & Interventions”, organized by Government College Hisar, F.G.M. Government College Adampur, Hisar, on 30th October, 2021.
- Participating in the Two Days Online Workshop on “Empowering Rural Consumers”, organized by PG & Research Department of Commerce, Periyar E.V.R. College, Tiruchirappalli, on 19th & 20th November, 2021.
- Participating in One Day National workshop on “Online Teaching Using VFX Studio and Innovative Online Teaching Methods”, organized by E-Resource & E-Governance Committee, IQAC of the college and Knowledge Bridge, Ahmednagar, on 22nd November, 2021.
- Participating in the One Day Virtual Workshop on “NEP 1st Semester BBA Syllabus of Mangalore University”, organised by Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala, in association with FOBMAT, on 06th December, 2021.
- Participating in Five Days National Virtual Level Workshop on “Innovation & Entrepreneurial Eco-System”, organised by Loyola Academy, Old Alwal, Secunderabad, on 07th to 11th December, 2021.
- Participating in One Day Online National Workshop on “Research Methodology in History”, organized by Department of History, Shri Muktanand College, Gangapur in collaboration with Pratishthan College Paithan, Dist. Aurangabad, on 10th December, 2021.
- Participated in the One Day National Seminar on, “Reflection of Society and Culture in Indian Literature in English”, organized by Department of English, Mahatma Phule Mahavidyalaya, Ahmedpur, in Collaboration with Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, on 18th December, 2021.
- Participated in State Level Online Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)”, organised by Hind Seva Mandal’s Pemraj Sarda College, Ahmednagar, on 23rd December, 2021.
- Participated in One Day National Workshop on “Research Methodology (Understanding the research process)”, organised Research Promotion Cell (RPC) and Department of Library, Shri Pundlik Maharaj Mahavidyalaya, Nandura, on 24th December, 2021.
- Participating in the Two Day Online Workshop on “Write Research Article using LaTex”, organised by Aditya College of Engineering, Surampalem, Andra Pradesh, on 27th & 28th December, 2021.
- Participated in the one Day National Virtual Workshop on “Flood Management & Flood Control Measures”, organized by the Centre for Water Resources Management (CWRM), University of Madras, on 30th December, 2021.
- Participated in the One Day National Level Workshop on “Academic and Research Writing”, Organized by Department of English, Shri Muktanand College Gangapur, Dist. Aurangabad (M.S.), on 4th January, 2022.
- Participated in the “IPMAXIMA 2021”, workshop organized by Innovative Technology Enabling Center (InTEC), CSIR Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar, on 7th & 8th January, 2022.
- Participated in the National Virtual Seminar on “New Education Policy and its Various Dimensions”, organised by Govt. P.G. College, Bina District Sagar (M.P), on 11th January, 2022.
- Participated in the seminar “Internal Quality Assessment System in the New Normal”, organised by Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science, S N D T Women’s University, Mumbai, on 14th & 15th January, 2022.
- Participated in the National Seminar on “Impact of Migration on Environment and Socio-Economic Development of Chhattisgarh State”, organised by Chhattisgarh Council of Science & Technology, Raipur, on 5th & 6th February, 2022.
- Participated in the International seminar on “Emerging Trends and Practices in Environmental Conservation”, organized by Raj Rishi Govt. Autonomous College on 5th and 6th June, 2022.
- Participated in the Capability Enhancement Program on “Recent Trends in Commerce & Management – “Right analytics for Trade & Commerce”, organised by the P G & Research Department of Commerce, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous) in association with Internal Auditing & Assurance Standards Board [IAASB], The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, on 12.07.2021.
- Participated in the Capability Enhancement Program on “Recent Trends in Commerce & Management – “Integrated Sustainability Business Reporting”, organised by the P G & Research Department of Commerce, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous) in association with Internal Auditing & Assurance Standards Board [IAASB], The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, on 13.07.2021.
- Participated in the Capability Enhancement Program on “Recent Trends in Commerce & Management – “GST Laws – Recent Changes and way forward”, organised by the P G & Research Department of Commerce, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous) in association with Internal Auditing & Assurance Standards Board [IAASB], The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, on 14.07.2021.
- Participated in the Capability Enhancement Program on “Recent Trends in Commerce & Management – “Building Right Business Strategy with Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning”, organised by the P G & Research Department of Commerce, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous) in association with Internal Auditing & Assurance Standards Board [IAASB], The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, on 17.07.2021.
- Participated in the Capability Enhancement Program on “Recent Trends in Commerce & Management – “ERP for Business – A Management Decision Making Tool”, organised by the PG & Research Department of Commerce, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous) in association with Internal Auditing & Assurance Standards Board [IAASB], The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, on 18.07.2021.
- Participated in Professional Development Program, Organised by National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Hyderabad, from 02nd to 26th August, 2021.
Participated in a Virtual Management Development programme titled “The Next Phase of Business and Environmental Sustainability”, Organised by Jain Centre for Management (Deemed to be University), on 26th March, 2021.
- Participated in Six Days online training on “MATLAB”, organized by Digital Career Entrepreneurship Hub Project of MHRD BU RUSA Phase II BEICH, Department of Computer Application, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, from 10th to 17th March, 2021.
- Participated in the AICTE Sponsored Online One Week Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Empowering the Moral Values, Ethics and Behavioural Attitude in Teaching Skills among Teachers”, organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr N G P Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, from 19th to 24st April, 2021.
- Participated in AICTE Sponsored Online One Week Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Rural Development: Opportunities, Challenges and Role of HEIs”, organized by Department of Management Technology, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, from 24th to 31st May, 2021.
- Participated in the International Short Term Training Programme – 3 on “Contrivance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Environmental Conservation”, organized by Raj Rishi Govt. Autonomous College, from 24th to 30th June, 2022.
- Participated in the 7 days National level Short Term Training Program on “Google Apps from Scratch”, organized by IQAC, Christopher Arts and Science College (Women), from 16th to 22nd August, 2021.
- Participated AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Emotional Quotient, Intelligent quotient and social Quotient”, organised by Sagar Institute of Research and Technology Pharmacy Bhopal, from 18th to 22nd October, 2021.
- Participated in online training on “Coastal Hazards Management Way towards Resilience”, organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with National Centre for Coastal Research Ministry of Earth Sciences Govt. of India, on 25th to 27th October, 2021.
- Participated in AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Outcome Based Curriculum and Examination Reforms”, organised by B V V S Polytechnic (autonomous), Bagalkot, from 25th to 29th October, 2021.
- Participated in the online training on “Training Program on Role of Youth in Disaster Risk Reduction”, organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with Dyal Singh College University of Delhi, from 28th to 30th October, 2021.
- Participated in the online training on “Disaster Risk Reduction and resilience”, organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with MGSIPA, from 10th to 12th November, 2021.
- Participated in the online training on “Capacity Building Programme on Landslides Risk Management and Geospatial Technology”, organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with South Asian Institute for Advanced Research & Development (SAIARD), from 15th to 17th November, 2021.
- Participated in the online training on “Multi Sector Coordination for Emergency WASH Preparedness for Response in India with Eco DRR Training Gujarat State”, organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with Sphere India, from 25th to 27th November, 2021.
- Participated in the National Level Online Training Programme on “Child Rights: National & International Perspectives”, organised by Marathwada Legal and General Education Society’s, Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad (M.S) India, on 10th December, 2021.
- Participated in the online training on “Foundational Course in Food Security and Nutrition in Emergencies “, organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with World Food Programme, from 20th to 22nd December, 2021.
- Participated in the IP Awareness Training Programme under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission, organised by Intellectual property Office, India and NIPAM, on 13th January, 2022.
- Participated in the online training on “Post Disaster Needs Assessment PDNA and Long Term Recovery”, organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration MGSIPA, from 19th to 21st January, 2022.
Participating in One Day Workshop on “New Education Policy 2020 – Third Semester BBA Syllabus”, organised by Government First Grade College & Centre for P G Studies, Thenkanidiyur, Udupi, in association with FOBMAT, on 29th October, 2022.
Details of Participation as Guest lecturer or resource person outside the college
- Resource person for Accounting-II of BBM revised syllabus Workshop at NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte in association with FOBMAT on December 2012.
- Resource person for Corporate Accounting-II of BBM revised syllabus Workshop at PoornaPrajnaCollege,Udupi in association with FOBMAT on 14th December 2013.
- Resource person for Taxation Paper – Iat the One Day Workshop on “the Revised Syllabus of BBM Fifth Semester” of Mangalore University on 28th June 2013, Organised by Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkalain association with FOBMAT.
- Rapporteur for the paper Presentation in the National Level Seminar on “Global Contemporary Issues, Innovations and Future Challenges in Business and Management” held at Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala on 06th April, 2016.
- Rapporteur for the paper Presentation in the in the National Conferenceon “Business Education and Employability: Challenges and New Directions” held at Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Commerce, Mangalagangotri on 29th& 30th April 2016.
- Judge for the Best Manager event in the National Level Commerce and Management fest Magnum 2016 held on 29th& 30th April 2016 at Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Commerce, Mangalagangotri.
- Chairing the Technical Session at the National Level Seminar on “Diverse Challehges for Business Organisation” on 07th October 2016 at Mangalore Academy of Professional Studies (MAPS).
- Rapporteur for the paper Presentation in the National Seminar on “Democratisation and Globalisation of International Business – Issues and Challenges” held at Mangalore University, Dept. of Studies in Commerce, Mangalagangothri on 30th& 31st March, 2017.
- Resource person for Taxation Paper of BBM revised syllabus Workshop of Taxation – II (Incorporation of GST) at GovindaDasa College, Surathkal in association with FOBMAT on 21th December 2017.
- Resource person for Accounting – I in a one-day workshop on “CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) OF I Semester BBA” of Mangalore University on 6th July, 2019 held at Dr. Nitte Shankara Adyanthaya memorial First Gread College, Nitte.
- Resource person for Accounting – I in a one-day workshop on “CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) OF I Semester BBA” of Mangalore University on 6th July, 2019 held at Dr. NitteShankara Adyanthaya memorial First Grade College, Nitte.
- Rapporteur for the paper Presentation Two-Day National Level Conference on “Role of Institutional Financing in the Development of Agriculture” and “Business Dynamics” held at Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Commerce, Mangalagangotri on 25th and 26th October, 2019.
- Moderator and Session Chair for the Parallel Track Session in the III International Conference on “Innovation and Digitalization – Strategies for Global Collaboration”held on 20 January 2020 organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru.
- Resource person for Accounting – II in a one-day workshop on “CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) OF II Semester BBA” of Mangalore University on 4thJanuary, 2020 held at Poorna Prajna College, Udupi.
- Participated as a Resource Person in a One Day Virtual Workshop on “Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) of III Semester BBA for the Subject Corporate Accounting of Mangalore University, organised by Sri Bhuvanedra College, Karkala and Forum of Business Management Teachers’ (FOBMAT), on 03.02.2021.
- Participated as a Resource Person in a Guest Lecture on “Writing Research Articles – Why and How”, organised by Department of P G Studies and Research in Commerce, Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal on 10.02.2021.
- Participated as a Resource Person in a Career Guidance Talk for II P U C Commerce Students of Govinda Dasa P U College, Surathkal on 27.03.2021.
- Participated as a Resource Person for the subject “Corporate Accounting II” in One Day Virtual Workshop on “CBCS of 4th Semester BBA syllabus of Mangalore University, organised by Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal, in association with FOBMAT, on 26th June, 2021.
- Participated as a Resource Person for the subject “Event Management and Public Relation” in One Day Workshop on “CBCS of 5th Semester BBA syllabus of Mangalore University, organised by Manjunatha Pai Memorial Govt. First Grade College of Professional and Business Management, Karkala, in association with FOBMAT, on 19th November, 2021.
- Participated as a Resource Person in the course “Fundamentals of Business Accounting” in the Virtual Syllabus Workshop on NEP First Semester BBA of Mangalore University, organised by Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala, in association with FOBMAT, on 06th December, 2021.
- Participated as a Resource Person in the course “Corporate Accounting and Reporting” in the Workshop on New Education Policy – 2nd Semester BBA syllabus of Mangalore University, organised by St. Philomena College, Puttur, in association with FOBMAT, on 27th May, 2022.
- Participated as a Resource Person for the subject “Corporate Accounting” in One Day Workshop on “Third Semester NEP B.Com Courses syllabus” of Mangalore University, organised by Sri Dhavala College, Mooodabidri, in association with Mangalore University Commerce Teachers Association, on 22nd October, 2022.
Major responsibilities held in the college
- Coordinator of GDC Stores
- Coordinator for KSOU Study Centre
- Coordinator for Central Valuation
- Coordinator for Competitive Examination Centre
Major responsibilities held outside the college
- Executive body member of FOBMAT
- Syllabus committee Member of University BBM for Corporate Accounting I & II
Details of Participation in University Bodies or Autonomous Institutions
- External Examiner for M SC Tech.& Fashion Design – Manipal University, Manipal
- External Examiner for St. Aloysius College, Mangalore-for BBM (Autonomous Institutions)
- O.S. of St. Aloysius College, Mangalore-for BBM 212-13 (Autonomous Institutions)
- Project guide to MBA student of Karnataka Open University, Mysore.
- B O E of B B M – Mangalore University or the year 2016-18.