Mrs. Harsharani
Assistant Professor
P.G Department of Commerce
: 10years*
10 experience at GDC**
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
:M.Com (Finance), KSET
Research & Publications
- Attended one day National Conference on “Financial Sector Reforms” and Presented a paper titled “A STUDY ON PITFALLS OF GOLD MONETIZATION SCHEME ON INDIAN ECONOMY”
- Presented a research paper entitled: A STUDY ON INITIAL PROBLEMS FACED BY INDUSTRIES ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GST IN BAIKAMPADY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE” IN a two day national conference on emerging business trends -2020 organized by the department of studies in commerce, mangalore university, mangalagangothri.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled A STUDY ON” PERCEPTION OF PARENTS FOR CO-EDUCATION VERSUS SAME GENDER EDUCATION IN PRE-UNIVERSITY COLLEGE “in Anveshan 2020, National Seminar on “Transforming India: Issues and Challenges”
- Participated and presented a paper entitled A Study on “Financial literacy and Inclusive growth: A Study on Economically weaker section and low income groups”Held at Mangalore University
Other Activities
:- Worked as Deputy Chief Superintendent for M.COM University Examination Of December 2015.
- Attended one day National Conference on “Financial Sector Reforms” and Presented a paper titled “A STUDY ON PITFALLS OF GOLD MONETIZATION SCHEME ON INDIAN ECONOMY”
- Attended workshop on “IMPACT OF FDI IN INDIA” organized by Shree Bharati College, nantoor.
- Attended National Seminar on “International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)”organized by S.V.S College, Bantwal.
- Participated in “Census Data Dissemination work shop-2015” organized by the Economics Department, Mangalore University.
- Participated in the One -Day Workshop on CBCS New Syllabi of M.Com and M.com (HRD)Programmes’ organized by the Depatment of Studies in Commerce, held at Mangalagangotri on 29th august 2016.
- Participated in a National Level Online FDP on”Adopting ourselves to the online Academic Activities “held on 16/6/2020 organized by Sahydri college of Engineering and Management,Mangalore.
- Participated in the WEBINAR on”Learning in the Digital Age “- Opportunities and challenges held on 20th june 2020 conducted by Internal Quality Assurance Cell ,Govinda Dasa college,Surathkal.
- Participated in WEBINAR on The Digital Accountant- Digital and career skills in a transformed world organized by Department of commerce, St. Aloysius college (Autonomous), Mangalore In association with ACCA and ISDC. on 26 th june 2020.
- Project guided for M.Com students 2015-16
SI.No Reg.no. Name Topic 1 154588109 Divyatha N “A Project Report on Entrepreneurship among civil engineers” 2 154588110 Harshitha V “A Study on Entrepreneurship among technical students for future growth and development’’ 3 154588111 Karishma M “A Study on Consumer Attitude towards Nestle Maggi noodles in Changed Market Situation” 4 154588112 Krithi p k “Adverse effect of big jewellery showrooms on small goldsmith artisans-A study in Mangalore taluk” 5 154588113 Kushalakshi “working Condition of Women Employees-“A Study on Women Employee Working in petrol Bunks of Mangalore City Corporation Area” 6 154588114 Lavanya “A Project Report on Students Attitude towards Joining NCC” 7 154588115 Laveena Maria tauro “ A Study on Plastic Ban and its impact on plastic manufacturing Industry and Consumers” 8 154588116 Melson D Souza “A Study on Consumer Perception towards Super Markets” 2016-2017
SI.No Reg.no. Name Topic 1 169550009 Kavya “The study on the Impact of Muncipal solid waste on health and the environment in vamanjoor City.” 2 169550010 Mamatha “A Study on the Problems Faced by painters” 3 169550011 Padmanabha SY “Study on Problems of Granite Quarry” 4 169550012 Pavana “Study on the attitude of senior citizens towards e-banking” 5 169550013 Prajna “Investors attitude and perception towards investing in post office saving schemes – with special reference to Surathkal city.” 6 169550014 Prashanth M “Perception of People Living in and around Niddodi Kallamundkur Village –Study on Termal Power Project” - 2017-2018
SI.No Reg.no. Name Topic 1 175466921 Rakshitha R Devadiga “Attitude of Parents Towards primary education of their children” 2 175466922 Rathesh “Knowledge attitude and perception towards gram panchayat program” , a study on the people of rural area of costal belt( D.K and Udupi District) 3 175466923 Rekha “The socio- economic and demographic conditions of Lambani Tandas” : a micro study on Gadag District: 4 175466924 Reshma “Impact of teachers motivation on academic performance of students”, a study in Mangalore Taluk 5 175466925 Roopa “Knowledge , attitude and Perception among the post graduate towards research” – study on Mangalore Taluk 6 175466926 Ruthika R. “Investors knowledge , perception and attitude towards Mutual Fund” 7 175466927 S. Shwetha “Use of digital library in under graduate college”, A study in Mangalore Taluk 8 175466928 Sabeena “A study on Managerial pproblems of old age people in and around Mangalore” 2018-2019
SI.no Reg .no. Name Topic 1 18709 and 18711
H Namratha Naika and Jeevan Kumar R “Financial literacy and Inclusive growth: A Study on Economically weaker section and low income groups” 2 18705 and 18715
Ashwini Pundlik Patil and M Kirithika “A Study on Initial Problems Faced by Industries on the Implementation of GST in Baikampady Industrial Estate” 3 18729 and
18723Sneha Jyothi D Souza and Pratheeka “A Study on Job Satisfaction of online food delivery boys in and around Mangalore”