Dr. K. Shivashankar Bhat
Department of Economics
Contact: bhatkssgdc.edu.in
: 32years*K. Shivashankar Bhat has left GDC after 33 years service.
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- M.A in Economics
- Ph.D in Economics. Dissertation Title: Economics of the Construction Industry- Its role in Employment generation and Economic development with reference to Mangalore City Corporation Area.
Research & Publications
:Research Projects (Completed and Ongoing) during the last four years
- Economics of Informal Sector Workers: A Case Study of Mangalore City Corporation Area
Papers Presented in International and National Seminars during the last five years:
- Resource Person in UGC sponsored National Seminar on Re structuring of social Sciences Courses in the Present Context on 15, 16 December 2014
- Resource Person in a Workshop on ‘Managerial Economics’ organized by Mangalore University Economics Teachers Association (MUETA)on 01-08-2013
- Resource Person in Workshop on IQAC Functions “IQAC-A Tool for Quality Enhancement” at Sarosh Institute of Hotel Administration, Mangalore on 12-08-3013
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Benchmarking Modalities of creation and Evaluation of Institutional Practices in ‘ Social Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions: Societal Commitment – A Case Study of Govinda Dasa College at SVS College Bantwal on 27 & 28 March 2013.
- International Seminar on Dimensions of Women Endowment in ‘Financial Literacy: A way out for Economic Empowerment of Women’ -A case Study at EAST Tirunelveli in Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari, T.N. on 27 & 28th September 2013.
- National Seminar on Effective Disaster Management in India with special reference to D.K. District, ‘Army of Life Savers-A way out for mitigation of Disasters’ at Besant Evening College, Mangalore on 17th December 2013.
- UGC Sponsored National Conference on World’s Emerging Advancements in Chemical Technology ‘Spectrum of Economics and Chemistry in the Growth Process’ organized by Dept. of Chemistry, GDC Surathkal on 10 & 11th Jan 2014.
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Social Capital Formation – The Indian Experience, ‘Growth with Equity A way out for Social Capital Formation’ at Besant Women’s College Mangalore on 17 Jan 2014.
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Benchmarking Modalities of creation and Evaluation of Institutional Practices in ‘Social Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions “Societal Commitment – A case of Govinda Dasa College at SVS College, Bantwal on 27th and 28th March 2013
- Resource Person in a Workshop on ‘Managerial Economics’ organized by Mangalore University Economics Teachers Association (MUETA) on 01.08.02013
- Resource Person in Workshop on “IQAC – A Tool for Quality Enhancement” at Sarosh Institute of Hotel Administration, Mangalore on 12.08.2013
- International Seminar on Dimensions of Women Empowerment. Paper presented on ‘Financial Literacy: A way out of Economic Empowerment of Women’- A case study, at EAST Tirunelveli in Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari, T.N on 27and 28 September 2013
- National Seminar on Effective Disaster Management in India with special reference to D.K District, paper presented on ‘Army of Life Savers – A way out of mitigation of Disasters, at Besant Evening College, Mangalore on 17 December 2013.
- UGC sponsored National Seminar on Parallel Economy and Money Laundering on 3,4 January 2014 in Canara College Mangalore.
- UGC Sponsored National Conference on Worlds Emerging Advancement in Chemical Technology ‘Spectrum of Economics and Chemistry in the growth Process’. Organized by Dept. Chemistry, GDC, Surathkal on 10th, 11th January 2014.
- UGC sponsored National Seminar on Social Capital Formation – The Indian Experience, ‘Growth with Equity A way out for social Capital Formation’ at Besant Women’s College, Manglaore on 17 January 2014.
- National Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights – Practices and Management on 17,18 February 2012, organized by Manipal Institute of Management.
- Paper Presented in International Conference on Go Global – Changes and Challenges in Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship on 19 – 21 July 2012 , organized by Nehru Group of Institution, Coimbature.
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Social Capital Formation – The Indian Experience, ‘Growth with Equity A way out for Social Capital Formation’ at Besant Women’s College Mangalore on 17 Jan 2014.
- NAAC organized International seminar on Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Expectations and Achievements-2011 APQN International Conference on 2-4, March 2011 in Bangalore
- NAAC Sponsored National seminar on Lessons Learnt from IQAC: Moving Forward and Making a Difference” on 27,28 March 2012, organized by SDM College, Ujire
- NAAC Sponsored National seminar on Measures for Quality Enhancement and Sustenance in Higher Education on 9, 10 October 2014 organized by SDM College of Business Management, Mangalore
Other Activities
:- Recognised Ph.D Guide of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore and Hampi Kannada University, Hampi
- Served as NSS Officer for 8 years
- President of Humanities Association
- Former President of Mangalore University Economics Teachers Association.