Mrs. Ravikala
Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce & Business Administration
Contact: ravikalakotiangdc.edu.in
: 7.6years*Ravikala has left GDC after 5 years service.
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- B.Com ( Taxation)
- Master of commerce ( HR)
Research & Publications
- Presented a paper on “A study on Dimensions of Quality Of Work – Life of Unorganised sector Employees” – With special reference to Baikampady Industrial Area of Karnataka”, 16th International Conference on Business Management and Behavioural Sciences (ICBMBS-17) Haridwar, Uttrakhund (India), on 30 – 31st December 2017, and published in Onkar Bharti for Bharti Publication(ISBN: 978 – 93 – 86608 – 27 – 7)
- Paper presentations
- International conference on emerging issues and trends in intellectual capital and Innovative Management Practices in the global economy at GovindaDasa college, Surathkal on the topic“Innovations in Human Resource Management and Development ” on January 13 and 14 2020 ISBN-978-96-5396-158-9.
- International conference on “Emerging Issues and Trends in Intellectual Capital and Innovative Management Practices in the global economy “Organizational Innovations and Innovative Climate in Human Resource Management and Development” on January 13 and 14, 2020”.ISSN-070474-9030.
- National conference on “Frontiers of chemical and Agricultural sciences Development: Challenges and Opportunities “at GovindaDasa College, Surathkal on the topic “A an Analytical Study of Agricultural Crisis and Farmers’ Suicides in India” held on 04/03/2020.
- Published a paper on Journal Our Heritage titled ’’ Organizational Innovations and Innovative Climate in Human Resource Management and Development’’ Vol: 68, Issue: 1 January 2020, ISSN: – 070474-9030, pp- 11482-11491.
Other Activities
:Participation in Seminars and workshops
- Participated in the Workshop Organised by MUCTA, in association with University college, Hampankatta, “One day University Level Workshop on Revised B.com Cuuriculum” on 18th December, 2017 as a delegate.
- Participated in the Revised Syllabus Workshop on VI Semester BBM Taxation- II (Incorporation of GST), GovindaDasa College, Surathkal in association of FOBMAT on 21st December, 2018 as a delegate.
- Participated in Two days Workshop on GST organised by St. Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor on 10th & 11th August 2017 as delegate.
- Attended one day workshop on Revised Syllabus of B.com second semester at Aloysius evening college on January 3rd 2020
- Participated in One-Day National Level FDP on Information Security and Data Privacy Awareness organised by St. Anne’s college virajpet in collaboration with St. Aloysius College, Mangalore on 27th July 2020.
- Participated in 10 Hours of FDP on “Process Management in problem solving “( online live FDP) conducted by ICT academy on 14th December 2020 to 18 December 2020.
- Participated in the Webinar on the topic “Wealth Management and Direct Tax ” held online on 24th April 2021
- participated in ‘One-day Workshop on BCOM II SEM Syllabus (NEP) on 21st May 2022
Responsibilities Held :
- Co-ordinator of Mahila Vedhike 2020-21.
- Co-ordinator Of Departmental Library 2020-21
- NSS Programme officer Unit -2 for the year 2021-22