Mr. Sajan Acharya
Assistant Professor - HOD
P.G Department of Commerce
Contact: sajanmgdc.edu.in
: 7years*Sajan Acharya has left GDC after 8 years service.
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- Master of Commerce
Research & Publications
- Presented a paper on “A study on pit fall of Gold Monetization in the growth of Indian economy” at the National conference on “FINANCIAL SECTOR REFORMS” held at St.Mary’s College Shirva in the year 2016
- Presented a paper on “An Analysis on the JANA DHAN YOJANA-A MOVE TOWARDS CHANGE” at the UGC sponsored National seminar on “FINANCIAL INCLUSION-OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES” organized by Department of commerce Milagres college kallianpur,Udupi in association with Mangalore university commerce teachers association(MUCA) in the year 2016
- Presented a paper on “A Need for skill development in educated unemployed” at the UGC sponsored National conference on “REPOSITIONING QUALITY CULTURE IN HIGHER EDUCATION-CONCERNS AND CHALLENGES” organized by IQAC, Govinda dasa college In association with Mangalore university Economic Teachers Association(MUEA) in the year 2018
- Presented a paper on Perception of post-graduate students towards entrepreneurship-A study in and around Mangalore taluku” at the International level conference on INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP” organized by ST AGNES COLLEGE,dept.of commerce and business administration in association with ORIGIIN IP ACADEMY,Bengaluru in the year 2018
- Presented a paper on “The socio economic conditions of Lambani Tandas-A micro study in Gadaga district” at the National seminar on Central and state government schemes and programmes for protection ,welfare and empowerment of scheduled tribes in India organized by Karnataka state tribal research institute ,mysuru and Ministry of tribal affairs , govt.of INDIA in the year 2018
Other Activities
:- Training programme on KYC and AML by RBI external Auditors at UAE exchange and financial services Ltd ,Bangalore – 2016
- A month training for skill development and marketing executives at Department of commerce, Manipal institution – 2015
- 7 days faculty development programme at United theological college Bangalore – 2017
- Campus to corporate training for placement officer by Tata consultancy services at DOC Manipal – 2017
- 7 days workshop on FEEL communicative development programme at CLHRD, Mangalore – 2012
- Faculty development programme on “case studies and writing” at St. Joseph engineering college vamanjoor mangalore – 2017
- 2 days’ workshop on “GST” at St. Joseph engineering college vamanjoor mangalore – 2018