Mrs. Sajitha.K.Nair
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Contact: sajithanairgdc.edu.in
: 15years*
15 experience at GDC**
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- M.Sc Mathematics
- B.Ed
- Passed State Eligibility Test-May 2006(Kerala)
Other Activities
:- Attended one day workshop on Laboratory for B.Sc. Mathematics An Introduction to Scilab/Maxima held at Dr. P Dayananda Pai-P Satheesh Pai Govt. first grade college, Mangalore on 03-03-2019.
- Attended one day university level workshop on revised Bcom curriculum held at St.Aloysius evening college, Mangalore on 05-07-2014.
- Attended one day National Seminar on ” Computational Mathematics and Research Culture” on 26th May 2022,organised by Department of Mathematics, St Agnes College(Autonomous) Mangaluru.
Responsibilities held
- Co-0rdinator of Innovation club
- Co-ordinator of Science Association
- Staff Co-ordinator of Mathematics Event(“Pi-tan-max”) Inter collegiate Fest DIGANTHA 2022.