Dr. Shilparani K
Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce & Business Administration
Contact: shilparanigdc.edu.in
: 11years*Shilparani K has left GDC after 11 years service.
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- B.com ( Regular)
- Master of Commerce (HRM)
- Awarded, the Doctorate Degree from Srinivas University , Mukka., Mangalore
Research & Publications
- International conference on Strategic shift in Business Excellence for sustainable Development in INDO-GLOBAL Business and Technology held on 10th February 2017 at Sri Ganesh School of Business Management and presented a paper titled ‘’ “A study on dimensional Development of Event Management in Mangalore City, Corporation Area, Karnataka. Journal: International Journal of functional management (ISSN NO: 2319-1406, Volume 3, March 2017) promoted by The Kongu Educational & Research Foundation, Salem, Tamilnadu.
- International conference on contemporary issues in Business Innovation, Technology and Social Sciences (ICBITSS 2018) organised by School of management, Gautam Buddha University on June 1st– 2nd ,2018 at Greater Noida, India. Participated a Research paper titled ‘Presented paper on “A study on customer satisfaction towards with special reference to Mangalore Corporation Area, Karnataka Published in the workshop titled International conference on contemporary issues in business, Innovation, Technological and Social issues.
- International Conference on Emerging Trends in Management, Information Technology and Education held at Srinivas University Pandeshwar, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India on 16th And 17th August 2019 and presented a research paper titled “ Employee job satisfaction in A.J hospital and Research Centre, Mangalore
- Submitted a Minor Research Project titled A study on “impact of social networking sites on academic performance of degree students with respect to government colleges in Mangalore & Udupi district” -1464-MRP/14-15/KAMA017/UGC-SWRO dated 04-02-2015, University grant commission south western regional office, Bangalore, Karnataka .
- A study on the job stress in government and private teachers with special reference to Mangalore City Corporation Area. Journal: Indo Global Journal of Commerce and Economics, volume 5, (ISSN NO: 2393-9796) promoted by Kongu Regional Educational & Research Foundation. Sri Ganesh School Business Management, Salem, Tamilnadu.
- “A study on causes & problems of Employee Absenteeism in Mangalore Refinery and Petro- chemical Ltd, Mangaluru”.Journal: Post liberalization Development in Business Management. ICBMBS-17,, Haridwar ,Uttarkand , published in Bharathi publication(ISBN: 978-93-86608-27-7) Gautham Buddha university(ICBITSS-2018).
- Enrolled for PhD at Srinivas University on 10/07/2019
- Participation in seminars and workshops:
- Attended one day workshop on orientation to Research methodology and data analysis at Srinivas University on 12/07/2019.
- Attended one day workshop on orientation to Research methodology at Srinivas University on 10/08/2019.
- Attended one day workshop on SPSS at Srinivas University on 14/09/2019 and 21/09/2019.
- Attended one day workshop on Research Methodology at Srinivas University on 07/02/2020 and 08/02/2020.
- Successully completed the ARPIT Course or career Advancementr Scheme (CAS) promotion Pedagogical Innovations And Research Methodology (Interdeisciplinary ) from 1st December 2020 to 31st March 2021 held on 21/08/2021 by Guru Jambheshwara of Science & Technology Hisar, Haryana.
- Completed First Doctorial Committee Meeting (DCM) Presentation on September 28th.2021.
Paper presentations
- “International conference on emerging trends in management, information technology and education” at Srinivas University on the topic” A study on job satisfaction of employees in A.J Hospital and Research Centre Mangalore” held on 16 and 17 August 2019.
- International conference on emerging issues and trends in intellectual capital and Innovative Management Practices in the global economy at Govinda Dasa college, Surathkal on the topic“work life balance– a case study with reference to yenepoya specialty hospital kodialbail, Mangalore” on January 13 and 14 2020 ISBN-978-96-5396-158-9.
- International conference on “ Emerging Issues and Trends in Intellectual Capital and Innovative Management Practices in the global economy ““work life balance and time management– a case study with reference to yenepoya specialty hospital kodialbail, Mangalore” on January 13 and 14, 2020 ”.ISSN-070474-9030.
- National conference on “Frontiers of chemical and Agricultural sciences Development: Challenges and Opportunities “at Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal on the topic “A study on “work life balance and Life satisfaction” among local farmers of Mangalore City Corporation” held on 04/03/2020.
- Shilparani.K., & Dr.C.K., Hebbar. (2020). Work Life Balance -A case study with reference to Yenepoya Speciality Hospital Kodialbail Mangalore. International Conference on Emerging trends in Intellectual capital & Innovative Management Practice in the Global Economy, 13th & 14th January 2020.IBN:978-96-5396-158-9.
- Published a paper on Journal Our Heritage titled ’’ work life balance and time management– a case study with reference to yenepoya specialty hospital kodialbail, Mangalore’’ Vol: 68, Issue: 1 January 2020, ISSN: – 070474-9030, pp- 11297-11306.
- Published a paper in Journal Our Heritage titled ” A study on job satisfaction of employees in A.J Hospital and Research Centre Mangalore’’ Vol: 68, Issue: 1 January 2020, ISSN: – 070474-9030, pp- 12273-12281.
- Published a paper in Wesleyan Journal of Research titled” A Review Of Literature Review on Work Life Balance and Job satifaction”Shilparani.K., & Dr.C.K., Hebbar. (2021). ,14(4),12-26
- Published a paper titled” Impact of technology on Work Life Balance- A Conceptual Study ” in the Journal Advances in ICT & Knowledge Management in cyber space by Shilparani k ., & Dr.C.K Hebbar. 2021.,ISBN: 978-93-91012-10-6, 159-170.
Other Activities
:- Attended one day workshop on Revised Syllabus of B.B.M Third semester of Mangalore University held at Govinda dasa college surathkal on 29th June 2013.
- Attended one day workshop on Revised B.com Curriculum held at Vijaya College, Mulky on 11th July 2015.
- Participated one day workshop on Research Methodology held at Srinivas University on 10th August 2019.
- Attended one day workshop on Research Methodology and data analysis held at Srinivas University, Mukka on 12th July 2019.
- Participated in Two days workshop on SPSS certificate course held at Srinivas University, on 7th and 14th September 2019.
- Attended one day workshop on Sexual harassment, Environmental protection and Drug Abuse held at Govinda dasa college sutathkal on 30th September 2019.
- Participated in the workshop on Mutual fund by Birla Sun Life by birla sunlife on 24 September, 2016.
- Participated in the workshop on B.com Revised Syllabus by MUCTA on 19 July 2016.
- Attended seminar on Digital Payment organized by NSS, GDC on 11 January 2017.
- Participated in Staff Empowerment Programme organized by IQAC CELL, GDC 16 June 2016.
- Participated in Model Exhibition held at Sridevi college Kenjaru on 28 August 2017
- Attended Workshop on Awareness of Capital Market on Organized by Lotus know Wealth on 29 August 2018.
- Participated in Industrial Visit to Campco Chocolate Factory, Puttur organized by Commerce Department, GDC on 16 and 29 September 2019.
- Attended Revised Syllabus workshop on VI Semester BBM Taxation –II on 21 December 2017 by GDC & FOBMAT.
- Attended workshop on Business Education and GST, Innovatia -2018 On 02 January 2018 by Commerce Department
- Attended workshop on Financial Education by SEBI on 19 January 2018.
- Participated as a delegate for Whiz-Quiz 2018 final round on 09 March 2018 by Sahyadri Engineering College.
- Participated in District Level Rovers and Rangers Moot @ Pilikula Organized by Bharath Scouts and Guides, D.K, Mnagalore.
- Participated in Swacch Bharath Abhiyana organized by Ramakrishna mission, Mangalore on 02 October 2018.
- Participated in Workshop of Awareness on cyber crime organized by commerce department on 04 October 2018.
- Participated in Workshop on development of Human Relation organized by commerce department on 05 October 2018.
- Attended workshop on Art and Craft organized by commerce department on 14 January 2018.
- Participated in Innovatia 2018-19 organized by commerce department on 22 January 2018.
- Participated in one day workshop on Informative camp. Organized by Bharath Scouts and guides, D.K on 18 February 2019.
- Attended workshop on Career Prospects of B.com students in GST Organized by Department of commerce on 21 February 2019.
- Attended Rovers and Rangers Unit Inauguration of Govinda Dasa PUC on 03 July 2019.
- Attended and participated in the “Stock market Quiz” organized by Sri Sharada College of Management, Bangalore on 2nd July 2020.
- Participated in the National Webinar on “an insight into capital market during covid-19 pandemic “organized by S.D.M College of Business Management, Mangalore on 2nd July 2020.
- Participated in the National Webinar on “Tech for good-using technology to make a better world. “organized by S.D.M College of Business Management, Mangalore on 2nd July 2020.
- Participated in National level E-Quiz on “A glimpse of competitive exams “conducted by the Department of Commerce and Business Administration, GDC, Surathkal in the month of July 2020.
- Participated in National level E-Quiz on” Web Fundamentals organized by De Paul First grade college, Belgola on 10th and 11th July 2020.
- Participated in Quiz based on “Commerce “conducted by Department of Commerce and Management from 15th June to 25th June 2020.
- Participated in Two-Day National Level E-Workshop on” Understanding OBS Studio and Stream yard for E-Content Creation and Live Streaming” organized by Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute on 10th July and 11th July ,2020.
- Participated in Three-day National level Hands-on online workshop on “Preparing and writing quality research Papers” organized by Research Cell of PES Institute of Advanced Management Studies, Shivamogga from 2nd July to 4th July, 2020.
- Participated in the International E-Conference organized by Department of Library and Information Centres on 16th July 2020.
- Participated in Two Day National webinar on” Data Analysis Using SPSS Software” Organized by Besant Women’s College on 6th July and 7th July, 2020.
- Participated in online faculty Development Programme on “MSME’s: Threats, Challenges and Revival Measures” organized by The Institute of Company Secretaries on 9th July 2020.
- Participated in live webinar on” How to publish with Oxford Journals/ Oxford Medicine Online-Supporting Every Stage in a Medical Career” organized by EBSCO, on 9th July 2020.
- Participated in One-Day National Level Workshop on “Confidence and Technology Enabled Teacher-Part I” Organised by MUCTA ON 21ST
- Participated in E-quiz on “Commerce and Management” organized by Besant Evening College, on 23rd July 2020.
- Participated in the 7 Days Online Faculty Development Program on “Research Methodology: Data Analysis, Reporting & Publication Perspectives” organized by Bharathiar School of Management and Entrepreneur Development, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu from 20th July to 26th July 2020.
- Participated in National level Webinar on “Changing Dimension in Entrepreneurship “conducted by the Department of BBA, Andhra Loyola College on 27th July,2020.
- Participated in National level Online FDP on “Systematic and Simplified Approach for Teaching and Learning GST” organized by Vijaya College Jayanagar, Bangalore on 24th July,2020.
- Participated in the International E-Conference on “Shift to Text to E-Content in Higher Education” organized by Dr. A. V. Baliga College of Commerce, Kumta on 16th July 2020.
- Participated in National Level E-quiz on “Librarian’s Day” organized by GDC, Surathkal on 12th August 2020.
- Participated in One Day International Webinar on “Investment Strategy – A Global Perspective “organized by PPC on 8th August 2020.
- Participated in the Webinar on” Investments and Capital Market” organized by PG dept of Commerce, GDC, Surathkal, on 7th August 2020.
- Participated in National Level E-Quiz on “Human Resource Management and Marketing Conducted by Commerce and Business Administration, GDC, Surathkal in August 2020.
- Participated in National level Online quiz on “Basic Concepts of Marketing” organized by Chaitanya (Deemed University) on 13th and 14th August ,2020.
- Participated in One-Day International Webinar on “Investment Strategy- A Global Perspectives “Organized by PPC College on 8th August 2020.
- Participated in Three Day International Faculty Development Programme on “engaging minds and empowering success on Research Era” organized by Department of Post graduate studies 26th to 28th August 2020.
- Participated in National webinar on “Research Methodology “held on 17th July 2020 organized by Loyola College, Chennai.
- Participated in the Webinar on “Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy Way Forward” Organized by GDC Alumni Association AND Rotary Club, Surathkal on 3rd October 2020.
- Participated in International Webinar on “Exposure to Global Career &Work Life” Organized by Canara College on October 10th,2020.
- Participated in National Level E-quiz on “Consumer and Human Right” organized by Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal on 24th December 2020.
- Participated in 7 Day National Level Faculty Development Program on “Application of Tools and Techniques in Research Methodology & Accelerate to Publish Article in Scopus and Web of Science “organized by Department of B.com Professional Accounting &Finance from 19th -24th December 2020.
- Participated in 10 Hours of Faculty Development Program on Creative Thinking (Online Live FDP) conducted by ICT Academy on 28th December – January 2nd
- Participated in Exclusive Virtual Power seminar on “Employability Skills for Future” organized by Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal in association with ICT ACADEMY SKYCAMPUS ON 31-12-2020.
- Participated as a delegate in One day Virtual workshop on CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) of III Semester BBA OF Mangalore University on 3rd February 2021 held at Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala in association with FOBMAT.
- Participated in the National level Webinar on “Research Paper writing and Publication “organized by Trisha College on 6th February ,2021.
- Participated in the 7 Day National Level Workshop on “Research and Publication Ethics” organized by Srinivas University, Mangalore from February 8,2021 to 15 February 2021.
- Participated in Five Day webinar on Research for Ph. D Scholars from June 1 to June 5,2021 conducted by the Department of Research and Innovation Council of Srinivas University, Mukka, Mangalore.
- Participated as a Delegate in a One-day Virtual Workshop on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) OF iv Semester BBA Syllabus of Mangalore University on 26th June, 2021 held at Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal in association with FOBMAT.
- Attended one day B.com NEP Syllabus II Semester workshop on 21 May 2022 at Besant women’s College organized by MUCTA.
- Attended a one day Workshop on ” New Education Policy” of III Semester BBA Organized by St.Philomina College, Puttur in association with FOBMAT on 27 May 2022.
- Participated as a delegate , in a One-day University level workshop on “ National Education Policy 2020- fifth Semester BBA Syllabus” organized by the Department of Commerce & Management of Institute , in association with Forum of Business Management Teachers’ (FOBMAT) ®, Mangalore University, Mangalore held on September 09, 2023 at Canara College, Mangalore.
- Participated as a delegate, in a one day University level workshop on “ National Education Policy 2020—Sixth Semester BBA Syllabus” organized by the Department of Commerce & Management of Institute , in association with Forum of Business Management Teachers’ (FOBMAT) ®, Mangalore University, Mangalore held on February 29, 2024 at Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala .
- Faculty Development Programme:Participated in One Day Faculty Development Programme on “Employability Skills “held on Government First Grade College for Women, Balmatta, Mangalore on 27th October, 2023.
- Attended a One –day workshop on “SPSS- A practical session” on 8th January 2024, organized by Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce, Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal.
- Attended a One –day workshop on “National Eligibility Teat (NET) Preparation” on 29th November 2023, organized by Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce, Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal.
Responsibilities Held:
- Coordinator of Commerce and Business Administration Association.
- Unit leader of Rangers Club2020-22
- Faculty Advisor of Rotaract Club 2023-24