Dr. Sujatha B
: 18years*
2 experience at GDC**
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- M.L.I.Sc
- M.Phil
- Ph.D.
Research & Publications
:Journals Publication
- Sujatha .B, and T.Y Mallaiah, “The Impact of Age and Experience on the Level of Satisfaction and Motivation among Library Professionals” Journal of Advanced research in library and Information Science, Vol.1.No.1, pp.1-6,March.2014.ISSN 2395-2288
- Sujatha .B, and T.Y Mallaiah, “Motivation of Library professional in the engineering college libraries in Dakshina Kannada” Indian Journals of Library and Information Technology.Vol.4, No.4, pp.27-31, Oct-Dec 2014, ISSN 2249-8489.
- Sujatha .B, and T.Y Mallaiah, “Use of library Resources, Services, facilities by the faculty of Engineering College in Dakshina Kannada District” Indian Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol. 8, No.3, pp.225-232, Sept-December. 2014, ISSN 0973-9548.
- Dr. Sujatha .B, Pushpalatha .K,and T.Y Mallaiah, “Impact of organizational culture on employee Involvement in LIS Professionals” Journal of Advanced research in library and Information Science, Vol.4 No. 1&2,pp.12-16,July.2017. ISSN 2395-2288.
- Sujatha.B “Best Practices in College libraries: A study with a special Reference to Govinda Dasa College Dasa College Library, Surathkal” JUNI KHYAT Journal Vol .13 Issue 09. pp. 108-111, September.2023.ISSN:2278-4632.
- Dr. Sujatha .B “Digital Transformation in Education” JUNI Khyat Journal VOl.14 Issue -12, pp .22-25, December 2024, ISSN 2278-4632.
- Participated in Faculty Development program on “Emotional Intelligence” conducted by ICT Academy on 3rd April 2023 to 6th April 2023.
- Participated in Faculty Development program on “Leadership Skill” conducted by ICT Academy on 2nd May 2023 to 6th May 2023.
- Participated 4- week faculty Induction/orientation Programme for “Faculty in University/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education” from 23 May-21 June, 2023 and obtained Grade A+.
- Participated 2 week online subject Refresher Course in Library & Information Science from 26.09.2024 to 10.10.2024 organized by UGC Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre(MMTTC), Aligarh Muslim University,Aligarh and obtained Grade- ‘A+’.
- “I have successfully completed the SWAYAM Online Course on ‘Management of Library and Information Centres,’ a 12-week program, with a score of 75%. The final examination was conducted on 25th October 2024.
Conference Publication/Presentation
- Presented a paper titled “Organization learning: A new Technique for continuing Education to LIS professionals in Knowledge Society” at International Conference on ‘Convergence of Science, Engineering & Management in Education and research-A Global Perspective’ ICCSEM-2013, organized by Dayananda Sagar Institutions, Bangalore on 26th & 27th Septemeber,2013.
- Published a paper titled “Knowledge Management and Its Implications for Libraries” during Two day “National Conference on Academic Libraries: Challenges in the Electronic Era” organized by SVS college library, Bantwal, Karnataka on 27th -28th Sept, 2013.
- Paper presented on “Qualities of Library Professionals in ICT Environment” at UGC Sponsored national Seminar on ‘Innovative practices in Libraries’ on December 13th, 2013. Organized by Besant Women’s college, Mangalore.
- Presented a paper titled “Knowledge Management and Academic Libraries in Information Technology Era: Problems and Positions” at two day national Level conference on ‘Democratization of Information Using ICT: Roles of Libraries for Social Enlightenment’ (DEMICT 2014), organized by Dept. of Library and Information Science Mangalore university in association with Karnataka State SC/ST Library Professionals Association (Regd), Bangalore, on 24th & 25th January, 2014.
- Presented a paper titled “The Changing Roles of the future Academic Library Professional in the Web Environment” at two days National Conference on management of Modern Libraries (NACML), organized by SEARCH-The Health Science Library & The Dept. Of Library & Information Science, Manipal, on 21st & 22nd February, 2014.
- Paper presented on “Stress of Library & Information Science Professionals in Digital Environment” at UGC Sponsored National Level Conference on “ Libraries and Librarianship in Transition: Challenges and Opportunities-LIBTRANS 2014” held on 22 & 23 August 2014, at Besant Evening College, Mangalore.
- Presented a paper titled “Impact of library staff involvement Programs: A study with reference to srinivas Group of Colleges, Mangalore” at International Conference on Building Knowledge Centres” held on 1st & 2nd January, 2015, at NMAMIT, Nitte.
- Presented a paper titled “E-journals usage among students: A Study “ at International Conference on “Empowering Minds: Unleashing collaborative Excellence in Education Library and Research” held on 11 to 13th January,2024 at St. Agnes college, Mangalore. Articles published in Edited books ISBN :978-81-968205-4-1.
Workshop/ Conference organizing committee
- Organizing committee member towards the success of the Two Day National Seminar on “Library Consortia in Digital Age: Opportunities and challenges” held at “Jnana Sangama” VTU belagavi on 1st & 2nd December 2015.
- Organizing Committee member towards the success of the Two Days National Workshop on “Relicencing, Digitalization and uploading of books on Wikimedia commons….. to make it freely accessible and searchable on internet to all!” held at Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal on 15th and 16th sSeptember-2023.
Professional Experience:
Worked in various sections of the Library that includes Acquisition Section, Technical processing section, Periodical Section, Technical Reports Section, Circulation Section and Information Technology and Application group. In Brief,
- Acquisition Section: I was actively involved in purchasing books, bill processing, keeping account of the new purchases in database both software and accession register. My involvement in this section further included the interaction with vendors, negotiations on the pricing, and receiving new book requests from publisher.
- Technical Section: Involved in creating Barcodes for the new books using Easylib Software, classification and data entry related to new arrivals.
- Periodical Section: Involved in new periodicals data base management, periodical renewal orders and new periodical subscription. Old periodicals listing to send them out of Library for binding and follow up the related work.
- Technical Reports Section: Helping users to search related technical reports and educate them on searching the reports.
- Information Technology and Application group: Regularly helping users to finding the articles of their request and arranging them from other libraries. Converting the printed old copies into soft copies by scanning, converting them to PDF and uploading them to Institutional Repository to E-print software.
- Circulation Section: Day to day book issuing, renewing and taking the book returns from users.
Workshop, Conferences, Seminars attended
- Attended TEQIP sponsored state level workshop on “Current Trends in information and communication Technology in library and Information Centers’’, Organized by the department of Library & Information Centre from 7th to 8th December,2007,held at NMAM Institute of Technology,Nitte.
- Participated in the One day workshop on “Research Methodology in social science”, organized by Mangala Alumni Association® Mangalore University, on 23rd May 2009, held at old senate hall, Mangalore University Campus.
- Participated in 2 days Faculty Development program on Statistical Techniques and Data Analysis Using SPSS, Organized by St. Agnes College, Mangalore on 16th and 17th July, 2009
- Participated in a seminar “Best Practices in Library and Information Centre” held on 19th August, 2009 at St. Agnes College Mangalore, Organized by Dakshina Kannada and Kodagu Library Association (Regd.) Udupi.
- National Level Conference “Empowering library Professionals in Managing Digital Resources and Providing Extension Activities” held on 18th and 19th January, 2010, Organized by St. Agnes College Library, Mangalore.
- National Level Workshop on “Exploring open Sources: Dspace, RSS, Audacity & Library Blogs” Conducted by the Dept. of Library and Inf. Center During 9-11, June 2010 Organized in NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte.
- One Day workshop on “Managing Digital Resources in Academic Libraries” Organized on 19th February, 2011 at TAPMI, Manipal.
- Participated in J-GATE Traning programme held at St.Aloysius college, Mangalore on 11th June 2012.Organized by informatics (India) Limited.
- One-day Workshop on ‘DELNET: Resources, Services and facilities & Koha: An open Source Integrated Library System’ Organized by DELNET in collaboration with St.Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore, Karnataka and held at SJEC, Mangalore on May 6, 2014.
- Participated in the UGC Sponsored Two day workshop on “Developing Digital Library Using Dspace”, organized by Sri Venkataramana Swamy College, Bantwal in collaboration with Dakshina Kannada and Kodagu Library Association on August 6-7, 2015, held at Sri Venkataramana Swamy College, Bantwal.
- Organizing committee member towards the success of the Two Day National Seminar on “Library Consortia in Digital Age: Opportunities and challenges” held at “Jnana Sangama” VTU belagavi on 1st & 2nd December 2015.
- Participated in the one day UGC Sponsored National workshop on “Research Methodology” organized by Internal Quality assurance cell on February 11, 2017, held at Sri Venkataramana Swamy College, Bantwal.
- Two days workshop on “Train the trainer program for Librarians” organized by Visveswaraya Technological University, Belagavi in collaboration with Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute of Technology, Ujire and held at SDMIT, Ujire on 9th and 10th June, 2017.
- One Day National Workshop on “Access to E-resources for Academic and research Excellence” organized by Library and Information Centre for PG studies and research held at St.Philomena College, Puttur on 1st Feb, 2018.
- One Day National Level Seminar on “E-Resources, Intellectual Property Rights and Plagiarism-Issues and challenges” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) held at St.Philomena College, Puttur on 29th September, 2018.
- Two- Day Orientation workshop on “ Accreditation Process-NBA” jointly organized by RVCE, Bengaluru and IQAC, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore under share & Mentor institutions( margadarshan) Scheme of AICTE on 13th and 14th January 2020.
- National Level Online Quiz on “Corona@360: COVID-19 related Information” Conducted by the IQAC in association with the Placement Cell and the Department of Physics held at Dr. G, Shankar Government Women’s First Grade College and P G Study centre, Ajjarkadu, Udupi on 26th June,2020.
- National level webinar on “Reference Management Using Mendeley” conducted by the Internal Quality Assurance cell and library and information centre held at Sri Mahaveera First Grade College, Moodbidri on 18th July 2020.
- One week online faculty Development programme on “Insights on writing research proposals and funding opportunities” organized by Research and facilities group held at St Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore held from 20th to 24th July 2020.
- National Level E-Quiz on COVID-19 conducted by the department of Library and information Science, Sri Venkataramana Swamy College, Bantwal on 11th
- National Level e-Quiz on “Librarians Day” organized by the Department of IQAC, Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal on 12th August 2020.
- National Level E-quiz on Library & Information Science organized by the Department of Library in association with IQAC held at on 13th August 2020.
- National Level E-quiz on Library and Information Science organized by Department of Library, shree devi Institute of Technology, Kenjar, Mangaluru on 18th August 2020.
- Knimbus Webinar on effective utilization of E-resources under VTU consortium through Digital Library held on 18th August 2020.
- National virtual conference on Reinventing Excellence in Librarianship jointly organized by LIS Academy and University of Hyderabad held from 27-30 August 2020.
- National level workshop on “recreation of online Digital Libraries in Present situation” organized by Library and Information in association with IQAC held at Dr. G.Shankar Govt.Womens First grade college & P.G Study Centre, Udupi on 11th Sept 2020.
- Webinar on Scientific writing for journals organized by Springer Nature in collaboration with Visvesvaraya Technological university Consortium on September 30, 2020.
- Webinar on “Karnataka sarvajanika grathalya eelake digital granthalaya parvakala” organized by Department of Library in assocuiation with IQAC held at besant women’s college, Mangalore, on 27th October, 2020.
- Webinar on “Career Opportunities in Library Science and Inormation Technology’ organized by the Library Associuation held at St Aloysius Pre- University college, mangalore,on 4 February 2021.
- Webinar on “Relevance of Dr. S.R Raganathan’s Philosophy in the present Scenario organized by University college Library Mangalore in association with DKKLA held at University college Mangalore on August 12, 2021.
- Webinar is organized by institution’s Innovation council and Department of R & D and Mathematics. Don Bosco Institute of technology, Bengaluru in association with BGS Gleneagles global Hospitals.
- Webinar on role of online education resources in implementing NEP 2020 organized by Department of Library Science and Information Center in Association with IQAC held vishwanathro Deshpande Institute of Technology, haliyal uttara, Karnataka.
- Online user awareness program on Springer Nature e-resources organized by VTU consortium and Springer Nate on 25th November, 2021.
- Online user awareness program on Springer Nature e-resources organized by VTU consortium and Springer Nate on 25th
- Online user awareness program on Springer Nature e-resources organized by VTU consortium and Springer Nate on 30th March, 2022.
- VTU organized AICTE-Sponsored STTP” on “Proficiency Skills for Library Professional under the National Education policy (NEP) from 09th to 13th May 2022 organized by Sri S.G Balekundri central Library and Information centre (SGBCLIC), Belgravia.
- Mangalore University library organized five days National Workshop on “Transformation of the Libraries for NEP 2020’’ from 08.08.2022 to 12.08.2022 at Mangalore university.
- D.K.K.L.A in Association with library & Information Centre,Dr. P.Dayananda Pai- P. Satisha pai Govt.First Grade College Carstreet, Managlore organized a state level workshop on “Open Souce software tools for LIS professionals held on August 19th, 2023.
Workshop/ Conference organizing committee Member
- Organizing committee member towards the success of the Two Day National Seminar on “Library Consortia in Digital Age: Opportunities and challenges” held at “Jnana Sangama” VTU belagavi on 1st & 2nd December 2015.
- Organizing Committee member towards the success of the Two Days National Workshop on “Relicencing, Digitalization and uploading of books on Wikimedia commons….. to make it freely accessible and searchable on internet to all!” held at Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal on 15th and 16th September-2023.