Pusthaka Preethi Parichaya 2017-18

  1. Book Review Programme titled “PUSTAKA PREETHI” is organized once in a week to motivate reading habits among the students.   This programme is one of the Best Programme ever organized by Library and admired by all Library Users.

2017 -18 Book Lovers Programmes Inauguration on 06.07.2017 by Sri Venkata Rao, Secretary, H.V Sangha, Surathkal.

The list of Pustaka Preethi Programme conducted by :

Date Name Class Title of the Book Author Time
06.07.2017 Smt. Jyothi Shetty Lecturer, Dept. Of COmmerce Manasu Mataditu A.R.Manikanth 3.30 to 4.30PM
19.07.2017 Mariamma III B.Com (A) Sorry, You’re Not my type Sudeep Nagarkar 1.00 to 1.30 PM
26.07.2017 Vaishnavi III B.Com Himalayan Blunder Bigradiyar John V Dalavi 3.30 PM
16.08.2017 Manjula P Durgannanavar II B.Com (B) Chaitrada Kogile Saisuthe 3.30 PM
28.08.2017 Neethu S Nair II B.Com (A) Jane Eyne Chorlotte Bronte 3.30 PM
07.09.2017 Priyanka I M.Com How to make a Habit of Succeeding Mack R Douglas 1.00 to 1.30PM
18.09.2017 Samskrithi III B.Com (A) Saradaar Chakravarthy Sulibele 1.00 to 1.30PM
22.09.2017 Srinidhi III B.Sc How to Be Your Own Best Friend Dr. Paul Hauck 1.00 to 1.30PM
19.10.2017 Shilpa Panambur II M.Com Bhavya Vyakthitwa – Divya Sandesha Swami Vivekanandara Jeevan Sandesh 1.00 to 1.30PM




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