A Workshop on ‘‘Business Education & GST’’ and Inauguration of Innovatia 2017-18

A Workshop on ‘‘Business Education & GST’’ and Inauguration of Innovatia 2017-18 was held on 02.01.2018 at 9.30 a.m in A.V.Hall in association with Commerce & Management Association .Ms.VrindaKonnar of 3rdCom(A) was the Toast Raiser and Mr.SadashivaRao, Former Principal, PPC Udupi was the chief guest of the programme who conducted the workshop . The workshop was followed by the Inauguration of Innovatia 2017-18 by Mrs.Laxmi.P , Principal GovindaDasa PU College, Surathkal. Innovatia is an exhibition Conducted by department of Commerce where the students of Final year & Second year B.Com exhibited themarketing  products and EDP models designed by them. This programme was witnessed by the all Management , teaching , non –teaching , Govinda dasa PU students and Nearby PU Commerce students of seven colleges along with their teaching faculties.


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