Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal in Association with Kuthethoor Govinda Dasa Charitable Trust organised a Two Day workshop on “Value Education”. The workshop was inaugurated by Swami Aparajitananda Acharya, Chinmaya Mission, Mangalore on 27th February 2020. The programme was presided over by the Principal, Dr. K. Shivashankara Bhat, Sri Venkat Rao, Secretary, H.V.Sangha was the chief guest. Prof Ramesh Kulai, Director-Administration was the guest of honour. The Student Welfare Officer Sri Ramesh Bhat S.G and the IQAC co-ordinators, Prof. Hareesha Acharya and Prof. Neelppa V. were present.
The programme began with the prayer. The IQAC co-ordinator Prof. Neelappa V. welcomed all the dignitaries. The Secretary of H. V. Sangha Sri M. Venkata Rao delivered a motivational talk. The Principal of the College Dr. Shivashankara Bhat made the presidential remark. A total 142 students of the first year degree were in attendance.
In the first session Swami Aparajitananda Acharya laid down 6 principles related to our mind with meaningful examples. At the end there was an interactive session between the students and the resource persons.
The first session was followed by a session conducted by Sri Radhajeevan Das, ISCKON Bangalore on the topic “FOCUS”. The session helped the students to know the significance of staying focused in achieving the desired goals. He also briefed on various methods to improve concentration.
The third segment of the value education was held on 28 February 2020. Shri Shwetadvipa Dasa was the chief resource person. The session was on “FOCUS”. By conducting a number of activities he made the students to participate and understand the topic in depth. He also taught a manthra called ‘Krishna Manthra’. He opined that chanting the said manthra helps in improving concentration.
The last session was “Art of Mind Control” by Sri Radhajeevandas from ISCKON. Speaking on the topic he explained the methods for mind control. He advised the students to follow this method to eliminate negative thoughts from the mind. Both the sessions were very productive and students participated in it proactively.
On behalf of Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal we would like to express deep sense of gratitude to Kuthethoor Charitable Trust for holding this value centric programme for the benefit of the students.