On 12-11-2021 Department of commerce and Business Administration organized an orientation to newly admitted first year B.com and BBA students as the first process for the year 2020-21.The programme was headed by department of commerce and Business Administration . There were totally 97 students who admitted to first year B.com and BBA batch. The programme was remarked by Prof. P Krishnamurthy , Vice Principal and Prof. Ramesh Bhat S.G , Dean of commerce department Prof. Ganesh acharya, HOD of commerce Ms. Shridevi and HOD of BBA Ms. Punitha R, Co-ordinator Of Commerce and Business Administration Mrs. Shilparani lead the programme in detail. The entire Programme was undertaken by the M.C Mrs. Pratheeksha and coordinated by all other staffs of the department. The Principal of the College presided the programme with presidential remark, Code of conduct explained by Ms. Punitha R to the students. The programme was officially ended with vote of thanks to all the dignitaries.