GOVINDA DASA COLLEGE, organized, ‘DIGANTHA FEST’, an eagerly awaited Inter-Collegiate Fest for students, at RangaMandira, in the GDC campus, was held on July 15,2022. Like the other years, the Secretary of the Fine Arts Association of the college, published the official notification for the students of various degree colleges to participate enthusiastically along with their concerned faculty.Our college students with the assistance of the student co-ordinators & volunteers were requested to perform and uphold their responsibilities of the overall events successfully.The grand show commenced by the arrival of total 26 teams from various colleges with 561 students as participants itself showcased our team spirit on handling such a huge event which added a feather to our GDC family cap. Overall, total 16 events were conducted and categorized accordingly from different Departments and was smoothly arranged .
The college “RangaMandira” ,was set up in a grandeur arrangement with an Inauguration by the Honourable Guest,Prof.Y.V Ratnakar Rao,( Vice-President ,H.V Sangha).Our College Principal ,Prof.Krishnamoorthy rendered Presendential remarks.Prof.Ramesh.Kulai, (Director,administrative,GDC,Suratkal) accompanied by Shri Ramesh Rao, President,( Allumni Association,GDC) were present at the celebration. Our college Vice-Principal,Prof.Ramesh Bhat,coloured the event by his presence. Inaugural function was hosted by Ms Deepa Baliga (IIIBcom)…… gave a welcome speech and introduced the guest to the gathering elegantly followed by the lighting of the lamp with a melodious Ganapathi Vandana invoking the blessings of the divinity.
Students’ senate heads, Mst Sagar Devadiga & Rashmi .J.Anchan (IIIBcom) ,& Mst Ajith(IIIBCA) glorified the dias. IQAC co-ordinators, Prof .Neelappa & Prof. Harish Acharya graced the occasion .There were mesmerizing presentations by the teams of various colleges. Everyone sat glued at the show.
Later in the evening our College’ Ranga Mandira’ was glittered with bright lightings which looked forward for a grand valedictory celebration. Honoured dignitaries on the dias, Shri H.Shriranga, Prof P. Krishnamoorthy, Shri Yadava Devadiga &Prof.Ramesh Kulai , motivated and guided the performers and congratulated the winners with their inspirational words. Further, the Vice-Principal,Prof.Ramesh.Bhat, announced the winners in the individual and group events and declared MGM college,Udupi, as the overall Champions of the ‘DIGANTHA FEST’,2022. The second place was grabbed by POORNA PRAJNA COLLEGE,Udupi, with a Runner Up trophy .This was followed by a formal vote of thanks by Ms Swathi(III Bsc), finally the’ DIGANTHA FEST ‘ concluded with a feeling of triumph and confidence.
We enjoyed a lot and dispersed with a sincere hope that such a Mega event should be organized every year giving the students a platform to explore and renovate their ideas and a fair chance to showcase and explore their talents……………………………..