Webinar on Investment Awareness Programme on 30/07/2022

PG Department of Commerce has organised a webinar on ‘Investor Awareness Program’ by Axis Mutual Fund in association with Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal on  30 July of 2022.

The motive of the webinar was to give the students an awareness about various investment avenues available in the market and to emphasize the importance of investment and savings.

We had a resource person  Mr. Rahul Dhawan. He is an MBA (Finance) with over two decades of work experience across leading financial services and IT Solutions companies.

He introduced various alternatives of investments such as gold, stock, bonds, mutual fund, property, insurance, bank deposits etc. Our income should be effectively distributed among Spending, Saving and Investment. He emphasized the role of mutual fund, which is the trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial goal. He stated different types of mutual fund based on organizational structures, investment objectives, management of portfolio, investment portfolio and different schemes and plans in them.He explained the steps and requirements involved in investing in mutual fund.

Around 45 participants including students and lecturers attended the webinar.

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