Two Days National Workshop on “Relicensing, digitalization and uploading of books on wikimedia.” (2023-24)

The Department of Library, IQAC and Department of Languages in collaboration with Karavali Wikimedia’s User Group organized a two days’  national workshop on “ Relicencing, Digitalization and uploading of books on Wikimedia commons … to make it freely accessible and searchable on internet to all” on 15th and 16th September, 2023 at Govinda Dasa college.

Sri Subodh kulakarni senior programme officer CIS-A2K Bangalore. & Sanjiv Bonde Coordinator Lek Ladki Abhiyan, Satara was the resource person’s. Prof. Krishnamurthy, Principal presided over the program, Dr. Sujatha. B Librarian welcomed the gathering Dr. Kishore Kumar Sheni Highlighted the objectives of the programme.Dr. Prabhakar Joshi stressed the importance of the digitization of old books and uploaded his three books in Karavali Wikimedian’s portal. Ms. Sharmitha Assistant professor Department of English proposed the vote of thanks. Vice principal Prof. Ramesh Bhatt S.G, Our Former Librarian Balakrisha, Dr, Vasappa Gowda Librarian of Besant Evening College, Bennett Amanna Retired librarian KTC, Mangalore ,Dr. Asha, Dr. Bhagyalaxmi M, Dr, Sowmya Praveen K, Dr. Vijayalaxmi, Dr, Prashanth M D and Kumar Madar were present on the  occassion. Ms Ramitha  & Mrs. Deepa. Assistants professors from the language departments hosted the programme.

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