Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal, hosted a successful inter-collegiate talent hunt, Digantha 2024, on May 14th, 2024. The event saw enthusiastic participation from undergraduate and post graduate students from various colleges, showcasing their skills in various competitions. The event featured a range of events, including debates, fashion shows, street plays, technical competitions,  marketing, finance, and human resource competitions.

The competitions included All Rounder, Group Song and Dance, Face Painting, Marketing, HR, Best Management Team, Finance, Lab Events, Documentary, Technical, and Poster Making. The competition offered enticing prizes, an overall championship trophy, and  certificates .

 The event was a huge success, with students from various colleges participating and showcasing their talents. The college’s management committee and staff coordinators, including faculty members from the PG and UG department, ensured the smooth conduct of the competition. Winners were awarded prizes, and certificates were given to all winners. The event concluded successfully, leaving behind memories of a fantastic display of talent and teamwork.

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