Rover & Ranger is universally recognised youth movement inculcate the good manners and ideals of disciplined living. The concept of Rovers and Rangers was introduced by Sir Robert Baden Powell in August 1918. The Rovers and Rangers Unit at GDC began functioning from 18/08/20018.
- Two Rangers units are functioning.
- There are 10 Rangers and Three Rovers at present.
- It helps in all round development of the personality of the youth.
- Inculcate the good manners and ideals of disciplined living.
- Consideration for Govt Jobs (Awardees of Rajya Puraskar and Rashtrapathi Puraskar)
- Awarding marks as per the guidelines of University.
- Students are involved in awareness programmes and drives.
- Rovers and Rangers take part in various camps.
Activities for 2018-2019:
- Attended District-Level Camp at Bharat Scouts and Guides Training Center, Pilikula
- Participated in Swacch Bharath Abhiyana
Staff Co-ordinators:
- Mrs. Shilparani K, Dept. of Commerce and Management
- Mr. Atul Bhat, Dept. of Physics
Student Leaders
- Pooja
- Shruthi