Rotract Club

The Rotaract club is an organization of young adults of ages 18 to 30 years, to take action in their communities, develop their leadership skills and enhance their knowledge. Rotary clubs sponsor them, but Rotaract members manage the clubs independently. The club is under the guidance of Rotary CLub Surathkal(R).

In Govinda Dasa College Rotaract club is providing an opportunity to the Rotractors to enhance their knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development and to promote better relations with all people in the society. This is done by the Rotaract club through skill development programmes, motivational and informative talks, visits to orphanages etc and we are doing it for the past 8 years.

The club includes staff coordinators, President, Vice President, Secretary, Directors, and Executive Members.

For the year 2023 -24
Staff coordinator :

Dr.. Shilparani K, Department of Commerce and Business Administration

Student Office Bearers:
A.Disha President
Preethesh Vice President
Hitha Umesh Secretary
Haren Joint Secretary
Poorvi Ashok kumar Treasurer
Gauthami Shetty Sergeant at arms
Poojary Pavithra Vasant Director International Services
Riya Director Community Service
Soumya Director Vocational Service
Bhushan Director of club service
For the year 2022 -23
Staff coordinators :

Mrs. Veena .K, Dept.of Computer Science
Mrs. Shobha Kumari, Dept .of Physics

Student Office Bearers:

President : Vishal IIIBCA
Secretory  :Disha, II BCom

Joint Secretary: Sharanya, IIBCom

Vice President: Sagar Rao, III BCA

Treasurer: Priya, IIIBCom

Surgent Arm’s: Ishitha

Directors of various department club:

International Service: Soumya, IIBCom

Community Service: Arundhathi, IIBCom

Vocational Service: Gowthami, IIBCom

Club Service: Pallavi, IIBCom, IIBCom

For the year 2021 -22
Staff coordinators :

Mrs. Veena, Dept.of Computer science
Mrs. Shobha Kumari, Dept .of Physics

Student Office Bearers:

President : Praneeksha IIBCom
Secretory  : Vishal IIIBCA

For the year 2020 -21
Staff coordinators :

Mrs. Veena .K, Dept.of Computer Science
Mrs. Shobha Kumari, Dept .of Physics

Student Office Bearers:

President : Ananya Ullal III BCA
Secretory  :  Praneeksha IIBCom

For the year 2019 -20
Staff coordinators :

Mrs. Veena .K, Dept.of Computer Science
Mrs. Shobha Kumari, Dept .of Physics

Student Office Bearers:

President : Mahima  – II BA
Secretory  :  Ananya Ullal II BCA
Vice president : Rakshith S III BCA
Treasure :  Johan IIIBSc
Sergeant at arm’s :Anitha Nayak II BCA


International service: Nanditha- II B.Com
Vocational service : Rashmi – II B.Com
Community service : Pakruthi- II BCom
Club Service        : Dheeraj – II BCA
And 40 executive members  from,, BA, and BCA among our students.

For the year 2018 -19
Staff coordinators :
  1. Mrs. Veena .K, Dept.of Computer Science
  2. Mrs. Shobha Kumari, Dept .of Physics
  3. Ms.Poornima Gokhale, Dept. of Computer science
Student Office Bearers:
  1. President : Chaithra – III B.Com
  2. Secretory  :  Mahima  – II BA
  3. Vice president : Rashmi – III B.Com
  4. Treasure :  Paro – III B.Com
  5. Sergeant at arm’s :Divya Rao  – II B.Com
  6.  Directors:
    1. International service: Shreya – II B.Sc
    2. Vocational service : Ramya – II B.Com
    3. Community service : Suraj – II BCA
    4. Club Service        : Rakshith – II BCA

And 96 executive members  from,, BA, and BCA among our students.