Department of Economics

Department of Economics started in 1967. The department under the umbrella of Humanities Association functions with the main objective of providing a platform to the students of Economics for all-round personality development.

Main Objectives:

The Economics Department which focuses on the overall development of the students is guided by its motto ‘Nurtured to Empower’. The specific objectives of the department are in perfect unison with the vision and mission of the college. Objectives are:

  • Train the students to excel in career and life.
  • Mould morally conscious, socially committed and economically independent citizens.
  • Provide guidance to students to set their life goals.
  • Help the students to become ideal citizens.


With a view to accomplish high standards in matter of overall student development the department adopts the following strategies:

  • Systematic coverage of the prescribed syllabus.
  • Good functioning of tutorial system.
  • Provision of sufficient learning resources. In addition to ample collection of books in the college library, the department library itself contains huge collection of books covering areas of Micro Economics, Macro Economics, International Economics, Indian Economy, Karnataka Economics, Development Economics, Monetary Economics, Public Finance, Business Economics etc.
  • Encourage slow learners.
  • Conduct various personality development programmes.
  • The department has been conducting Inter Collegiate elocution competition on economic related topics, arranges for guest lectures, essay competitions and Industrial visits.
The Department consists of the Following Staff:

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1 Mr. Hareesha Acharya. P Principal
2 Mrs. Daya Suvarna Assistant Professor