The department has a long history of 44 years as B.Sc was started in the year 1974. The department has two teaching faculties and one administrative staff. Apart from regular teaching and evaluation activities, the department has been conducting student centered activities like student seminars and “Reaching out to society-demonstration of Physics experiments to school students and other students seeking to pursue science”. The department, along with traditional teaching style of chalk and board teaching, also incorporates apparatus demonstration, documentary viewing and discussion and debate sessions which help in the development of communication skills and subject understanding.
Some of the Topics Covered
- Mechanics (Classical)
- Thermodynamics & Low temperature physics
- Relativity (Special Theory)
- Astrophysics
- Waves & Oscillations
- DC Circuits & Transients
- AC Circuits & Measurements
- Superconductivity , Nano-technology, Radiation Physics, Lasers
- Optics
- Electrodynamics
- Nuclear Physics [Full paper with 4 units including Particle Physics]
- Electronics [ Full paper with 4 units including Digital and Communication Electronics]
- Modern Physics [Full paper with 4 units including Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy]
- Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Physics [Full paper with 4 units including Statistical Theories and Atomic Theories]
Regular Activities
Apart from the prescribed syllabus the department also arranges :
- Guest lectures and seminars
- Sky-watch and solar observation sessions
- Visit to science centers, planetariums, research institutions etc.
The physics forum motivates student to participate in various competitions conducted by various other institutions in order to develop personality skills along with learning. The department also guides students to compete and succeed to get selected in various famous research institutions.