Dr. B. Muralidhara Rao
Department of Chemistry
: 35.5years*B. Muralidhara Rao has left GDC after 36 years service.
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D) – “Sulfur. Nitrogen Donor ligands as Complexing Agent and Masking Reagents”
- Master of Science (M.Sc) – Chemistry
Research & Publications
- “Spectrophotometric determination of copper using o-vanillidine -2 amino-4 ethylbenzothiazole as a chromogenic reagent.” K. Shanthalakshmi and B. MuralidharaRao, Der PharmicaLettre, 7 (10) (2015) 281-284.
- “Study of AdathodaVasica as corrosion inhibitor and mild steel.” B. MuralidharaRao, Gopal M Gokhale, IshwaraBhat and S. Rashmi, Der PharmaChemica,7(9) (2015) 153-160.
- “2-Imidazolidenethione as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel.” B. MuralidharaRao., B. Narayana and Joseph AbrahamAlfa Universal, 3(2) (2012) 65-68.
- “Growth and characterization of a New Promising Nonlinear Optical Mixed Crystals of Orcinon Monohydrate and Ammonium Oxalatel”. S. IshwaraBhat, B. MuralidharaRao, PoornimaJ Gokhale, Anita D’Souza and Kshama B NayakInternational Journal of Science Research, 1(4) (2012) 330-334.
- “Complexometric determination of Hg(II) using KI as masking agent at pH 10 in the presence of diverse metal ions”. Hitha S. Shetty, B. MuralidharaRao, Alfa Universal 2(2) (2011) 99-103
- “Complexometric determination of Hg(II) using N-Acetyl L-Cysteine as a sensitive masking agnet.”B. MuralidharRao, Sukanya,VijnanaPrabha, 1(2) (2011) 29-34, ISSN 2231 3214
- “Complexometric determination of Tl(III) using bromide as masking agent and silver (I) as demasking agent.” B. MuralidharaRaoAssian Journal of Chemistry, 22(10) (2010) 8255-8257
- “Indirect complexometric determination of bismuth using 2-mercapthoethanol as masking agent”.B. MuralidharaRaoMikrochimActa – accepted for publication (1999)
- “Indirect compexometric determination of Copper (II) using 1,10-Phenanthroline as a sensitive masking reagent.” B. MuralidharaRao, Indian J. Chme. (Section A) – accepted for publication (1999)
- “Selective Complexometric Determination of Thallium usingThiourea as Masking Reagent”.C.H RaghavanNambiar, B. Narayana, B. MuralidharaRao and Biju Mathew. Indian J. Chem. Tech.,75 (1998)
- “Selective complexometric determination palladium using semicarbazide as masking agent”.C.H RaghavanNambiar, B. Narayana, B. MuralidharaRao and Biju Mathew, Indian J. Chem. Tech., 75 (1998) 265-266
- “Indirect complexometric determination of Mercury (II) using potassium iodine as a selective masking agent”B. MuralidharaRaoTurkish J. Chem.,22 (1998) 215-219
- “Complex determination of cadium using 2-Mercapthoethanol as masking reagent.”, B. MuralidharaRao and A.N ShettyMicrochim.Acta, 130 (1998) 103-104
- “Indirect comlpexometric determination of palladium using L-Histidine as a Masking Agent”. Biju Mathew, B. Narayana, B. MuralidharaRao and C.H NambiarMikrochim.Acta, 124 (1996) 167-170
- “Indirect complexometric determination of mercury (II) using sodium thiosulphate as a masking agnet”. C.H.R Nambiar, B. Narayana, B. MuralidharaRao, Biju Mathew and B. RamachandraMicrochim.Acta, 122 (1996) 175-179
- “Indirect comlexometric determination of palldium (II) using sodium nitrite as a selective masking agent”.B. MuralidharaRao, B. Narayana, Biju Mathew and K.S BhatMikrochim. Act, 122 (1996) 295-299
- “Complexometric determination of thallium(III) using sodium sulfite as selective releasing agent”.C.H RaghavanNambiar, B. Narayana, B. MuralidharaRao and Biju Mathew Analyst, 120 (1995) 1843-1844
- “Selective complexometric determination of mercury using sodium nitrite as masking agent”. Biju Mathew, B, MuralidharaRao and B. Narayana, MikrochimActa, 118 (1995) 197-201
- “Selective complexometric determination of mercury using acetylacetonate as masking agent”.B. MuralidharaRao, Biju Mathew and B. NarayanaAnalyst, 120 (1995) 1097-1098.
- “Selective complexometric determination of thallium (III) using hydroxylamine hydrochloride as a replacing reagent” B. MuralidharaRao and B. NarayanaAnnali Di Chimica (Italy),85 (1995) 105-109
- “Complexometric Determination of Thallium (III) in Isolation of Alloys and Complexes using Semicarbazide Hydrochloride as a Releasing Agent” .Biju Mathew, B. Narayana, B. MuralidharaRao and C.H.R Nambiar
“Indirect complexometric determination of zinc using 1, 10 – phenanthroline as masking agent”.B. Ramachandra, B. Narayana, B. MuralidharaRao, Biju Mathew and C.H NambiarAnalytical Proceedings, 32 (1995) 379-381- “Selective complexometric determination of copper in isolation, alloye and complexes using DL-methionine as a selective masking reagent”. B. MuralidharaRao and B. NarayanaAnalyst, 119 (1994) 2212-2219
- “Comlpexometric determination of copper in isolation, alloys and complexes using 2-mercaptoethanol as a selective masking agent”.B. MuralidharaRao and B. Narayana, MikrochimActa,117 (1994) 109-115
- “Complexometric determination of palladium (T) using 1,3,4,6 – tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thione as replacing agent”.B. Narayana, B. MuralidharaRao and G.I Kuchinad. Assian J. Chem.,17 (1993) 138-141
- “Selective complexometric determination of thallium(III) with ascorbic acid as a demasking reagent”.B MuralidharaRao and B. NarayanaRao, Turkish J. Chem., 17 (1993) 138-141
- “Complexometric determination of palladium(II) in isolation, complexes and alloy compositions using DL-cysteine as a selective masking agent”.B. Narayana, Abraham Joseph, B. MuralidharaRao and Praveenchandra.Turkish J. Chem., 17 (1993) 13-18
- “Complexometric determination of mercury(II) using 2-mercaptoethanol as a indirect masking agent”.B. MuralidharaRao and B. Narayana, Chem. ActaTurc., (Turkey), 21 (1993) 27-32.
- “Selective complexometric determination of palladium(II) using sulphite as releasing agent”.B. MuralidharaRao and B. Narayana, Annali Di Chimica (Italy),83 (1993) 431-439.
- “Selective complexometric determination of mercury(II) using sulphite as releasing agent”.B. MuralidharaRao and B Narayana, MikrochimActa, 111 (1993) 251-255.
- “Complexo-titrimetric determination of thallium(III) using – mercaptoethanol as releasing reagent” . B. MuralidharaRao and B. Narayana, ActaCienciaIndica, 18 (1992) 193-196.
- “Estimation of Palladium (II) using Imidezolidinethiene as a Replacing Reagent”. B. MuralidharaRao and B. Narayana, ActaCienicaIndica,18 (1992) 401-404