Mrs. Dr.Sunitha Sunil Kulakarni
Assistant Professor
Department of Hindi
: 20 yearsyears*Dr.Sunitha Sunil Kulakarni has left GDC after 20 years service.
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- M.A in Hindi
- Ph.D
Research & Publications
- Researched on the topic, Ram Darash Mishr ka kahani sahity:Ek Anushasan
Other Activities
:- Presented Hindi Program at Akashavani along with the students-2016
- Attended a seminar at Hindi Prachar Samithi on 30/06/2017
- Presented a paper in the seminar held at S.V.S Bantwal on 22/09/2017.
- Conducted ” Hindi Pat” at Akashavani, Mangalore on 17/10/2017