Ms. Punitha.R
Department of Commerce & Business Administration
Contact: punithagdc.edu.in
: 11.75years*
13 experience at GDC**
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- B.Com ( Taxation)
- MBA (Finance & HR)
- Completed Master Facilitator in Leadership and HRD (Foundation & Primer).
- Qualified in Karnataka Eligibility Test ( KSET) for Lecturer/ Assistant Professorship held on 30th November 2014.
- Qualified in National Eligibility Test ( NET) for Lecturer/ Assistant Professorship held on 1st December 2020.
Research & Publications
- Paper presentation on “FDI effects on indigenous retail Management” in Shri Gokarnatheshwara college, Mangalore on 27 & 28-10-2013.
- A paper titled ” Employers’ Perception of Employability skills for for Sales And Marketing Department- A study with reference to Dakshina Kannada of Karnataka” in March 2017 , International Journal Of Functional Management , Volume No. 3 , Issue No.1 with impact Factor 3.106.
- A Paper Titled ” The Study on Women Consumers’ Perception Towards Online Shopping with Special Reference to Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka” on April 14-15, 2017, XVI International Conference on Business Management and Social Sciences, Jharkhand (India).
- A Paper Titled ” The Role of MBO in Human Capital Creation with Special Reference to Recruitment” on December 30-31, 2017, XVI International Conference on Business Management and Behavioural Sciences, Haridwar, Uttrakhund (India).
- A Paper Titled ” Digital Payment App : A Study with the Special Reference to Banking Customers of Dakshina Kannada” on June 1st -2nd 2018, in the International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Business Innovation, Technology & Social Sciences ( ICBITSS 2018) Organised by School of Management, Gautam Buddha University at Greater Noida, India.
- A Paper presented and published on “Integrating Career with Motherhood with a Special reference to Teaching fraternity of Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka” on January 13th -14th 2020, in an International Conference on “ Emerging Issues and Trends in Intellectual Capital and Innovative Management Practices in the global economy “ at Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal with ISBN-978-96-5396-158-9.
- A paper presented and Published on “ Hydroponics: A Next Gen Farming” – An Overview , in a National Conference on Frontiers of Chemical and Agricultural Sciences Development: Challenges and Opportunities (FCASDCO-2020) held on March 03, 2020 in the Department of Chemistry, Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal.
- A paper published on “ Blending Career & Parenting” – A Study on Teaching Mothers of Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka , published in ‘Our Heritage Journal – UGC Care Approved International Indexed & Referred Journal, January Issue, Vol 68, Issue 1, PP- 12191-12202 with ISSN : 0474-9030’. In the month of March , 2020.
Other Activities
- Conducted a Workshop as Resource Person on “Introduction to Research Methodology” for 2nd MBA Students on 19th November 2018 at ShriDharmasthalaManjunatheshwara College of Business Management Post Graduate Centre for Management Studies and Research, Mangaluru.
- Took part as a Resource Person for a workshop on “Interview Skills” organised by Commerce Association , GovindaDasa College, Surathkal on 27th September 2018 at A.V.Hall
- Undergone CLHRD facilitators certification course from 21-11-2012 to 30-11-2012 held at CLHRD , Mangalore. CLHRD.
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Derivatives Decoded” in association with MUCTA(R) held at Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering on 3/8/2018
- Attended a 5 days workshop on “Faculty Programme on Idea Generation and Innovation organised by NITK-STEP, NITK, Surathkal from 29.10.2018 to 2.11.2018.
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Advanced Trading Strategies in Futures & Options” on 23rd August, 2019 organised and held at Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering (MITE) , Moodabidri.
- Participated in the Online Faculty Development Programme on “ Basic on Research” 5.2020 and secured 90% organized by Government First Grade College, Punjalakatte, Belthangady .
- Successfully completed Two day Faculty Development Programme on “ Investment Landscape and Role of FinTech in a Pandemic World’’ on 26th& 27th June , 2020 organised by Jain Institute , Bangalore.
- Participated in National Level Online Faculty Development Program on the Topic “ Adoption Of Online Platform For Practical Based Subjects’ held on 24.7.2020 organised by M.S . Ramaiah Institute of Business Studies , Bengaluru.
- Participated and successfully completed “One Week Online National Faculty Development Program on E-Contents and ICT Tools for Innovative and Effective Teaching & Learning Process” Organized by Roorkee College of Management & Computer Applications, Roorkee from 8 August to 14 August, 2020.
- Participated in a Three Day International Faculty Development Programme on “Engaging Minds and Empowering Success In Modern Research Era” dated 26.08.2020 to 28.8.2020 organised by the Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Commerce and the Department of Commerce & Business Administration of GovindaDasa College, Surathkal in Association with IQAC.
- Participated in a One week National Level Faculty Development Programme, Under Paramarsh Scheme sponsored by UGCon“Transformation in Indian Education through New Education Policy- Challenges and Opportunities”from 05-07-2021 to 11-07-2021 organised by Government Of Karnataka ,Department Of Collegiate Education in association with Government First Grade College for Women, Balmatta, Mangaluru St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangaluru.
- Participated and successfully completed the Two-Day Student Development Programme on ‘SPARK – A FUTURE’ organised by the Department Post- Graduate Studies and Research in Commerce & the Department of Commerce and Business Administration in association with IQAC , GovindaDasa College, Surathkal on 22 & 23 July 2021
- Participated and successfully completed the Online Faculty Development Programme on “Outcome Based Education” Organized by Department of Management, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education,Coimbatore from 26. 07.2021 to 01.08.2021.
- Attended 3-days Online International FDP on “Innovations in Techno-Management & Strategic Case Based Teaching Learning” organised by Sinhgad Institute of Management & Computer Application, Pune, Maharastra, India from 6th – 8th August, 2021.
- Participated in Seven days National level virtual Faculty Development programme on ‘ICT Tools – The Emerging Trends of Teaching’ from August 24, 2021 to August 30, 2021 organised by Besant Women’s College, Mangalore.
- Successfully completed Seven days online FDP on “Empowering Commerce Teachers for NEP 2020” held from 11th – 17th October, 2021 organised by Mangalore university commerce Teachers Association (MUCTA) ® in association with St. Agnes College (Autonomous) , Mangaluru , Government First Grade College Kavoor and Mangala Alumni Association (MAA)®.
- Actively participated in Two Days International e-Conference on ”Atmanirbhar Bharat: Turn Crisis into an Opportunity” Organized by the Department of Management Studies, VTU Belagavi in association with Scientists & Engineering Wing, R.E. & R.F. of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris, Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Belagavi on 20 & 21 August 2020
- .Participated in an International Conference on “AI, Robotics and Automation” – Day 1 , “Signals, Communication and Embedded Systems”- Day 2, “Sensors, Energy and Hybrid Vehicles” – Day 3 &“Advances in IOT, High Performance and Edge Computing”– Day-4 organized by ICT Academy, held between 14-18 October , 2020.
- Participated as Delegate in the One Day National Conference held on 19.8.2021 on “Business Trends in New Normal : Challenges and Opportunities” organized by ManjunathPai Memorial Government First Grade College of Professional and Business Management , Karkala, Udupi.
- Completed Master Facilitator in Leadership and HRD (Foundation & Primer )from 21st – 30th November , 2012 organised by College for Leadership and HRD , AIM INSIGHTS , The HRD Group, Mangalore.
- Actively participated in the Short term Training program on “Electric Vehicle: Technologies, Challenges and Opportunities for Integration of Renewable Resources in India” organized by the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, R.M.K. Engineering College, Tamil Nadu during 2nd November 2020 to 7th November 2020
- Successfully completed One Week Online Certificate course on “ Digital Teaching Techniques” organized by ICT Academy from 29th June to 4th July 2020.
- Certificate in Information Technology Computer Examination (09605220) in the Month September 2020 trained by Rural Computer Training Academy under VIRAT Trust, Surathkal.
- Successfully completed a short term Online course on ‘DIGITAL 101’, Certified by IT – IteS SSC, NASSCOM ON 1st April 2022, Certificate ID: FSP/2022/4/899255
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of BBM 1st sem of Mangalore university held at SDM college, Mangalore on 14-7-2012 organised by FOBMAT
- Attended a Workshop on fifty great world leaders of the last 25 centuries – CHEGVEUARA & KARLMARX on 31-12-2012 conducted by CLHRD in Valencia , Mangalore.
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of BBM 2nd Sem of Mangalore university held at NITTE on 15-12-2012 organised by FOBMAT.
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of BBM 3rd Sem of Mangalore university held at GDC on 29-6-2013 organised by FOBMAT.
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of BBM 4th sem of mangalore university on 14-12-2013 held at Poornaprajna College, Udupi organised by FOBMAT.
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of BBM 5th sem of mangalore university held at Bhuvanendracollege, karkala on 28-6-2014 organised by FOBMAT.
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of B.COM 1st Sem of mangalore university held at St. Aloysius college, Mangalore on 5-7-2014 organised by FOBMAT.
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of BBM 6th sem of Mangalore university held at Shri Vivekananda college, Puttur on 13-12-14 organised by FOBMAT.
- Attended a Workshop on “ having effective placement unit in our institute” AJ institute of Management on 26-7-2014.
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of B.Com 5th & 6th Sem of Mangalore University held at Sri DurgaParameshwari Temple First Grade College, Kateel on 19/07/2016 organised by MUCTA(R).
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of BBM Taxation-II 6th sem of Mangalore University held at GovindaDasa College, Surathkal on 21-12-2017 organised by FOBMAT.
- Attended a Workshop on Choice Based Credit System draft regulation of Mangalore University held at Padua College of Commerce & Management, Nanthur, Mangalore on 14-07-2018 organised by MUCTA(R) as a delegate.
- Attended a Workshop on CBCS Syllabus on Strategic Management & Organisational Behaviour and E-Commerce of B.Com 1st Sem of Mangalore University held at Sri DurgaParameshwari Temple First Grade College, Kateel on 29/06/2019 organised by MUCTA(R).
- Attended a One- day workshop on ” Digital Marketing & Image Management” organised by Kanara Chambers of Commerce and Industry on 15th November 2019.
- Participated in One Day National Level WebShop on “Confidence and Technology Enabled Teacher” – Part I on 21st July, Part II on 27th 2020& Part III on 26.8.2020 Organised by MUCTA
- Participated in a Workshop on September 22, 2020 organized by TIMES Institute, Mangalore on “Career Choices & Planning During Recession” exclusively for Govinda Dasa College Students’.
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of BBM 1st sem of Mangalore university held at SDM college, Mangalore on 14-7-2012 organised by FOBMAT
- Attended a Workshop on fifty great world leaders of the last 25 centuries – CHEGVEUARA & KARLMARX on 31-12-2012 conducted by CLHRD in Valencia , Mangalore.
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of BBM 2nd Sem of Mangalore university held at NITTE on 15-12-2012 organised by FOBMAT.
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of BBM 3rd Sem of Mangalore university held at GDC on 29-6-2013 organised by FOBMAT.
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of BBM 4th sem of Mangalore university on 14-12-2013 held at Poornaprajna College, Udupi organised by FOBMAT.
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of BBM 5th sem of mangalore university held at Bhuvanendracollege, karkala on 28-6-2014 organised by FOBMAT.
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of B.COM 1st Sem of mangalore university held at St. Aloysius college, Mangalore on 5-7-2014 organised by FOBMAT.
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of BBM 6th sem of Mangalore university held at Shri Vivekananda college, Puttur on 13-12-14 organised by FOBMAT.
- Attended a Workshop on “ having effective placement unit in our institute” AJ institute of Management on 26-7-2014.
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of B.Com 5th & 6th Sem of Mangalore University held at Sri DurgaParameshwari Temple First Grade College, Kateel on 19/07/2016 organised by MUCTA(R).
- Attended a Workshop on revised syllabus of BBM Taxation-II 6th sem of Mangalore University held at GovindaDasa College, Surathkal on 21-12-2017 organised by FOBMAT.
- Attended a Workshop on Choice Based Credit System draft regulation of Mangalore University held at Padua College of Commerce & Management, Nanthur, Mangalore on 14-07-2018 organised by MUCTA(R) as a delegate.
- Attended a Workshop on CBCS Syllabus on Strategic Management & Organisational Behaviour and E-Commerce of B.Com 1st Sem of Mangalore University held at Sri DurgaParameshwari Temple First Grade College, Kateel on 29/06/2019 organised by MUCTA(R).
- Attended a One- day workshop on ” Digital Marketing & Image Management” organised by Kanara Chambers of Commerce and Industry on 15th November 2019.
- Participated in One Day National Level WebShop on “Confidence and Technology Enabled Teacher” – Part I on 21st July, Part II on 27th 2020& Part III on 26.8.2020 Organised by MUCTA
- Participated in a Workshop on September 22, 2020 organized by TIMES Institute, Mangalore on “Career Choices & Planning During Recession” exclusively for GovindaDasa College Students’.
- Participated as a Delegate in a One-day Virtual workshop on ‘Choice Based Credit System(CBCS) OF III Semester BBA’of Mangalore university on 3rd February 2021 organised by Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala in Association with Forum of Business Management Teachers® (FOBMAT), Mangalore University, Mangalore.
- Actively participated as a member of organizing committee in a one day virtual Workshop on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) of IV sem BBA of Mangalore university on 26th JUNE, 2021 organised by Department of Commerce & Business Administration , in association with IQAC , Govinda Dasa College.
- Participated as a delegate in a one day virtual Workshop on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) of IV sem BBA of Mangalore university on 26th JUNE, 2021 organised by Department of Commerce & Business Administration , Govinda Dasa College in association with FOBMAT.
- Participated as a Delegate in a One-day ‘Virtual Syllabus workshop on NEP 1st Semester BBA’ of Mangalore university on 6th December 2021 organised by Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala in Association with Forum of Business Management Teachers® (FOBMAT), Mangalore University, Mangalore.
- Participated in a one day workshop on ‘First Semester NEP B.Com Courses’ as a Delegate for the subject Principles of Marketing Management organized by MUCTA® in association with St.Agnes College, Mangalore on 20th November 2021.
- Participated in a one day workshop on ‘Second Semester NEP B.Com Courses’ as a Delegate for the subject Investing In Stock Market organized by MUCTA® in association with Besant Womens College, Mangalore on 21st May, 2022.
- Participated in a Webinar on “Role of Entrepreneurs and Startups post COVID-19 ’’ organized by the School of Management , Gautham Buddha University , Greater Noida on 27.5.2020.
- Attended a One- day National Webinar on ‘Do’s & Don’ts in Social Science Research’ jointly organized by PG & Research Department of Commerce & Business Administration, Padmavani Arts & Science College for Women, Salem and Indian Academic Researchers Association, Tiruchirappalli on 30th May, 2020.
- Attended a One- day National Webinar on ‘POST COVID SCENARIO –Role of teachers in building future generation’organized by Department of Commerce and IQAC , Mahatma Gandhi Memorial College, Udupi on 1st June 2020.
- Participated in National Webinar on“Investment In Stock Market During Pandemic”organized by Department of Commerce ,SDM College of Business Management , Mangaluru on 27.6.2020.
- Participated in the National Level Webinar on “ New Economic Crisis : Challenges to Recovery “ held on 13th July 2020 by Mahaveera First Grade College, Moodabidri.
- Participated in the Webinar on “Learning in the Digital Age” – Opportunities And Challenges held on 20.7.2020 conducted by IQAC ,GovindaDasa College, Surathkal .
- Actively participated in the National Webinar on “ Research Methodology” held on 17th July, 2020 organised by Loyola College ( Autonomous), Chennai , Tamil Nadu.
- Participating in the National Level Webinar on “CHANGING DIMENSIONS IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP” conducted by the Department of BBA of Andhra Loyola College on 27th july 2020
- Participated in the National Webinar on “ Banking Trends during COVID -19”Organised by IQAC & Department of Commerce , Sri Dhavala College , Moodabidri on 27th July 2020.
- Participated in the International Webinar on “Advertising – The Future Casualties” by Dr. M . NasrinSulthana , Assistant Professor, Gulf College Oman, Faculty of Business & Management Studies , Sultanate of Oman on Thursday 6th August 2020 organised by Department of Commerce, Sri Dhavala College, Moodabidri.
- Participated in a National Level Webinar on “The Secret of Successful Investment” held on 6/8/2020 organised by the Department of Commerce, Mulki Sunder Ram Shetty College, Shirva.
- Participated in the Webinar on “Investments and Capital Market’’ held on 7th August 2020, conducted by Department of PG Studies in Commerce, GovindaDasa College, Surathkal
- Participated in Online Lecture on ‘S.P.: Unit II – Capital Raising , Part –I Issue of Shares” organized by Indian Accounting Association – Thane Branch on 8th August 2020.
- Participated in a National Level Webinar on ‘Insurance Plans During the Covid-19 Pandemic’ organized by the IQAC, St. Aloysius Evening College, Mangaluru in association with the Commerce Department ( UG/PG) on 14 August 2020.
- Participated successfully in the One day National level Webinar on “The Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education ” held on 18th August 2020, Organised by Department of Commerce & Management in association with IQAC, Cauvery College,Virajpet.
- Participated in the International Level Webinar on “Research –Teaching Nexus in Higher Education”orgainsed by IQAC and Department of Commerce and Business Administration , Besant Women’s College, Mangalore on 21.8.2020.
- Participated in a National Level Webinar on “Tips for Teachers to Conduct Effective Online Classes” organized by the Department of Commerce and IQAC, Nehru Memorial College Kurunjibaj, Sullia , Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka on 27.08.2020
- Participated in One Day “VarthamanParidrishya Mein Hindi SanthSahithyakiPrasangikatha” organized by Department of Hindi, KakasahebChauhan College , Maharastra on 28.8.2020.
- Attended a International Webinar on “Exposure to Global Career & Work Life” organized by Department of Commerce, Canara College, Mangalore on 10th October , 2020.
- Participated in a weekend Webshop on “ Woman Entrepreneurship : An Unimaginable Journey” organized by Louis Publications , Mangalore on 17th October 2020.
- Participated in an IQAC initiative one day National level webinar on “Gender Equality for Sustainable Development”organized by Department of Political Science, Economics, and Geography in Association with Women’s Cell M.A.S.C College, Haunsbhavi on 4th December, 2020.
- Participated in a State Level Webinar on Occasion of International Human Rights Day held on 10thDecember , 2020 conducted by Department of Humanities , GovindaDasa College, Surathkal.
- Attended a webinar on “How to write Resume, Curriculum Vitae and Bio-Data” conducted on 20.12.2020 organised by Research Circle.
- Successfully participated in the National Level Webinar on “ Educational Transformation through National Education Policy 2020” organized by the Department of Education and the IQAC, Udala College, Odisha on 13.1.2021.
- Actively participated in the National Webinar on “New Education Policy: Challenges and Opportunities ‘ organized on 4th February 2021 organised by Government Girls’ college,Khargone,Madhya Pradesh in Technical Collaboration with The Global Association of Social Science.
- Attended a National Level Webinar on “Research Paper Writing and Publications” organized by the IQAC & Commerce and Management Association , Trisha College of Commerce and Management, Mangalore on 6th February, 2021.
- Participated in a One day webinar on ‘Swarajya @ 75’ organized by IQAC and Kalaabdhi, GovindaDasa College, Surathkal in association with GovindaDasa Pre-University College, Surathkal on 11th August , 2021
- Attended a National webinar on “Derivatives Decoded” organized by Department of Commerce ,St.Aloysius, college , Mangalore in association with Mangalore University Commerce Teachers Association (MUCTA) on 1st April 2022.
- Attended a National webinar on “Futures & Options” organized by Department of Commerce ,St.Aloysius, college , Mangalore in association with Mangalore University Commerce Teachers Association (MUCTA) on 13th April 2022.
- Participated in the International Level Webinar on “Importance of Cloud Computing and Guidance of UGC NET Paper –II held on 17th July 2021 conducted by IQAC & Department of BCA and Computer Science, Government First Grade College for Women, Jamkhandhi, Dist. Bagalkot , Karnataka , India.
- Participated and completed Technical webinar entitled on Computer Aided Diagnosis using Image Processing organized by the Department of ECE on 21.08.2021 of Bharath Institute of Science and Technology,Chennai
- Attended an International Webinar on “Corporate Ethics and Sustainable Growth – A Post Pandemic Perspective” jointly organized by the Department of Commerce, Commerce Association, and Consumer Club, University College, Mangalore on 31st August 2021.
- Attended Prof. K. J. Joseph Endowment Webinar entitled ‘Sampling Techniques and Sample Size Determination organized by the P G Department of Commerce , Christ College (Autonomous ) , Irinjalkuda , Kerala on 30th June 2021
- Industrial visit to BASF on 21-3-2014 with Commerce Department Staffs & students.
- Participated in “Spitting Kills’’ campaign during April –May 2020 to prevent spread of COVID -19, Organised by Narayan Health.
- Rotary Mangalore Seaside had conducted Teachers Talent Competition-2018 at Lourdes Central School Bejai, Mangalore on 25th August 2018 & GDC teaching & Non- Teaching Team had participated in the same and bagged 2nd Place in Skit &were overall runners.
- Worked as an Observer at the Centre: Sharadha P U College S K D B Campus, Kodialbail, Mangalore for National Standard Examination in Physics / Chemistry/ Biology / Astronomy- 2019 conducted by Indian Association of Physics Teachers on 24.11.2019.
- Has actively involved as an Organising Committee Member in the Three Day International Faculty Development Programmeon “ Engaging Minds and Empowering Success in Modern Research Era “ held from 26th to 28th August, 2020.
- Participated in the “PusthakaPreethiParichaya” – A Book Review series organized by the department of Library and Information Science in association with IQAC, GovindaDasa College, Surathkal on 9.9.2020.
- Participated in a National Level Hindi Divas Programme organized by the Department of Hindi , Nehru Memorial College Kurunjibag, Sullia , DK on 14/9/2020.
- Successfully Participated in ‘Rashtragaan’ – An initiative by the Ministry of Culture to Mark AzadiKaAmritMahotsav on 15.8.2021.
- Participated as a Team Manager , Representing India from Mangalore University in 12th SAUFEST -2019 (South Asian Universities Festival) jointly organised by the Pt. RavishankarShukla University, Raipur , Chhattisgarh, India and the Association of Indian Universities , New Delhi, India During February 22-26, 2019.
- Participated as a Team Manager , Representing India from Mangalore University in Alagu Fest 2019 jointly organised by the Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India and the Association of Indian Universities , New Delhi, India during December- 18th -22nd , 2019.
- Participated as a Team Manager , Representing India from Mangalore University in Amity National Level Youth Festival jointly organised by the Amity University,Noida, Delhi, India and the Association of Indian Universities , New Delhi, India During February 03-07, 2020.
- Appointed as a Team Manager , Representing India from Mangalore University in Gul Fest 2023 jointly organised by the Gulbarga University, Kalaburgi, Karnataka, India and the Association of Indian Universities , New Delhi, India during January – 26th -28th , 2023.