Mr. Vaman Kamath
Associate Professor - HOD
Department of Mathematics
: 33years*
33 experience at GDC**
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- MSc
- M.Phil
Research & Publications
:Seminers/ workshops attended
- 12-12-2005 National seminar held at Milagres College Kallianpur
- 30-12-2005 Synergic Solutions For Sustainable Development National Institute Of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
- 06-01-2007 Graph Theory and its Applications St Alosysius College,Mangalore
- 04-03-2007 Workshop on Effective Teaching of Mathematics NITK, Surathkal
- June 2007 ”Global Skills Enhancement” Programme Infosys Leadership Institute, Mysore
- 02-08-2008 Graph Theory and its Applications Milagres College, Kallianpur
- 13-01-2009 An Insight into Euler’s Theorem St Philomena College, Puttur
- 28-03-2009 Graph Theory Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Collage Udupi
- 23-09-2009 Special Olympics NITK, Surathkal
- 13-`10-2009 Refresher course Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal
- 30-01-2010 Number Theory and its Applications Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala
- 06-10-2010 Distance In Graphics Poornaprajna College, Udupi
- 26-03-2011 ” Faculty Development Programme For Undergraduate Mathematics Teachers University College, Mangalore
- 31-07-2011 Krishi Ninadha Pavanje, Haleyangady
- 05-08-2011 Linear Algebra and Applications Milagres College, Kallianpur
- 17-09-2011 National Conference in Physics Govinda Dasa College Surathkal
- 05-01-2013 Graph Theory and its Applications St. Aloysius college, Mangalore
- 15-03-2013 Applied mathematics Alva’s Centre for P.G. studies and research
- 28-07-2013 Graph coloring and its Applications Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
- 01-12-2013 Changing Paradigms of Higher education XII Five year plan Initiatives St. Aloysiuos College Mangalore
- 18-01-2014 Graph Theory and its Applications St. Aloysiuos College Mangalore
- 21-02-2014 Relevance of Ramanujan’s Findings in the Contemporary world of Mathematics St. Philomena College Kallianpura
- 18-07-2014 Numerical methods and network Analysis Milagres College Kallianpur
- 13-12-2014 Number theory and its applications Mahatma gandhi Memorial College Udupi.
- 15-12-2014 Cryptography Vivekananda College Of Arts, Science and Commerce, Puttur
- 03-01-2015 Graph Networks and Navigators Poornaprajna College Udupi
- 12-03-2016 Linear Algebra and its Applications Sri Bhuvanendra College Karkala
- 27-08-2016 Applications of Group Theory Vivekananda College Puttur
- 17-09-2016 Fast Track Research Workshop on Topology St Aloysiuos College Mangalore
- 13-02-2017 Regional meetings cum Workshop on all India Survey on Higher Education Mangalore University Mangalagangothri.
- 27-09-2017 Workshop on analysis and Topology Dr. G. Shanker Govt. Women’s First Grade College and Post Graduate Study Centre, Udupi
- 02-02-2018 Recent Trends in Number Theory and its Applications St. Philomena college Puttur.
Other Activities
:- AISHE Co-ordinator
- Amuct convenor
- Placement cell – Member
- Rajiv Gandhi scholarship coordinator
- Co-ordinator of time table committee