Anti Harassment Cell of Women at Work place

To assure the safety of women staff ,as per the government order the college has organized a sexual Harassment of women at work place (prevention,Prohibition and Redressal) cell.

Following are the members of Sexual Harassment of women at work Place for the academic year 2023-2024.

  1. Ms.Shridevi,Asst.Professor,Department of Commerce
  2. Smt.Sowmya ,WHC.777,Police Station Surathkal
  3. Smt. Shwetha A,Corporator Surathkal East
  4. Smt.Geetha K. Department of Computer Science
  5. Smt.DayaSuvarna,Deptment of Economics
  6.  Smt Babitha .N, Asst.Professor,Department of Computer Science
  7. Mrs.Sonia,FDC
  8. Mrs.Shamitha,FDC
  9. Pallavi,Student