To assure the safety of women staff ,as per the government order the college has organized a sexual Harassment of women at work place (prevention,Prohibition and Redressal) cell.
Following are the members of Sexual Harassment of women at work Place for the academic year 2023-2024.
- Ms.Shridevi,Asst.Professor,Department of Commerce
- Smt.Sowmya ,WHC.777,Police Station Surathkal
- Smt. Shwetha A,Corporator Surathkal East
- Smt.Geetha K. Department of Computer Science
- Smt.DayaSuvarna,Deptment of Economics
- Smt Babitha .N, Asst.Professor,Department of Computer Science
- Mrs.Sonia,FDC
- Mrs.Shamitha,FDC
- Pallavi,Student