In association with Remedial coaching at undergraduate Level for Students belonging to SCST/OBC/(Non Creamy Layer) and minority communities,the sessions are being conducted to train the students in their textual subjects by the lecturers since 2010.Both slow learners and advanced learners are given the equal attentions.
The grants by south western Regional Office University grants commission Account office is used to remunerate these lecturers and to buy the books and other materials needed. Every semester hundreds of students are benefited by this scheme.
Under UGC Book bank the students receives 2 books each semester. As the new semester begins new books are given on the return of the old ones.
UGC Book Bank presently has 1214 books out of which 192 books of BA section 518 books of B.Com section are for I,III and V semester.There are 127 books of B.A section and 426 books of B.Com Section for II,IV and VI semester.
As B.Sc and BCA sections have limited books, they have been transfers to the departmental library.