National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Peer team visited Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal on the 7th and 8th of March 2023. NAAC Peer Team comprised of Chairman of the NAAC peer team Prof. Panchanatham Natarajan, former vice-chancellor of Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Tamil Nadu.
Member Coordinator of peer Team Prof. Pramila Koparkar Former Professor Department of Physics North Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya and the member of the team Dr. Sasim Kabiraja Thakur Principal of union Christian college Berhampore, Murshidabad.
The process of assessment began with an in-depth interaction with the principal of the college Prof. Krishnamoorthy. P. The team had meetings with the Principal and NAAC coordinator Prof. Hareesh Acharya and Co-coordinator Prof. Neelappa. The Peer Team during its visit assessed and evaluated curricular, teaching and learning activities, research work, extension, infrastructure and learning facilities, and other aspects of the college. They held interactions with IQAC, all departments, teaching staff, non-teaching staff, students, alumni, governing body and parents and visited all academic facilities, administrative and support services. Students displayed various cultural forms to make the huge audience spellbound.
They checked documentary evidence, prepared their report and held an exit meeting with faculty members. They handed over its report to the Principal in its exit meeting on 8th March 2023.
The Governing Body, Principal, NAAC coordinators, the entire teaching and non-teaching staff, students, parents, alumni and everyone cooperated for smooth sailing during the visit. This entire process has enabled the Govinda Dasa College to assess its capabilities as an institution.
Govinda Dasa College has retained the ‘A’ grade with a CGPA score of 3.14 in the fourth cycle of academic evaluation by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).