Research Cell

Research is an integral part of the activities of Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal. This cell is one of the wings of the college which facilitates, channelizes, records, and regulates all the academic, sponsored, collaborative research projects and consultancy works in the college. In a world increasingly propelled by technology, academic research forms the mainspring of a nation’s economic growth. Hence, the key goal of the college is to provide a creative atmosphere in which higher studies and research thrive amongst the faculty and students.

To be the best Institution by conducting world-class research, scholarship, and creative activities that develops knowledge and contribute to the economic growth and social advancement of the nation and benefit humanity as a whole.

To create awareness and opportunities in research oriented activities among the students and faculty members.


  • To create the right ambience for research in the campus
  • To make research a part of the culture in the college
  • To inculcate a desire to do quality research in those who are yet to get their M.Phil/PhD and to show more avenues for research to those who have already got their PhD’s.
  • To promote the periodic participation of Faculty and Students in State, National and International Seminars and Workshops
  • To give necessary guidance to the Faculty for pursuing minor and major research projects funded by agencies such as UGC, BRNS, Universities etc
  • To collaborate with State, National and International subject experts, academicians to get guidance in doing meaningful and socially relevant research
  • To collaborate with industry in order to transform academic research into project consultancy that is relevant to the society.
  • To facilitate faculty members to obtain guide ship from various universities
  • To monitor ongoing research projects in the college.

    Research Cell Meeting- 2017-2022

    Research cell meeting-2017-18
    Research cell meeting-2018-19
    Research cell meeting-2019-20
    Research cell meeting-2020-21
    Research cell meeting-2021-22
List of Faculty with Ph.D
Dr Sowmya praveen K
Student Welfare officer & Head,
Department of commerce
Year of award-2019
Bharathiar university, Coimbatore

Dr. Asha
Department of physics 
Year of award: 2017
Mangalore University

Dr Sujatha.B

Year of award: 2018
Mangalore University

Dr. Bhagyalakshmi M.
Assistant professor, 
Department of commerce

Year of award-2019
Mangalore university 

Dr. Prashanth M.D
Physical Education director 

Year of award-2017
Annamalai university

Dr. Ashalatha. P 
Head & Assistant professor, 
Department of political science 

Year of award-2015 

Mangalore University

Dr. Ganesh Acharya 
Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce   
and Business administration 
Year of award-2022
Mangalore University

Employees and customers Perception towards E-banking services:A study with reference to select banks of Dakshina Kannada District.


Electron Irradiation Effects on Biopolymers.


Impact of Organisational Culture on Employee Involvement and Empowerment of LIS professional:A study with reference to engineering college libraries in Karnataka.

A study on jobstress and family conflicts with special reference to women police in karnataka





Effect of selected yogasana practices and aerobic exercise on selected psychological and physiological variables among middle aged men


Atrocities on Dalits; A Case study of Dakshina Kannada, Interpretations and Implications.






Skill Gap Analysis In Service Sector-A Study with Reference to Hospitality industry in the Coastal District of Karnataka

Dr. Karthika J.S.
Dept. of P.G. Studies in Chemistry
Year of awrd-2016
Mangalore University
Synthesis Characterization and Applications of Gellan gum based polymers
Dr. Shilparani K.
Assistant Professor,
Department of commerce
Year of award-2024
Srinivas University

Assistant Professor & HOD
Dept. of History
Year of Award-2021
Mangalore University

Dr.Sudha U. Head,
Dept. of Political Science
Year of award -2023
Mangalore University
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Commerce
Year of Award-2025


“Impact of COVID-19 on work life balance of women teachers in higher education with reference to Dakshina kannada district

“Role of Ports and Forts in the Economy of Coastal Karnataka (1500-1800 A.D)

‘Socialists engagement with Indian democracy’



Domestic waste reduction and reuse practices’



















List of Faculty enrolled in  Ph.D Programme


Assistant Professor,
Dept. of P.G. Studies in Commerce
Year of Registration- 2019
Registration ID: 19SUPHDF12
Srinivas University
 ‘Problem faced by women entrepreneurs’

Dept. of Commerce
Year of Registration- 2019
Registration ID: 19SUPHDF13
Srinivas University
‘Stress management among college teachers’






Co-ordinator: Research Cell
Dr. Karthika J.S., Dept. of P.G. Studies in Chemistry,  contact: