State Level Workshop-“An overview of Syllabus of History as per NEP 2020 “

Dept. of History in collaboration with Humanities Association and ‘MANUSHA’  organized one day  State level workshop on  “An overview of Syllabus of History as per NEP 2020 “. Sri Shriranga H ,Secretary H.V Sangha inaugurated the program. Prof Krishnamurthy P presided over the program, Prof. Ramesh Kulai , Dr.Jayaram Shettigar ,Dr. Naveen Konaje. Dr. Gururaj Prabhu were the chief guests. prof.Neelappa V , Prof . Hareesh Acharya , Dr. Sudha , Smt. Daya Suvarna and Mrs. Rashmi Kayarmar  graced the occasion. Dr. Vijayalaxmi coordinated the program .

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