Diploma in Prakrit and Workshop

The Department of History introduced Prakrit Correspondence Course ‘Diploma In Prakrit’ of National Institute of Prakrit Studies and Research, Shri Dhavalateertham ,Shravanabelagola (Recognized by the University of Mysore. Prakrit language is a treasure of knowledge which contains valuable information related to history. It is one of the oldest languages and many sources are available in Prakrit language which helps to reconstruct the history. In this regard the study of Prakrit helps the students to enhance their knowledge and it also provides them an opportunity to continue their study in this field like Madhyama in Prakrit, Ratna (M.A) IN Prakrit and also research. During this academic year 24 students enrolled their names for Diploma in Prakrit. The inaugural function was organized on 29-07-2022. Prof. Krishnamoorthy Principal Govinda Dasa College, presided the function. Dr. Rajendra Patil Shastri, The Registrar, Prakrit Vidyapeetha, Shravanabelagola inaugurated the course. Two days’ workshop was conducted on 29-30 July 2022 in A.V. Hall. Dr. Rajendra Patil Shastri, And Shri Lok Kumar were the Resource persons. Contact classes were held related to the Prakrit diploma course. Prof. Ramesh Bhat , Vice Principal, Prof Hareesh Acharya, were present. Dr. Vijayalaxmi welcomed the gathering and Capt. Sudha thanked the Audience.


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