Mrs. Daya Suvarna
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
Contact: dayasuvarnagdc.edu.in
: 24years*
25 experience at GDC**
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
:MA in Economics, SLET
Research & Publications
- Article Women Empowerment through Self- Help Group- A case Study of Domestic Workers in Mangalore , published in SDMIMD , ISBN No- 978-93-83302-18-5 Edited by Dr. N R Parasuraman.
- Article “Women Empowerment through SHGs- Role of Micro Finance “published in UGC sponsored national conference on Micro-finance- Growth Engine for rural economy organised by canara college, mangalore- ISBN No 978-81-927561-6-5.
Workshops Attended:
- UGC Sponsored two phased six day training programme on Counselling skills training to college teachers on 19,20,21 September 2017 and 15,16 and 17 June 2018 organised by School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya.
- Attended faculty development programme on Universal Values and ethics in Teaching profession on 7th September 2018 organised by Sahyadri College of Mangement.
- Attended one day national level Seminar on Facing challenges in life on 2nd february 2019 organised by St.Agnes college (Autonomous), Department of Psychology.
Participation As Resource Person- 2020-21
Participated as Resource Person in Intercollegiate webinar for Students organized by Women Forum and Human Rights Protection Cell of Government First Grade College Mudipu on the topic “Women Empowerment- Issues and Challenges” on 03.10.2020.
Other Activities
:- Coordinator of Mahila Vedike.
- Coordinator of Economics Association.
- Coordinator of Consumer Forum.