Ms. Adhithi

Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry
6 experience at GDC**

* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member    **: Calculated by system
  • Bachelor  of Science(PCM)
  • Master of Science- Chemistry
Other Activities
  • Attended teachers’ training programme ‘Prajna-2019’ at ramakrishna mutt,manglore on 14th February.
  • Attended and paticipated in Chemistry National Conference SSSC  held at Govinda Dasa College on 15th and 16th March.
  • Attended State level Science exibition at koppala organised by Gavi Siddeshwara college, on 1st and 2nd january.
  • Organised an” Out reach programme” along with B.Sc Students at govt high school ,Chitrapura on 15th September.
  • Attended one day work shop on”Astronomy and Eclipses” for teachers of Dakshina kannada at PPC Udupi, on 24th September .
  • Attended  ” Degree College Teachers Training Program in Chemistry” approved by MHRD, Govt.of India , at IISc Challekere Campus , Kudapura from 22nd November 2019 to 12th December 2019.
  • Attended one day National Conference “A Nationalistic Teachers’ Movement” by Karnataka Rajya Mahavidyalaya Shikshak  Sangha and NAAC  Bengaluru, at SDM College Manglore on 11th January 2020.
  • Attended one day  national seminar  organised by department of Chemistry, at bhuvanendra college karkala.
  • Attended webinar on soil science and Agricultural  Chemistry  by BHS Arts and TGP Science College, Jamkhandi in the month of May 2020.
  • Attended International  Webinar on advanced materials for Biomedical, Energy and Environment  applications organised by PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore  on 16.06.2020.
  • Attended webinar on “chemists for 21st century by Dr Susanta  Samajdar, senior, Vice president and Head- Drug Discovery  Agrigene,  organised by department  of chemistry,  St Aloysius  on June 27th 2020.
  • Participated in 12 hours of faculty development  program  on Mobile application development (online live FDP) conducted  by ICT academy from 26th oct 2020  to 31st oct 2020.