Mr. Atul Bhat
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Contact: atulbhatgdc.edu.in
: 3years*Atul Bhat has left GDC after 3 years service.
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- Master of Physics
Research & Publications
- Swati Routh, Snehanshu Saha, Atul Bhat, M.N. Sundar, An analytical model of prominence dynamics, Advances in Space Research (Elsevier) doi:10.1016 / j.asr.2017.10.035
- S. A. Bhat “Investigation on Electric Field due to the charge on Semi-classical model of the Electron”, 102nd Indian Science Congress, Mumbai, January 2015
- Routh Swati, Atul Bhat, Sundar M N, “Study of prominence dynamics”, Coupling and Dynamics of Solar Atmosphere conference at IUCAA, Pune, November, 2014
Other Activities
:- Youth Red Cross Unit Officer (2017-2018)