Dr. Bhagyalaxmi M.
Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce & Business Administration
Contact: bhagyalaxmigdc.edu.in
: 6 years*
2 experience at GDC**
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
:M.Com, Ph.D
Research & Publications
:Paper Publications:
Title of the Research Article Publication Details Labour Welfare Issues and Measures: A Case Study in The CAMPCO Limited Research Explorer, Vol. II, Special issue, pp. 128-130, 2013, ISSN: 2250-1940. Dual Responsibility of Rural Women Entrepreneurs-Issues and Challenges Global Journal for Research Analysis (International), Vol. 3(7), July 2014, pp. 27-28, ISSN: 2277 – 8160. Work – Family Conflict of Women Police – With Special Reference to Dakshina Kannada District ACME International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. III (XI), pp.51-60, December 2015, ISSN: 2320 – 236X. Quality of Working Life of Women Police PARIPEX – Indian Journal of Research, Vol. V(VI), June – 2016, pp.203-205, ISSN: 2250 – 1991. Job Stress among Women Police: Causes and Consequences PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS – International Journal of Organizational Behaviour and Management Perspectives, Vol. 5(4), October to December, 2016, pp.2686-2695, ISSN: 2279 – 0950 (P), 2279 – 0969 (O) A Comparison between the Indian and the UK Women in Police Service: Growth, Development, and Status Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. VII(IV), June, 2017, pp.29-37, ISSN: 2250 – 1630. Exploring awareness and Involvement in the Stock Market: AN in-depth Analysis EPRA International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies, Vol. 10(9), September 2023. Paper Presentation:
- Presented a research paper titled “Labour Welfare Issues and Measures: A Case Study in the CAMPCO Limited”, in the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Inclusive Growth in the Global Scenario- Issues and Challenges at Adaikalamatha Institute of Management, Tanjavur on 28th September, 2013.
- Presented a research paper titled “Work-Life Balance of Women Employees – A Study with reference to selected Banks in Dakshina Kannada District” in the 2nd International Conference on Managing Human Resource at the Workplace at SDMIMD, Mysore on 13th and 14th December, 2013.
- Presented a research paper titled “Changing Trends in Work-Life Balance Policy and Practices” in a one-day National Conference on Changing Trends in Management, IT and Social Sciences at SIMS, Mangalore on 9th April, 2014.
- Presented a research paper titled “Work-Life Integration – Policy and Programmes in Business Organisations for Employee Well Being” in the 3rd International Conference on Managing Human Resource at the Workplace at SDMIMD, Mysore on 5th and 6th of December 2014.
- Presented a research paper titled “E-HRM Practices in the Banking Sector – Managerial Perception” in the National Conference on Indian Banking Managing Transformation in the Era of Globalization and Information Technology “IBMT 2015” at University College, Mangalore on 6th, 7th& 8th January, 2015.
- Presented a research paper titled “Quality of Work life of Women Police in Karnataka” in the XXXIX Indian Social Science Congress held at Mangalore University (Conference) from 1st to 5th December 2015.
- Presented a research paper titled “Work Life Integration: Policies and Practices in the Police Department” in the National Conference on “Emerging Issues in Management and Tourism” at Department of Business Administration & MBA (Tourism Administration), Mangalore University on 2nd and 3rd January 2016.
- Presented a research paper titled “Women Police Empowerment and Engagement in the Police Forces” in a Two-day National Conference on “Business Education and Employability: Challenges and New Directions” at Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Commerce, Mangalore University on 29th and 30th April, 2016.
- Presented a research paper titled “Occupational Stress among Women Police: Causes and Consequences” in the 3rd International Conference on Stress Management (ICSM 2016) at Pune, organized by International Stress Management Association on 4th and 5th November 2016.
- Presented a research paper titled “Status, Growth and Development of Women Police: A Comparative Study between India and United Kingdom” in a Two-day National Seminar on “Democratisation and Globalisation of International Business Issues and Challenges” at Mangalore University Campus, Mangalagangothri on 30th and 31st March 2017.
Workshop/Seminar/Conference/Training Course/FDP (Participation):
- Participated in the ICSSR sponsored Ten days Training Course on “Research Methodology in Social Sciences” from 5th to 14th August 2013 at Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri.
- Participated in the UGC sponsored National Level Seminar on “Emerging Trends and Challenges in Human Resources” at SDM College of Business Management, Mangalore on 31st July 2014.
- Participated in the Census Data Dissemination Workshop organized by the Economics Department, Mangalore University & Directorate of Census Operation at Mangalore University on 29th January 2015.
- Participated in a one-day User Awareness Programme on Shodhganga and Anti-Plagiarism Software iThenticate/ Turnitin organized by the Mangalore University Library and Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET) at Mangalore University on 12th February 2015.
- Participated in the Seven days National Workshop on “Data Analysis using Excel and SPSS” organized by the Department of Business Administration & MBA (Tourism Administration) in association with the Association of British Scholars, Mangalore Chapter, at Mangalore University, from 26th December, 2015 to 1st January, 2016.
- Participated in the Six days Orientation Programme on Social Science Research Methodology for Research Scholars and Teachers belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Marginalised Groups organized by the Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi from February 22-27, 2016.
- Participated in a One day Faculty Development Programme on “Multivariate Data Analysis” organized by the St Aloysius Institute of Management & Information Technology, Mangaluru on 2nd September 2016.
- Participated in a Two-day Symposium on “Case Method of Teaching MBA Students” organized by the Department of Business Administration, Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri on 16th and 17th September, 2016.
- Participated in a One day National Seminar on “Inter-disciplinary Research: Challenges and Opportunities” organized by the Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri on October 18, 2016.
- Participated in a One-day Workshop on ‘Statistics Clinic’ organized by the Department of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Statistics, Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri on 21st December 2016.
- Participated in a Three days National Level Workshop on ‘Research Methodology, Statistical Data Analysis and Interpretation’ by using Statistical Package for Social Science and Analysis of Moments Structure (SPSS & AMOS) organized by the Institute for Statistics and Analytical Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu on 18th, 19th and 20th August 2017.
- Participated in a Two days National Level Workshop on ‘Research Methodology, Statistical Data Analysis and Interpretation’ by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Analysis of Moments Structure (AMOS) organized by the Primax Foundation in association with Seshadripuram Academy of Business Studies, Benagaluru, Karnataka on 23rd and 24th September 2017.
- Participated in One day Workshop on ‘Data Analysis and Interpretation using SPSS’ organized by the Department of Commerce, Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri on 10th April 2018.
- Participated in One day National level Seminar on ‘E-Resources, Intellectual Property Rights and Plagiarism – Issues and Challenges…’ organized by St Philomena College, Puttur, Dakshina Kannada on 29th September 2018.
- Participated in the ICSSR sponsored Ten-Day Research Methodology Course (RMC) for M.Phil/Ph.D/PDF Scholars in Social Sciences from 8th to 17th April 2019 at Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri.
- Participated in the Three-day Workshop on ‘Data Analysis and Interpretation using SPSS and AMOS’ from 5th to 7th June 2019 at Department of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Commerce, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri.
- Participated in the Online Webinar on ‘Essential Guidelines for writing a Research Paper’ conducted by DataTech Labs on 30th April, 2020.
- Participated in the Two days Online Workshop on ‘Structural Equation Model (SEM)and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) using Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS)’ organized by the Institute for Statistics and Analytical Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu on 24th and 25th May, 2020.
- Participated in the International Webinar on ‘Global Trade and Opportunities for India Post COVID 19’ organized by MAR Athanasius College, Kerala on 30th May, 2020.
- Participated in the National Webinar on ‘Insights into Research’ organized by the Yenepoya Institute of Arts, Science, Commerce and Management, Mangalore on 4th June, 2020.
- Participated in the One-week National Online Teacher/Faculty Development Program on ‘E-Learning and ICT Tools for Effective Teaching-Learning’ organized by Aravali College of Advanced Studies in Education, Faridabad, Haryana from 8th to 13th June, 2020.
- Attended the Webinar on ‘Patents and Intellectual Property Rights’ organized by RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering, Pune on 10th June, 2020.
- Participated in the Webinar on ‘Mendeley for Researchers: Bibliography and Networking’ organized by KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology on 13th June, 2020.
- Participated in the Online FDP on ‘Teaching Pedagogies – Innovative ways’ jointly organized by GRABS Educational Charitable Trust and Tamilnadu Association of Intellectuals and Faculty from 19th to 25th June, 2020.
- Participated in the Webinar on ‘Learning in the Digital Age – Opportunities and Challenges’ organized by IQAC, Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal on 20th June, 2020.
- Participated in National Level Webinar on ‘Blockchain Technology’ organized by Hindustan First Grade College, Mysuru on 6th July, 2020.
- Participated in the National Webinar on ‘Data Analysis using SPSS Software’ organized by Besant Women’s College, Mangaluru on 6th and 7th July, 2020.
- Participated in the International Webinar on ‘Commerce Trends during COVID 19’ jointly organized by Dept of Commerce, Mangalore University and Environmental Advisory for Sustainable Trust, Tamilnadu on 10th July, 2020.
- Participated in the National Level FDP on ‘Outcome Based Education (OBE)’ organized by Cauvery College for Women, Tamilnadu on 11th July, 2020.
- Participated in the Online FDP on ‘Research Methodology’ organized by Balaji Institute of Management Sciences, Telangana from 13th to 17th July, 2020.
- Participated in the 5 days FDP on Contemporary Issues in Taxation, Investment, Banking and Analytics organized by IQAC of Milagres College, Managaluru, Padua College of Commerce, Mangaluru and GFGC Kavoor from 10th to 14th April, 2023.
- Participated in the UGC sponsored Faculty Induction Programme organized by the UGC-HRDC, Kannur University, Kerala from 20th July 2023 to 18th August, 2023.
- Participated in the Seven days National level FDP on “NAAC Institutional Accreditation” organized by IOT Academy from 2nd to 10th January, 2024.
- Participated in the online one-week FDP on “Advanced Pedagogical Techniques” organized by Ramanujan College, University of Delhi from 16th to 22nd January, 2024.
- Participated in one day Pre-training workshop on “Data Analysis using SPSS and AMOS” organized by Yenepoya Research Centre for Finance and Entrepreneurship Development, YIASCM, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University), Mangaluru on 12th April, 2024.
- Participated in two day National Level workshop on “Comprehensive Strategies and Expert Guidance for Publication in Top-Tier Journals: Research Design and Multivariate Analysis” organized by Yenepoya Research Centre for Finance and Entrepreneurship Development, YIASCM, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University), Mangaluru on 15th and 16th May, 2024.
- Participated in the three days International Online Workshop on “Data Analysis using Google Sheets and AI Tools” organized by Institute for Statistics and Analytical Research, Chennai from 22nd to 24th June, 2024.
Other Activities
:Responsibilities in the College:
- Staff Coordinator of the Association of Commerce and Business Administration in the college (2023 till today)
- NSS Unit Officer (2023 till today)