Mrs. Geetha K
HOD-Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
Contact: geethavenugdc.edu.in
: 30years*
31 experience at GDC**
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- B.SC
Research & Publications
- Presented paper in National Level Conference conducted by Economic forum , Mangalore University on the topic “Challenges in Higher Education and life skill ” held on 14th-15th February , 2018 at Govinda dasa College , Surathkal
Other Activities
:- PTA Secretary (2018-2019)
- DEAN of Computer Science Department
- Warden for GDC Womens Hostel
- BOE chairmen of B.C.A Mangalore University 2019
- Staff Secretary(2023)
Details on participation in workshops (As delegate)
- Attended a five -days” Faculty Development Session”conducted 0nline by the’ ICT’ Academy from Jan 05,2021 to 09 Jan,2021 On” Certificate Course On Digital Teaching.”
- Participated in one day workshop on revised syllabus by Man galore University Computer Science Association
- Participated in the International Conference on”Emerging Issues & Trends in the Intellectual Capital and Innovative Management Practices in the global Economy ” on jan 13-14 2020
- Training by Rural Computer Training Academy 10/09/2020
- Attended workshop on “LAMP Technology ” at St Agnes College
- Participated in National level Seminar on “Research and Higher Education in Computer Science and Technology ” at Vivekananda College , Puttur
- Participated in state level Conference in Commerce and Business Management and Computer Science on “Relevance of information and Communication Technology in Financial Accounts ” on 12,13,14 Jan
- Chief Faculty Coordinator at Govinda Dasa College organized by Robokart.com in Association with E-cell IIT Bombay
- Participated in National Conference on Challenges of Higher Education , Teachers Initiatives by Karnataka Rajya Mahavidyalaya Shikshak Sangh
- Training in BASIC FIRST AID organized by Indian Red Society , Dakshina Kannada Branch on 17-09-2021
Participation as Guest Lecture- 2020-2021:
- 18.11.2020: Guest Lecture on the topic ” Artificial Intelligence” in P.G Centre M.Com, Govinda Dasa College , Surathkal