Dr. Karthika J.S
Assistant Professor - HOD
P.G Department of Chemistry
Contact: karthikajsgdc.edu.in
: 9years*
10 experience at GDC**
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- Ph.D. in Chemistry- Mangalore University -2016
(Thesis Title: Synthesis, Characterization and applications of Gellan gum based polymers )
- M.Sc. in Chemistry-Mangalore University -2010
Research & Publications
:Research Publications
- Karthika, J. S., & Vishalakshi, B. (2015). Gellan gum-graft-polyaniline-An electrical conducting biopolymer. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 82, 61-67. (Elsevier-Impact factor-8)
- Karthika, J. S., & Vishalakshi, B. (2015). Novel stimuli responsive gellan gum-graft-poly(DMAEMA) hydrogel as adsorbent for anionic dye. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 81, 648-655. (Elsevier-Impact factor-8)
- Karthika, J. S., & Vishalakshi, B. (2014). Microwave assisted synthesis and characterization of poly (itaconic acid) grafted gellan gum. International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization., 19, 95–106. (Taylor and Francis- IF-1.5)
- Karthika, J. S., & Vishalakshi, B. (2014). Microwave assisted synthesis and characterization of poly (2-dimethyl aminoethyl ethacrylate) grafted gellan gum” International Journal of Polymer Analysis and characterization,19, 709-720. (Taylor and Francis- IF-1.5)
- Karthika, J. S., & Vishalakshi, B. (2013). Synthesis, swelling behaviour, salt- and pH-sensitivity of crosslinked gellan gum- graft-poly (acrylamide-co-itaconic acid) hydrogels Der Pharma Chemica., 5, 185-192
- Karthika, J.S., & Vishalakshi, B. (2014).pH responsive gels of Gellan Gum and Carboxymethylcellulose: Matrix for Ketoprofen Delivery. International journal of Chemtech research., 6, 1055-1069.
- Mithun U., Vishalakshi, B. & Karthika J.S. Preparation and characterization of polyelectrolyte complex of N,N,N-trimethyl chitosan/gellan gum: evaluation for controlled release of ketoprofen. Iranian polymer journal, DOI: 10.1007/s13726-016-0425-9. Springer (IF-1.8)
Conferences/Seminars/ Workshops attended
- The paper entitled “Activated carbon from wild jack leaves-An effective adsorbent for water purification” was presented in “National conference on Advanced materials for chemical and biological applications” held at SDM college, Ujire on 6th and 7th March, 2024.
- Participated in“National Seminar on Challenges and opportunities in global chemistry enterprises” held at Saint Aloysius college, Mangalore on 19 th February, 2024.
- Participated in“XXXVII Annual Conference 2018” of Indian Council of Chemists held at Department of Studies in Chemistry, NITK, Surathkal on 12-14th December, 2018.
- The paper entitled “Gellan gum/CMC based hydrogels: As a matrix for release of Paracetamol” was presented in “International Conference on Recent Advances in Material Science and Technology (ICRAMST-2013)” held at NITK Surathkal on 17-19th January, 2013
- The paper entitled “Synthesis of pH and Temperature Responsive Gellan gum-g-poly(DMAEMA) hydrogels: Evaluation for removal of dyes” was presented in “XXXII Annual Conference 2013” of Indian Council of Chemists held at Department of Studies in Chemistry, Karnatak University, Dharwad on 28-30th November, 2013.
- The paper entitled “Microwave-assisted synthesis of conducting gellan gum-graft-polyaniline” was presented at 3rd International Conference of Indian Council of Chemists on “Chemistry for sustainable development: Indian perspective,” held in Dubai & Abudabi on 10-14th June, 2014.
- The paper entitled “Dielectric properties of Gellan gum graft polyaniline was presented at “National Conference on Current Trends in Scientific Research For Engineering Applications [NCSEA-2014]’’ held at the Department of Science, Joseph Engineering College,Vamanjoor Mangalore on 17-18th July, 2014.
Other Activities
:- B.O.E member- Mangalore University, Saint Aloysius college, Mangalore, S.D.M. College, Ujire, Vivekananda college, Puttur
- Strategic committee member – Hindu vidya dayeene sangha
Academic work:
- Organizing secretary of two national level conferences ( SSSC -2019, FCASDCO-2020) held at Govinda dasa college, surathkal
- H.O.D- M.Sc. chemistry course
- Judge of various under graduate college chemistry competitions
Membership in Professional bodies:
- Life member of ‘Indian Council of Chemists (ICC)’- (Life Fellow Number – 1705)
- Life member of ‘The Society for Polymer Science, India (SPS)’ (Life Membership Number- PUN 354)
Extra – Curricular activity :
- Hobby Writer
Total number of Articles got published in Vishwavani (Reputed State level Kannada Daily) –25 (2020-2023)