Mrs. Pratheeksha
Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce & Business Administration
Contact: pratheekshagdc.edu.in
: 10years*
11 experience at GDC**
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- M.COM (HR Specialisation )
- Pursuing PhD at Srinivas University, Mangalore
Research & Publications
- “A study on challenges and problems faced by the owners of Women’s saloon in the Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka.” Organized by Sri Ganesh School of Business Management, published in International journal, ISSN No.2319-1406 / VOL-3 / ISSUE-1 March-2017.
- “ Digitalisation in Banking : A study with reference to students in D.K district of Karnataka” Organized by Gautham Buddha University , international conference on contemporary issues in business innovation, technology and social sciences (ICBITSS 2018 ) June 1st and 2 nd 2018.
- Presented paper on “Swacch Bharath a step towards Sustaining Cleanliness- a case study of MRPL Mangalore” at international conference on emerging trends in management, information technology and education on 16 and 17 august 2019.
- “ECO – AMAZON” A case study on Eco- friendly Business practices of Amazon Company” on international conference on ‘emerging issues and trends in intellectual capital and innovative management practices in the global economy’ ISBN No 978-96-5396-158-9
- “Safety BMW Management – a case study on Srinivas Hospital, Mukka.” on international conference on ‘emerging issues and trends in intellectual capital and innovative management practices in the global economy’ ISBN No 978-96-5396-158-9
- “Sustainability and Amazon” – a case study on Amazon company “(2020) our heritage journal, multidisciplinary, UGC care list group ISSN 0474-9030, Vol 68, issue 1, pp 12094-12100
- “A case study of Srinivas Hospital Mukka on infectious Waste Management” (2020)Our heritage journal, multidisciplinary, UGC care list group ISSN 0474-9030, Vol 68, issue 1, pp 11278-11286.
- Domestic waste management awareness by Swacch Bharth Abhiyan “ (2020)organised by Acharya Institute of Graduate studies , Jnanavardhini online journal ISSN 2456-7647
- Paper on “ An Analysis of Constraints Associated with household waste reduction and reuse practices” published in Studies in Indian Place Names with ISSN no.2394-3114. Volume 40, Issue40, March 2020. PP 1217-1230, the journal is indexed, peer reviewed and listed in UGC care. Impact Factor 6.3
- Paper on “ Swacch Bharath, a step towards sustaining cleanliness- a case study of MRPL Mangalore published in Studies in Indian Place Names with ISSN no.2394-3114. Volume 40, Issue 50, March 2020. PP 2767- 2779, the journal is indexed, peer reviewed and listed in UGC care. Impact Factor 6.3
- paper on “literature review on solid waste management”published in sambodhi ugdc care journal with ISSN 2249-6661, volume 44, issue 1(1) march 2021, PP 171-181
Other Activities
:- Attended one day University level workshop on “Revised B.com Curriculum”held at St. Aloysius evening college ,Mangalore on 05.07.2014.
- Participated as a delegate in one day workshop on “Revised syllabus of BBM
- VI semester”of Mangalore University on 31.12.2014 at Vivekananda college, Puttur.
- Attended training on “orientation to HRD and leadership” from 13.05.2015 to 16.05.2015.
- Attended training on “Facilitator certification in HRD” From 17.05.2015 to 22.05.2015.
- Attended workshop on revised B.com syllabus at SDPT kateel on 19.07.2016
- attended revised syllabus workshop on 4th semester BBM Business taxation II on 21.12.2017.
- Attended workshop on revised B.com syllabus at SDPT kateel on 29.06.2019
- Participated in “Workshop on Research Methodology and Data Analysis” in Srinivas University on 12.07.2019.
- Participated in “workshop on research methodology” at Srinivas University on 10 august 2019.
- Participated in two day workshop on “Research Methodology and Statistical Methods” On 7 and 8 February 2020. Participated in “spitting kills campaign” orgainsed by Narayana Health from April- may 2020. .(National)
- FDP on “ Research and Role of Ethics in Research “ organised by SJB institute of Technology , Bangalore from 13.04.2020 to 18.04.2020
- Participated in one week online workshop on “Data analysis and optimization Techniques by using Spread Sheet” organised by Eswar college of Engineering, Guntur from 08.05.2020 to 13.05.2020. (National)
- “SPSS for beginners” organised by KLE Society’s SCP Arts, Science & DDS commerce college, Mahalingapur from 08.05.2020 to 20.02.2020
- Participated in webinar on “Impact of COVID-19 on the economy” organised by Davangere University on 30.05.2020. (National)
- Participated in National level webinar on “Insights Into Research” organised by Yenepoya Institute of Arts, Science, Commerce And Management on 04.06.2020.(National)
- Participated in 5 days International webinar on “Research Methodology” organize by Srinivas University from 01.06.2020 to 05.06.2020. (International)
- Attended Three Days National level workshop on “PREPARING AND WRITING QUALITY RESEARCH PAPER ” organised by PES institute of Advanced Management Studies, Shivamogga on 2 nd July to 4 th July 2020.
- Attended two days FDP on “tech- savvy teaching” organised by St. Mary’s College, Shirva on 3rd and 4th July 2020.
- Attended National Webinar on “ An Insight into capital Market during Covid-19 pandemic” organised by SDM College of Business Management, Mangalore on 2nd July 2020.
- Attended Two days knowledge sharing webinar on “Data Analysis using SPSS software” organised by Besant’s women’s College on 6th and 7th July 2020.
- Attended webinar on “Covid-19, psychological problems and challenges” organised by Ministry of Information and broad casting, Shivamooga on 16th July 2020.
- Attended international webinar on “ Paradigm shift to new normal; challenges of Adaptability” organised by Dr. G. Shankara women’s first grade College, Ajjarakdu, Udupi on 17th July 2020.
- Attended one day National webinar on “confidence and technology enabled teacher part 1” organised by MUCTA held on 21st July 2020.
- Attended National level webinar on” changing dimensions in Entrepreneurship” organised by Andra Loyola College, Andrapradesh on 27th July 2020.
- Attended National level webinar on” Banking Trends during Covid-19” organised by Sri Dhaval College, Moodbidri on 27th July 2020.
- Attended International webinar series conducted by Institute of Global Professionals in the month August, attended talk on totally 32 different topics.
- Attended webinar on “ How Covid taught us Agile” organised by Nehru Institute of information technology & Communication on 2nd August 2020.
- Attended webinar on “ the scenario of management education in Future” organised by Nitte Udupi on 6th August 2020.
- Attended webinar on “Investment and Capital Market” organised by PG department, Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal on 7th August 2020.
- Attended webinar on “E- learning: new technology and perspective” organised by St. Joseph College of Communication, Chanagassery on 8th August 2020.
- Attended One day state level Online workshop on “Human Rights and Duties” organised by Rani Chennamma university, Belagavi on 11th September 2020.
- Participated in National level webinar on ”doubling farmer’s income in India” Issues and Challenges organised by Cauvery College, Virajpet, on 12th September 2020.
- Participated in the webinar on” Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy way forward” organised by Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal on 3rd October 2020.
- Attended online certificate course on basic research methodology and Data Analysis using SPSS organised by Srinivas University, on 1st , 3rd, 5th and 8th December 2020.
- Participated in National level technical talk on “literature review and methods to write review article” organised by Srinivas University held on 2nd December 2020.
- Participated in UGC-CPE Sponsored one day International level workshop on “E-waste, Awareness and its Management ” organised by Science college, Nanded (M.S)held on 2nd December
- Participated in State level webinar on the occasion of “INTERNATIONAL UMAN RIGHTS DAY” organised by Govinda Dasa college Surathkal held on 10th December 2020.
- Participated in one week online certificate course on “Digital Teaching Techniques” organised by ICT Academy from 7th December to 12th December 2020.
- Attended International Education Summit 2020 on ‘EMPOWERING ACADEMICIANS FOR NATION BUILDING ON 21ST CENTURY’ on 10/12/2020.
- Participated in 7 days FDP on “APPLICATION OF TOOLS & RECGNIQUES IN RESEARCH METHODOLOGY & ACCELERATE TO PUBLISH ARTICLE IN SCOPUS AND WEB OF SCIENCE” organised by Hindusthan College of Arts and Science, Tamilnadu. From 19th to 24th December 2020.
- Participated in 2 days National webinar on “Gandhi and his contemporaries in India” organised by Centre for Gandhian Studies, Gandhi Bhavan , University Of Mysore , held on 23rd and 24th December 2020.
- participated in NEP revised B.com syllabus workshop on 21st may 2022 at Besant college , Mangalore organized by MUCTA .
- attended a online webinar on 2nd july 2022 on the topic, “how to file income tax returns” organised by government first grade collage, kavoor in collaboration with MUCTA.
- Participated as a delegate, in a one day University level workshop on “ National Education Policy 2020—Sixth Semester BBA Syllabus” organized by the Department of Commerce & Management of Institute , in association with Forum of Business Management Teachers’ (FOBMAT) ®, Mangalore University, Mangalore held on February 29, 2024 at Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala .
- Attended a One –day workshop on “SPSS- A practical session” on 8th January 2024, organized by Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce , Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal.
- Attended a One –day workshop on “National Eligibility Teat (NET) Preparation” on 29th November 2023, organized by Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce , Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal.
- Participated in the Ten-day (35 Hours) National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on ‘Social Science Research and Professional Development of Teachers’, organized by Shree Durgaparameshwari Temple First Grade College, Kateel, held from 27th October, 2022 to 05th November, 2022.
- Participated in two days training program for Youth Redcross officers organised by Youth Redcross Managlore University at Ravindra Kala Bhavana, University College Mangalore on 28th and 29th July 2022.
- Participated in One Day Workshop on “Third Semester NEP B.Com Courses syllabus” of Mangalore University, organised by Sri Dhavala College, Mooodabidri, in association with Mangalore University Commerce Teachers Association, on 22nd October, 2022.
- NSS Officer ( 2016 to till date)
- Attended NSS Officers training at ETI Mysore from 05.08.2016 to 11.08.2016.
- Attended university level workshop on “DIGITAL INDIA” organised by ministry of Electronic and Information technology on 14.10.2016.
- Participated in “National Integration camp” held at Bangalore from 19.03.2017 to 25.03.2017.
- Attended BLS and First -Aid training at NITTE ON 31.07.2017.
- Participated as a team leader of Mangalore university NSS Volunteers team at state level youth festival 2017-18 organised by Department of youth Empowerment and sports held at Udupi from 18.08.2017 to 22.08.2017.
- Attended ” PARISARA MANANA” workshop at Roshni Nilaya college, Mangalore on 11.03.2018.
- Participated as a team leader of Mangalore university NSS Volunteers team at state level youth festival 2018 organised by Department of youth Empowerment and sports held at Mysuru from 28.03.2018 to 01.04.2018.
- Participated as a team leader of Mangalore university NSS Volunteers team at state level youth festival 2018 organised by Department of youth Empowerment and sports held at Karnatak University Dharwad from 12.10.2018 to 16.10.2018
- Mangalore University awarded with “BEST NSS OFFICER 2017-18” of Mangalore university, awarded on 23.1.2019
- attended 2 days “state level Vichara sankirna on Ambedkar Thoughts” at hiriyadka Udupi on 29 and 30 january ,2019.
- attended “state level life skill training workshop” conducted by NIMHANS Bangalore from 10.03.2019 to 16.03.2019.
- attended state level workshop on “cancer awareness “ by yenopoya University at University college, Hampankatta.
- Attended “state Level Training Programme on Enhancing Knowledge and Skills of NSS Programme Officers to Educate Community on Prevention and Control of Common Cancers “ conducted by Yenepoya University on 19.08.2019.
- Attended “online workshop on child Rights and protection for the coordinators/ officers of National Service Scheme” organised by National Institute of public cooperation and child Development on 19th August and 20th August 2020.
- Participated as a team leader of Mangalore university NSS Volunteers team at state level youth festival 2019 organised by Department of youth Empowerment and sports held at Bangalore from 10.9.2019 to 14.09.2019.
- attended state level workshop on “Anti-tobacco awareness “ on 21.09.2019 at University college, Hampankatta.
- Attended “savidhana odu” programme held at university college, Mangalore on 07.03.2020
- participated in one day online swachatta action plan workshop for NSS Officers on 13.06.2020 organised by Mahatma Gandhi National Council Of Rural Education and NSS State Cell, Karnataka
- Participated in state level Online interactive Virtual Training on ‘state Level Training Programme on Enhancing Knowledge and Skills of NSS Programme Officers to Educate Community on Prevention and Control of Common Cancers “ conducted by Yenepoya University on 20.07.2020.
- Attended workshop on “ online orientation on sexual harassment of women at workplace(prevention, prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013” organised by National institute of public cooperation and child development, Bengaluru on 15th July and 16th July 2020.
- Attended one day state level webinar on Read Constitution ” organised by Karnataka Janapada University, Gotagodi on 27th September 2020.
- Honored with ‘BEST NSS OFFICER OF KARNATAKA STATE” By Government of Karnataka in the presence of Higher Education minister Dr. C. Ashwath Narayan.