Mrs. Vidya C Patil
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Contact: vidyapatilgdc.edu.in
: 20years*
16 experience at GDC**
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
:Master of Computer Applications(MCA)
Other Activities
:Responsibilities held in the college
- Worked as Coordinator of Computer Science Association
- Worked as a convener for 2 day workshop on “Big Data And Hadoop ” held on 15th and 16th Sept 2017
- Worked as a convener for 2 day workshop on “Python Programming” held on 15th and 16th Jan 2018.
- Website coordinator,PTA Joint Secretary
Details on participation in workshops (As delegate)
- Participated in two Day national conference in physics CAPSRAA-2011 on 16th & 17th sept 2011, Organised by department of physics,Govinda Dasa College Surathkal.
- Participated in One Day workshop on Revised Syllabus in Computer Science on 8th dec 2012, of Mangalore University Organised by Srinivas Institute of Management Studies,Mangalore
- Participated in the Three Day State Level Conference on “Relevance of Information and Communication Technology in Financial Accounts” on 12 to 14th January 2012, Organised by GovindaDasa College, Surathkal.
- Participated in two Day national conference in physics CAPSRAA-2011 on 16th & 17th sept 2011, Organised by department of physics,Govinda Dasa College Surathkal.
- Participated in One Day workshop on Revised Syllabus in Computer Science on 27th June 2012, of Mangalore University Organised by Srinivas Institute of Management Studies,Mangalore
- Participated in the One Day Workshop on “the Revised Syllabus of BBM Forth Semester” of Mangalore University on 14th December 2013, Organised by PoornaPrajna College, Udupi.
- Participated in One Day workshop on Revised Syllabus in Computer Science on 25th June 2014, of Mangalore University Organised by Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Mangalore
- Participated in the Revised Syllabus Workshop on VI Semester BBM Taxation- II (Incorporation of GST) on 21st December, 2017, Organised by Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal in association of FOBMAT.
- Participated in 2 day workshop on “Big Data And Hadoop ” conducted by Robokart,IIT Bombay held on 15th and 16th Sept 2017 Organized by Computer Science Association ,GDC
- Participated in 2 day workshop on “Python Programming” held on 15th and 16th Jan 2018 Organized by computer Science association ,GDC.
- Participated in One Day workshop on Revised Syllabus of CBCS in Computer Science on 5th July 2019, of Mangalore University organized by Canara college, Mangalore.
- Participated in the webinar on “Learning in the Digital Age” Opportunities and Challenges held on 20th June 2020 Organized by Govinda Dasa College,Surathkal.
- Participated in E Quize “Mobi-Tech 2020” Conducted by Dept. of MCA,JNNCE on 6th and 7th August 2020.
- Participating in the National Level Webinar on “Higher Education Under New Education Policy” On 10/08/2020 organized by Dr.NSAM First Grade College,NITTE.
- Participated in 3 day International Faculty Development Programme on “Engaging Minds and Empowering Success in Modern Research Era” from 26th August to 28th August 2020 Organized by the Dept of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Commerce & the Dept of commerce and Business Administration of Govinda Dasa College,Surathkal.
- Attended Certificate Course on Digital Teaching Techniques from 7/12/20 to 12/12/20 organized by ICT Academy.
- Particiated in One week National level Faculty Development program on Cloud Infrastructure(online) organized by the national Institute of Engineering Mysuru from 21th to 25th August 2023.
- Attended Online Certificate Course on “The Art of Research” from 8/07/24 to 16/07/24 organized by IOT Academy.
Participation in university level
- 2014-2015-Member of Computer science BOE – Mangalore university.
- 2017-2018-Practical Coordinator and BOE of Bsc(comp.sci)/Bcom(voc)/B. A(D.P) of Mangalore University .
- 2024-Chairperson BOE – BCA Degree Examination of Mangalore University.