Dr. Vijayalaxmi

Assistant Professor - HOD Department of History
4 experience at GDC**

* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member    **: Calculated by system

MA, Ph.D, Diploma in Prakrit

Research & Publications


Awarded the degree of Philosophy in History for research work/ thesis on “Role of Ports and Forts in the Economy of Coastal Karnataka (1500-1800 A.D)” submitted to the Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kannada University, Hampi , on 02-04-2021. The convocation was held on 09-04-2021. The Research was completed under the guidance of Dr. Peter Wilson Prabhakar, Rtd . Professor in History and Principal of Vivekananda College, Nehru Nagar, Puttur. 


  1. ISSN 2321-3590- UGC Care list Journal in Kannada – Itihasa Darpana, Dec 2019, book 43. Title: Karavali Karnatakadalli Dachchara Vanijya Chatuvatikegalu.
  2. ISSN 2347-3452 Tuluva , Jan- June,2020- Dakshina Kannada Jilleya Arthika  mattu samajika Badalavaneyalli Kotegala prabhava.
  3. Article published in the proceedings of UGC sponsored National level Seminar , Vivekananda College, Puttur. Title: Swami Vivekananda and Sister Nivedita – As a toll for Social Reformation.


  1. Rethinking the idea of Religion – Coastal Karnataka – 3-4th April 2017.
  2. Swami Vivekananda and sister Nivedita – As a tool for Social Reformation -10th Jan 2015
  3. Child Labour- 4th February, 2014
  4. Participation in Seminars and workshops from 2016 onwards:
    1. Rani Abbakka Tulu Adhyayana Kendra, B.C. Road Writing Social History: Source Matters 3-4th April 2017
    2. Government First grade College, Bantwal Expanding the Horizons of Knowledge: An Interdisciplinary approach 22nd March, 2018
    3. Maharani Laxmi Ammanni College for Women, (Autonomous) Malleshwaram, Bangalore Chronology of Indian history 18-19th Feb 2019
    4. Vivekananda college, Puttur Current trends in Chemical research and Development 18th Sept, 2019
    5. Shri Rama First Grade college, Kalladka Stepping towards Strengthened India 17th Feb, 2020.
    6 Shree Rama First grade College, kalladka Bharathiya Shaurya Parampare 10th Feb, 2018
    7 Shree Gokarnatheshwara College, Mangalore Core electives in History 19th Aug 2019

    Forts of Dakshina Kannada- 18-19th Feb 2019.

Other Activities


  1. As a lecturer in the Department of History organized seminars in the college. Conducted Classroom seminars,competitions, heritage site visits for the students.
  2. As a convenor of Heritage club, women’s s cell and Bhavish unit at Vivekananda college, organized several programs and competitions.
  3. As a member of fine Arts, Examination committee, and competition committee assisted the convenors in conducting examinations and various programs.
  4. Worked as a convenor of Prakrit diploma course, conducted at Vivekananda college, puttur in association with Prakrit Vidyapeeth, Shravanabelagola.
  5. Worked as a Student Welfare officer at Vivekananda college, Puttur and guided the students in times of need.
  6. Participated and assisted in NSS camps.


  • Served as a Director for Vivekananda employees co-operative society at Puttur. Participated as a judge for competitions held at college.
  • Resource person in programs conducted by ‘Manikarnika’.
  • Resource person and Inaugurator of Kishori Sangha at Anganavadi , Kalladka.