Dr. Capt.Dr.Sudha U
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
Contact: sudhaugdc.edu.in
: 21years*
22 experience at GDC**
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- M.A in political science
- Passed SLET
- Submitted Minor Research Project to UGC titled ,”working of courts in Dakshina Kannada with special reference to Domestic violence”.
- Awarded Ph.D. from Mangalore University for the thesis ,” Socialists Engagement with Indian Democracy”
Research & Publications
:Published 6 papers in UGC care list Journal.
Published 2 Papers in ISSN publications
Presented 8 papers in National and State level seminars
Other Activities
:- NCC Officer of the College
- Attended three months pre commission course at Gwalior and commissioned as Lt.
- Attended one month taring course at Gwalior and promoted as Capt.
- Every year attending many NCC camps and NCC conferences
- Every Saturday conducting NCC classes in the college
- Organised many programmes like swatch Bharat programmes in the college and around Surathkal.