NSS volunteers celebrate World Environment Day on 5th June 2023

The World environment day is celebrated every year on 5th June to raise global awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet earth. It is a day that reminds everyone on the planet to get involved in environment friendly activities.People come together to pledge towards building a greener planet.

The NSS Units of the college celebrated  ‘World EnvironmentDay on 5th June 2023.The theme for World  Environment Day 2023 Focussed on solutions to plastic pollution under the campaign #BeatPlasticPollution. On this occassion all the NSS volunters planted a sapling. The guest of Honour was Shri  Dinesh Sheth ,an Alumni of the college, He spoke on relevance of World Environment day  and  promised to donate sandalwood saplings to the  college. Prof P Krishnamoorthy, principal of the college was also present. Capt Sudha Shetty NCC officer,Dr Vijay laxmi Naik,NSS Cordinators and Secretaries of NSS were present on the occassion. Mrs Akshatha V, NSS Program Officer welcomed the gathering ,Ms Sowparnika of second B.A proposed the Vote of Thanks and Ms Anishashree of Second B.Com was the Master of Cermony. A Flute Recital by Pranav Krishna of  final Bcom and Bhuvan Kumar of  final BBA gave a beautiful touch of warmth and love of the Nature..

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