The one-week NSS Annual Special Camp was organized by the NSS Unit of Govinda Dasa College for the NSS volunteers at Dakshina Kannada Jilla Panchayath Higher Primary School, Sasihithlu from 10th to 16th February, 2024.


An orientation programme was scheduled for the campers on February 8, 2024 engaged by Prof. Harisha Acharya P, the Internal Quality Assurance Coordinator. During the session, sir shared his experiences as an NSS officer and explained camp protocols, including dos and don’ts, to the participants. Principal, Prof. P.Krishnamoorthy also expressed his thoughts on the NSS camp and extended well wishes to the participants. Additionally, NSS secretaries facilitated the programme, and distributed NSS T-shirts to the volunteers. NSS unit officers Mrs. Akshatha V., and Dr. Bhagyalaxmi M., were present along with NSS unit secretaries and former volunteers.

DAY 1: 10th FEBRUARY, 2024

The formal inauguration began by invoking god’s blessings in the evening. The one-week camp inaugurated by the president of Hindu Vidyadayinee Sangha, Surathkal Shri Jayachandra Hatwar and said there is a great opportunity to understand the values ​​of life, to realize the essence of hard work will be available in the NSS annual special camp and the campers should make good use of it. The inaugural program was presided over by the principal of the college Prof. P.Krishnamoorthy, who emphasized that the National Service Scheme will foster awareness of harmonious coexistence.

Chief Guest of the program Shri. Vamana Idya, President of Shri Bhagavathi Devi Temple, Sasihithlu elaborated on the religious heritage and moral principles inherent in the Sasihithlu environment. Prof. Ramesh Bhat S.G., Vice Principal, along with Shri. S Dayanand, former President of the Alumni Association Sasihithlu, Shri. Dilip Karkera, President of Yuvaka Mandala Sasihithlu, and Shri. Yogeesh Kulai, Vice President of the Govinda Dasa College Alumni Association, extended their congratulations and best wishes to the campers.

Ms. Hitha Umesh, the secretary of the NSS unit, who represented Karnataka in the 2024 Republic Day parade in Delhi, recounted her experiences from the previous year’s NSS camp. Prof. Harisha Acharya P, Internal Quality Assurance Coordinator, Dr. Prashant M D and Shri. Vinod Shetty assistant camp officers, Shri. Sathish Thingalaya, Vice President of Alumni Association Sasihithlu, Prof. Vaman Kamath, Dr. Santosh Alva, NSS secretaries Jithin J. Shetty Manish D. Shetty Nirmika N. Suvarna were present. The inaugural ceremony was facilitated by camp officers Mrs. Akshatha V., who proposed and welcomed, and Dr. Bhagyalaxmi M., who extended gratitude. The proceedings were overseen by camper Ms. Smita C. The inaugural programme was followed by a classical dance performance by the campers.

Following the formal function, an orientation session took place during which the campers were organized into five teams: Kaveri, Shambhavi, Nandini, Nethravathi, and Ganga. Campers were briefed on the upcoming activities, and team leaders were assigned responsibilities for overseeing daily tasks within their respective teams.

DAY 2: 11th FEBRUARY, 2024

The second day commenced with warm-up exercises including prabhath, jingles, aerobics, and parade practice commanded by NSS volunteer Hitha Umesh from 5:30 am to 6:45 am. Team ‘Nandini’ was responsible for discipline. At 7 am, Shri. Dilip Karkera, President of Yuvakamandala Sasihithlu, hoisted the flag and addressed the campers, followed by the NSS prayer and songs. By 8 am, a break for health drink was taken, after which the campers proceeded to the worksite for ‘Shramadana’. Breakfast was served at 9 am, followed by another session of ‘Shramadana’. From 12 pm to 1 pm, there was a break, and at 1 pm lunch was served.

Post-lunch, competitions were held for the campers. At 3 pm, a guest lecture was organized with Ms. Pooja Rao, Lecturer and Zonal Trainer, Zone – 15, JCI, India, discussed on ‘Team Management’ and conducted activities for the campers. This session was followed by an evening tea break.

At 6:30 pm, a cultural programme was inaugurated by Smt. Poornima Yathish Rai, Yakshagana artist and recipient of the Kittur Rani Chennamma Award for the year 2014-15. Shri. Madhava Shettigar, President of the Alumni Association Sasihithlu, graced the occasion with his presence. Campers showcased singing, dancing, and skits to the public during the cultural programme. Dinner was served at 9 pm, and the day concluded at 10 pm with ‘Chinthana Manthana’, during which each group reflected on their experiences at the camp and worksite, followed by the exchange of team duties.

DAY 3: 12th FEBRUARY, 2024

The morning session followed the same routine, with team ‘Nethravathi’ maintaining discipline. Mrs. Savitha Udaya Salian, Member of Grama Panchayath, Haleyangadi led the flag hoisting ceremony and delivered an address to the campers. Another honored guest, Mr. Rohith Kumar from Sasihithlu and employed at Sealord Containers Limited, also attended the event. During the break of ‘Shramadana’, the ‘Keddasa’ or Bhumi Puje, a traditional festival worshipping Mother Earth, was conducted at the worksite by the camp officers and campers. This festival reflects the environmental consciousness of the residents in the Tulu Nadu region of South India. At 3 pm, a guest lecture was delivered by Shri. Ganesh Acharya, Regional Planning Officer, Janajagruthi Vedike, Udupi, on the topic ‘Aaroghya mattu Vyasana Muktha Samaaja’.

At 6:30 pm, a cultural program was arranged with theatreperson Shri. Paramananda Salian as the chief guest. He addressed the campers and audience on literature and theater, focusing on acting skills. Prof. P. Krishnamoorthy, the principal, graced the event with his presence. The day concluded with the customary activities.

DAY 4: 13th FEBRUARY, 2024

The day commenced with the usual warm-up exercises including prabhath, jingles, and aerobics. Team ‘Ganga’ was assigned the responsibility of discipline. In the flag hoisting ceremony, Shri. S R Prabhath, Lecturer and Former Secretary, Alumni Association Sasihithlu was the honoured guest, delivered inspiring words about the camp and participants. The morning session proceeded with the same routine.

Following lunch, the campers were engaged to various games organized by the unit secretaries. In the afternoon session, a guest lecture was delivered by Shri. Jagan Pawar Bekal, the Founder President of Sanketha Trust. He enlightened the campers on the topic of ‘Rangakale mattu Shikshana’ (Theater and Education), imparting knowledge about various forms of singing and dancing art.

In the cultural programme, Shri. Swaraj Shetty, an Actor, and Shri. Naveen Shetty Edmemar, Host and Programmer of Namma TV, graced the event as guests. Campers showcased singing, dancing, and skits to the public. The day concluded with the usual activities.

DAY 5: 14th FEBRUARY, 2024

The day began with the usual lineup of activities, with Team ‘Kaveri’ taking charge of discipline. Shri. S R Pradeep, Member, Alumni Association Sasihithlu graced the flag hoisting ceremony as the guest, and shared insights about the NSS camp and the Sasihithlu area. The morning session followed its regular routine.

Prior to the ‘Shramadana’, campers conducted a village survey to assess awareness levels regarding Kannada medium education and Government Schemes in Sasihithlu. Following this, the ‘Shramadana’ activity took place near the Sasihithlu beach and Sasihitlu Boating Point. Additionally, campers enjoyed a boat ride at Sasihitlu Boating Point, sponsored by members of the Yuvaka Mandala Sasihithlu.


During the afternoon session, Dr. V K Yadav, retired Principal of Sasihithlu, led a session on ‘Kadalu matthu Baduku’ (Life and Ocean) for the campers, overseeing the activities as well. Dr. Yadav holds the distinction of being the first person to publish a research study (PhD) in Tulu, titled ‘Mogaveerena Samskruithika Badk Bokka Arthika Chinthane’ (The Cultural and Economic Thoughts of the Mogaveera Community) from Dravidian University, Andhra Pradesh. Shri. S R Pradeep was also a guest of the afternoon session.

In remembrance of the Pulwama Attack, marking the fifth death anniversary of the Indian Army soldiers martyred in the attack on February 14, 2019, campers, camp officers, and office bearers of Yuvaka Mandala Sasihithlu, along with the Alumni Association Sasihithlu, organized a special tribute program. As part of the tribute, a coconut planting programme was arranged.

This programme was followed by a cultural event, with Shri. J P Tuminadu as the guest. Additionally, Ms. Bindiya L Shetty and Ms. Rashmi J Anchan, National level best NSS Volunteer awardees of 2020-21 and 2021-22 respectively, graced the occasion. The cultural programme presented by the members of Yuvaka and Yuvati Mandala Sasihithlu, as well as the Alumni Association Sasihithlu. The day concluded with the customary activities.

DAY 6: 15th FEBRUARY, 2024

The day commenced with prabath, aerobics, and other warm-up exercises. Team ‘Shambhavi’ was assigned the responsibility of discipline. During the flag hoisting ceremony, Shri. Anil Kanchan, former Secretary, Yuvaka Mandala Sasihithlu was invited as the guest to hoist the flag and share his thoughts on the camp and its participants. The morning session continued with the routine work of ‘Shramadana’.

Simultaneously, a free dental checkup was organized for the public and NSS campers at the campsite from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Faculties of the college visited the campsite.

In the afternoon, Shri. Yatheen, Assistant Professor at Shree Gokarnanatheshwara College, conducted a session on ‘Nayakatva guna belavanigeyalli NSSna patra’ (The Role of NSS in Nurturing Leadership Qualities) and facilitated activities focusing on leadership qualities.

Following this programme, a cultural event took place, with Shri. Vijayakumar Kodialbail, a renowned Tulu playwright and film writer, as the guest. Ms. Hitha Umesh and Mr. Vivek N Shetty, representatives of Karnataka in the 2024 Republic Day parade in Delhi, performed at the cultural event. The day concluded with dinner and ‘Chinthana Manthana’.

The day ended with Shibira Jyothi, a significant event in NSS Camps held on the eve of the 6th day of every NSS special camp. Shibira Jyothi involves lighting diyas across the borders of the Indian Map while singing patriotic songs, aiming to instill a sense of patriotism, brotherhood, and national integrity among the volunteers.

DAY 7: 16th FEBRUARY, 2024

The camp concluded with the valedictory function at 10:30 am, presided over by the college principal, Prof P Krishnamoorthy. Shri. S Dayanand, former President of the Alumni Association Sasihithlu, graced the occasion as the chief guest and emphasized that education on social service can be obtained during student life itself through the National Service Scheme. Prof. P Krishnamoorthy restated that the National Service Scheme fosters a spirit of understanding and mutual respect among individuals.

Damodara M. Salyan, president of the Lions Club, Haleyangadi, highlighted the cooperation of international service organizations in the school’s development. Several dignitaries including Shri. M. Ramesh Rao, former president of Govinda Dasa College Alumni Association, Mrs. Veena T. Shetty, Retired Superintendent (Training) of MRPL, Shri. Gautham Jain, businessman and owner of Arasu Dairy Farm, Mulki, Shri. Nagesh D. Bangera, former president of Alumni Association Sasihithlu, Shri. Leeladhara Shetty, Secretary of Govinda Dasa College Alumni Association, Shri. Dilip Karkera, President of Yuvaka Mandala Sasihithlu, Shri. Sathish Thingalaya, Vice President of Alumni Association Sasihithlu, and Shri. Amith Kumar, Vice President of Yuvaka Mandala Sasihithlu, extended their well wishes.

Camp Officers Mrs. Akshata V. welcomed the attendees and briefed them about the camp and worksite activities, while Dr. Bhagyalaxmi M. expressed gratitude. Mr. Manish D. Shetty, Secretary of the NSS unit, outlined the programme. Dr. Prashant M D and Shri. Vinod Shetty, assistant camp officers, along with unit secretaries Jitin J. Shetty, Hitha Umesh, Nirmika N Suvarna, and Bharath, as well as Sharath Kumar, a teacher from DK Jilla Panchayath Higher Primary School, were present.

The campers engaged in activities such as renovating the school well, managing dry garbage and green waste, preparing compost, and conducting fieldwork on the constitution and awareness regarding Kannada medium education and Government Schemes.









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