Librarian’s day celebration on 12.08.2024

Govinda Dasa College Library and IQAC jointly organized Librarians day on 12th of August 2024 on the occasion of 132nd  Birth Anniversary of Padmashree Dr S.R. Ranganathan Father of Library Science. President of the function Principal of the college Prof. P Krishnamurthy, in his presidential address stressed on the fact that students should make use of the library in order to improve their communication skills and general knowledge.

 Govinda Dasa College Vice principal Prof Neelappa V, IQAC coordinator Prof. Harish Acharya P, HOD’S of various departments and Faculty were present.

Dr. Sujatha.B Librarian welcomed the gathering and spoke about Dr. S.R Ranganathan’s contribution to the library Science and proposed the vote of thanks.

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